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  • Negative effects of standardized testing
  • Outline
  • Thesis
  • Although standardized test depicts some advantage, there are more disadvantages when applying it in the school learning curriculum.
  • Introduction
  •             The main reason for using the standardized test in the school curriculum is to judge the performance of students. Professionals use the test to determine the proficiency of students among their peers. Professionals also use the results of standardized test to evaluate the performance of teachers. Standardized testing is a subject that results to various arguments because many people consider it as the best way of assessing students’ ability while others oppose this view. Some of the methods used in the test include placing students in to different learning groups and then evaluate what their performance. The other method of performing the test is ranking the schools amongst others in a certain geographical region. Although standardized test depicts some advantage, there are more disadvantages when applying it in the school learning curriculum.

    • Human Lifespan Development
  • Early exposure to alcohol is among the major causes of defects in births and effects such as mental retardation. Among other disorders caused by this exposure, include neurodevelopmental disorders. Over the years, many birth defects that result from alcohol exposure are defined as clinical entity known as fetal alcohol syndrome. Recently, the exposure of alcohol in the uterus is related to other problems of neurodevelopmental problems (Streissguth, 2007). A fetal alcohol effect is a term used to describe abnormalities in animals, though clinicians use it to describe children with various problems, which include growth deficiency, and delays in speech performance.

  • Aluminum Manufacturing
  • Technical Description of Aluminum
  •             Aluminum is the most abundant of all the P/M (Powder Metallurgy) products. In nature, it fails to appear in its pure form and therefore requires a production process to make it pure. In order to extract aluminum from its ores, there is a need to apply a lot of energy. Aluminum resists corrosion and it is easy to recycle. It is light in weight but depict to be tough. Aluminum is the most recommended P/M product used in industrial atmospheres and water without any necessary need of using protective coatings. However, one may need to use coatings for higher strengths of aluminum alloys.

  • Final Group Presentation
  • Literature review
  •             Diagnosing Lupus is a difficult task for medical professions due to common symptoms seen in other diseases and illnesses. There is an assortment of tests and criteria that can be performed that lead to greater certainty of the disease. Most of the symptoms of Lupus disease are physical and a profession may be able to detect without screening the patient. However, the professionals tend to use ANA test in screening patients who seem to have systemic lupus. Most of the patients who depict to have symptoms of this disease tend to have a positive ANA. This means that when the screening test indicate that a patient has various symptoms of the disease and then end up showing negative results, this depicts that the patient has nice immune system that is able to fight against the disease. Technology is the main help that has come to assist many of lupus disease patients (Lupus Foundation of America, n.p). Through technology medical professional have come to depict various differential diagnosis that relate to lupus that include the following:
  • Lyme disease

  • Airline Computer Applications
  • Flight Dispatch Applications
  • In order for one to possess a legal permission of conducting any aircraft operations, it is necessary to take various tests outlined by the government and aircraft organizations. The need to undertake the tests is to determine whether the applicant is eligible to operate on various aircraft operations. The tests also help in determining whether the applicants possess the required knowledge and judgment in order to prevent an aircraft accident. The applicant ought to demonstrate to have acquired knowledge in a number of fields related to the aircraft operations. Nowadays, most of the examiners require the recruits applying for aircraft operations to demonstrate the knowledge about computer produced calculations.

  • Galt Contracting
  1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of paying tree planters on a piece-rate system? On a flat-rate system?
  • Piece-rate system
  • Advantages
  •             The advantages of using piece-rate system are that it generates competition among workers where they rate who can be most productive. The planters who are able to plant more trees have the advantage of making more money than others make. This friendly competition contributes to an increase in the number of trees planted daily.
  • Disadvantages

  • Human Factors Case Study
  • United Airlines Flight 232, DC-10
  • 7/19/1989, Sioux City, IA, 111 Fatalities, 185 survivors
  • Flight 232, DC-10 was a commercial flight owned by the United Airlines and operated from Denver to Chicago. The aircraft crashed during an emergency landing that occurred at the Sioux City Gateway airport, Iowa on July 19 1989. The cause of the accident is believed to be an air disaster that resulted to the aircraft in losing all the hydraulic systems. About 185 people survived the accident while about 111 people lost their lives. About 40 ground workers helped in saving the survivors within a short period although it took them more than four hours to retrieve the dead bodies. Although the accident managed to occur, the crewmembers demonstrated a high level of professionalism in handling the situation.

