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Domestic and international policies, the impact of 9/11 on constitutional issues and the conservative and liberal resurgences of the 1980 and 1990s



            The American history is all over though it is easy to remember people and the events that have brought the American nation to where it is now. So many things have happened in the past from politics to science and technology that has dramatically impacted the twentieth century. The article analyses the domestic and international policies, the impact of 9/11 on constitutional issues and the conservative and liberal resurgences of the 1980 and 1990s.

            After Reagan was elected as the president, he tackled the issues of economy immediately by following the advice of Nixon the first six months in the office. His plans for the economy were grounded on the theory of supply-side economics which he viewed that over taxation has led to economic struggling. Big companies were hindered to invest in the capital since most of the money was going to taxes. Reagan started by cutting the taxes thus enabling big companies to invest in the capital which after benefited the employees (Crouse, 2013). In 1981 he created a budget plan which reduced the budget by $40 billion. Peace through strength is a phrase that helped the United States to win the cold war and a phrase that safeguarded them from the calamity which was caused by nuclear war. Northern Ireland region was long-contested by the United Kingdom. It experiences conflicts between years 1960s -1990s where about 3500 people lost their lives. There was the power-sharing government in the year 1998 that comprised political forces united with armed groups. After some years an agreement referred to Good Friday agreement was established which ended most of the violence (Jackson, 2010).

            The 9/11 and the constitution is divided into two parts; the first part shows how the president, courts, and the congress how there are supposed to respond to the matters of threats to national security. The second part contains several topics which have been in the past and will continue to be about the constitutional law of national security. The 9/11 has affected the constitutional laws through liberty, government accountability, and security. In the fifth anniversary 9/11 has stimulated strong reflection on how Americans are supposed to respond to murderous attacks such as Iraq and Afghanistan invasion and how America should prepare for a future terrorist attack. Also, the 9/11 has affected the American law mostly the constitutional law which is the spinal cord of the American values and government which govern the country as whole. The problem is still out there where anniversaries are passed without the full knowledge of people (James & Paquin 2014).

            In 1980s and 1990s there were individuals who wanted to the rise of conversation in America. Reverend Jerry Falwell who was a conservative Christian leader in the year 1979 he co-founded an organization referred to moral majority. The moral majority organization main agenda is that the people of America wanted to transform social issues that many thought were damaging the traditional values of the Americans. The organization contained pro-traditional issues, pro-life and pro- America and its conservative politics were blended with religious beliefs. Moral majority and Falwell were lucky since they had sponsors and people who supported the organization’s agenda. In the 1980s the moral majority group had significant political rallies to promote its agenda. The organization succeeded by Campaigning the Ronald Reagan for presidential election and other potential candidates. Moral majority continued to support Ronald until he completed his two-term in 1989 (Levitsky &Roberts, 2011). There was a significant political change in the 1980s when Ronald Reagan was elected to be the president. He was the Republican president who advocated for rising conservative in the political movement. Reagan was supported by those people who had a similar idea and he promised the Americans in his term taxes he will reduced government involvement in the business and American values will be restored. During the Reagan administration, the heritage foundation was active in promoting the rise of conservative of public policies. The rise of conservatives was also impacted by Phyllis Schlafly. She was a lawyer and author. In 1970s she became the leader of the conservative movement. She was in charge of STOP ERA which campaigned for the stop massage of Equal Rights Amendments. Phyllis was also the founder of the Eagle forum organization which built and promoted public policy grounded with beliefs of the conservative.

                In conclusion, the legal legacy of 9/11 remains divided, in one side the country involved itself and adjusted its heritage to a more difficult task. On the other hand, the state is less free, less safe and less democratic. It is clear that Reagan revolution shaped the Republican Party politics and advocated for Democrats of rights economically. Today Americans live in the shadow of the Reagan revolution. Just as conservatives successfully won the office, they impacted the policies, and they have made sure that the liberals are silent. Reagan created many regulatory rules, advocated for tax reforms bills which resulted in significant economic failure and foreign lenders financed most of the debt.


















Crouse, E. R. (2013). The Cross and Reaganomics: Conservative Christians Defending Ronald Reagan. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.

Jackson, A. (2010). Ireland: 1798-1998: War, Peace and Beyond. Hoboken: Wiley.

James, P., & Paquin, J. (2014). Game changer: The impact of 9/11 on North American security. Vancouver: UBC Press.

 Levitsky, S., Roberts, K. M., & Levitsky, S. (2011). The resurgence of the Latin American left. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.





904 Words  3 Pages
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