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What have you noticed is made possible by the modality? Have there been times you’ve wanted to speak but haven’t? What do you imagine has kept your voice from surfacing? What struck you from the group as Courageous? Scary? Insightful? What are your hopes

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Paper Instructions:

  1. REFLECTION PAPER -3 full pages 
    Please share your reflections of having participated in the group sessions with your classmates. What have you noticed is made possible by the modality? Have there been times you’ve wanted to speak but haven’t? What do you imagine has kept your voice from surfacing? What struck you from the group as Courageous? Scary? Insightful? What are your hopes for coming group sessions? 

    My reflection 
    -Participating in the first group therapy session was very rewarding and stressful; Although I am usually a very shy person when speaking to share my experiences and opinions, I felt quite comfortable with my group and was able to participate a few times in the conversation. The topic of my group is about trauma, at first the concept of trauma for me was not very clear and no traumatic experience was seen to come to mind; since for me a dramatic experience was something so big that marks you for life, thanks to the facilitators I better understood the concept of trauma and was able to start sharing my experiences. My experience of having moved alone from my country to the United States, with a different culture and language, can be considered a somewhat traumatic experience in my life. Moving alone and so young to a country I did not know at all, which system is very different from my country system and also not knowing the language was very difficult for me, especially the first year. I can consider myself quite resilient despite how difficult it was for me to move from my country, I had that strength to get ahead, think about my future and stay where I was; Although I could have returned to my country, with my parents or with my siblings.
    I do not consider my experiences to be as traumatic as many of those that my colleagues have had to go through.I am impressed how many of them have had to go through eating disorders, drug addiction, having had to live on the streets, abandonment by one of their parents, mental and physical illnesses; traumas that have totally changed their lives, but that most of them have used positively not only to help themselves, but to help others as well. I feel very positive about what this group has to offer in the future since I feel a very good connection with most of them, we have many things in common, most of us have shared some classes together and some of my colleagues have experience leading group therapy, which makes it easy for many of us to open up more to conversations.

    I am attaching additional readings the professor has gave us that may be useful ( citations and a work cited page are not needed)
474 Words  1 Pages
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