  • 1.0 Executive Summary
    • When one thinks of American culture, apple pie and baseball comes to mind. Baseball is a huge tradition in America, and Major League Baseball (MLB) has been expanding throughout the world, including the Dominican Republic and Japan. However, one country that has not yet reached its full potential in terms of baseball exposure is China. MLB plans to expand into China, appeal to the citizens and increase revenue while doing so.
    • During the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, China, the Wukesong Baseball Field was constructed as a temporary venue. After the Games, the fields were demolished in order to construct a shopping mall since there was lack of interest in the sport. This lack of interest and the 1.3 billion person population became a motive for MLB to enter into the Chinese market and develop a major league program and we believe it is an opportunity not to be missed.
    • To promote the sport, MLB will bring well known American players over to China. They also plan to train and educate the people of China in order to develop athletes. Programs will be instated to develop young talent and eventually spurt the interest of the Chinese population, and perhaps, even strike gold with the equivalent of a Yao Ming in baseball. However, this will be a long term investment from which MLB will look to reap the benefits down the road.
    • Our target markets will primarily be males between the ages of 6 and 17 years old. Along with this, we will try to appeal to the families of these children, as well as males between the ages of 18 and 65 years old. This allows for development of new athletes, as well as a market of curious and energetic people that will provide the purchasing power to fund the growth of baseball in China.
    • Currently, MLB is looking into TV broadcasting deals, merchandise sales, & corporate sponsors to raise revenues in China. As with the National Basketball Association (NBA), we forecast that revenues increase to $35 – $42 million annually in the next 6-7 years, and the potential for exponential growth just like the NBA beyond that point. As of 2010 Goldman Sachs valued the NBA in China at a whopping $2.3 billion: This is a number that opens the eyes of MLB in terms of expanding their global outreach.
    • Considering the history of the NBA in China and the potential market, there is no doubt Major League Baseball will have huge success with this opportunity in China.

  • Open Doors: Extending Hospitality to Travelers with Disabilities
  • Introduction
  •             People with disability require enjoying various experiences that normal people access during their traveling moments. Most of the people with disability contribute to one of the growing groups of consumers in the traveling industry. Therefore, they contribute much in income generating thus sustaining the well-being of travelling industry. Many travelers with disability tend to face a couple of frustrations and hurdles when travelling and therefore there is a need to offer much concern on the issue of extending their hospitality services (Burns, Paterson & Watson, 2009). One of the problems that most people with disability face is accessing grocery and supermarket activities when they are travelling.

  • The Issue of Stopping Deforestation in the Amazon Rain Forest
  • #1
  •             Brazil Amazon holds one of the world’s largest tropical forests. According to the ministry of environment in Brazil, the country lost 128,000 square kilometers of land to deforestation. This occurred between years 1980-1995. Most of the issue that caused the deforestation includes the agricultural development and illegal logging of trees. Another main cause of deforestation is ranching, which is one of the economic activities in most of the communities in Brazil. The parts of the physical environment are related to each other because of the economic growth and poverty alleviation that they tend to bring to the society. Parts of the physical environments that include for example landscape and structures have significant importance to the common person and therefore cause much impact when affected due to deforestation.

  • Technology
  • Abstract
  • One of the significant issues that contribute in increasing the productivity of a programmer is working conditions that influence the attitude of employees. Despite the fact that most of the organizations try to look for the best achievement in their target, it is hardly to see many of them applying good practice. However, in order for most of the organization to change the tradition of relating with the employees regarding working conditions, they are shifting from the old computer system to the new high performance system. The new system has many advantages comparing with other systems that have been used there before. Although it will take much time and effort for most of the organization to employ the system in their workforce, it will be of much benefit in making the workforce simpler. This paper will show the advantages of using high performance system and its importance in a student’s career life.

    • Federal Reserve
  • Employing complex system is one of the main fundamental tasks that the Federal Reserve System ought to employ in its daily obligations in order to curb the operations of terrorists that might cause enormous destruction. The system ought to employ strong mechanism to make sure that there is no possibility of secondary attack. The main role of the system is to ensure that there is competent maintenance of monetary and credit conditions in the whole country (Hillman, 2007). This helps in making sure that there are favorable market conditions in all the business sectors. Most of the fields that benefit from the operations of the Federal Reserve include agricultural and industrial sectors. Another field that enjoys the role played by the system is the commercial sector. The main reason of ensuring that there is continuity of security operations is to make sure that the system does not fail to function because of encountering an attack. This is because it holds large amount of citizens and organizations’ money that circulates in the whole nation making sure that there is no inflation. Inflation would be the worst effect that might hit the country an attack occurs in the headquarters of the Federal Reserve. Therefore, the headquarters ought to have maximum security always (Hillman, 2007).
  •             Other duties that the Federal Reserve has an obligation of performing apart from making sure that there is no inflation in the country include

  • Black Belts and Their Use in Preventing Back Injuries
  •             The use of black belts is one of the currently methods that companies apply in preventing back injuries on their employees while working. Many of the companies nowadays apply the use of black belts as a preventive measure because it offers support to the back. Therefore, many of the employers encourage their workers to use the black belts in order to avoid making any compensation related to back problems. Most companies offer the black belts for their employees without directly charging them anything. However, the companies require their employees to pay a higher amount of the health benefit costs in order to cater for the expenses of buying the black belts. The companies encourage their employees to enter into a lower salary in order to manage paying the extra costs of buying the black belts. Responsible managers try all they can to make sure that their employees do not use much of their salary in health benefit costs or any other costs that may benefit the running of the company and the authorities.

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