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Modern Globalization

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″Modern globalization in its imperial guise?″ A. G. Hopkins and several other historians in Globalization in World History, reflect on the continuing issues that surround globalization. Central to their discourse is globalization as both a Western and non-Western construct with historical roots that span close to three centuries. In this discussion area, we are going to center in on A. G. Hopkins’ superb comparative analysis of Bali and Labrador with regard to imperialism and globalization. He notes in Chapter Ten, Globalization with and without Empires: From Bali to Labrador, that “The two have never been joined for purposes of historical inquiry.” One has to wonder, why not? You are to discuss the reasoning behind Hopkin′s choice of the Balinese and the Innu, giving consideration to the following: How were they affected by “modern globalization in its imperial guise?” The role of identity, myth, social engineering, and postcolonial globalization. Does the story of the Balinese and Innu continue?

169 Words  1 Pages
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