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5 Amazing Examples of Artificial Intelligence in Action

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

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Organization (company): Apartments Complex 
Serving as Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at your organization, you are asked to - with high sensitivity to both IT and business leaders' preferences - draw relevance between the 5 applications of A.I. and your own reality by answering the following questions:

Pretend that "your company" is corporate which specialize in leasing apartments and have multiple offices and properties in different areas of Illinois.

1.Which of the 5 A.I. applications is most likely to be successfully adopted by your company in the near future? Why?
2.Which of the 5 A.I. applications is least likely to be successfully adopted by your company in the near future? Why? 
3.In your view, what factors and who may show major resistance to change by adopting A.I. solution in your organization? How would you go about remedy the issues and find a solution agreeable by all stakeholders?

169 Words  1 Pages
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