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How Adolf Hitler became so powerful

How Adolf Hitler became so powerful

            Hitler was an amazing spokesperson and had the skills to influence people that he could take them out of depression. The 1920’s was an era of economic challenges for Germany and thus they never believed that anyone would be more convincing. The World War I confused the people of Germany and they could not imagine losing their country.  They thought of answers that could bring conquer and a youthful man had already persuaded than that he had their response (Adolf & James, 72). 

            In the World War 1, Hitler had raised his status of becoming the war champion with an iron traverse of his accomplishments in the war.  His position was a bit stumpy but his qualified gains were elevated.  Thus, he first gained reimbursements from the war, contrasting the sophisticated officers who got the responsibility for bringing up the rear the war.  Therefore, Hitler got himself into a lovable dot and viewed constructively by the community (Adolf & James, 91). 

            After the war, Hitler continued talking in the beer places.  The drunken people were his main spectators and this is where he gained and promoted his knowledge as a spokesperson. Hitler as a young German lad and one who had promised to do heroic things had the answers.  He would always talk of the Germans with pride and respect.  He got his standing acclaim (Adolf & James, 123). 

            Eskart being a famous German writer who rose the German worker’s gathering that later turned into the Nazi party was fairly powerful and associated.  He was also an associate of the occult culture that supposed in the coming of the German messiah who was to convey the people. When he took heed about the Hitler’s speech at the beer hall, he was so fascinated and believed that Hitler was the said Messiah.  Hitler trained in the community speaking and got money from the wealthy donors.  Hitler had a tough status of the community communication where he fascinated a large number of people. He tried a coup in 1923 and this was an unintelligent thing.  Hitler protested into the Munich city hall and detained it. German law enforcement responded to this rapidly, the coup was unsuccessful, and threw him in prison (James, 278).

            The long time supports of Hitler gave him a national gratitude.  During his era in prison, Hitler got time to expand the Nazi thoughts and build a muscular follow up. People were in progress to believe Hitler and he got the status of a person who was ready to give up for Germany.   He wrote his autobiography, and inspired a few Germans who read it (James, 310).   


            Hitler and the Nazi’s became more powerful due to the Great depression that took place in 1929.  Hitler demoralized the fear, poverty and the economical problems that the Germans experienced and took the blame on the people who he claimed to be inferior such as Jews, black people, Asians and the mixed races. As a result, to the World War 1, the Germans were still paying debts that they owed England, France and America and then there was the Great depression that diminished the German’s economy and made it bankrupt.  Hitler took this advantage through the mass communication and magazines.  Since most of the Germans could not afford a TV set, Hitler moved around giving speeches to many people promising them a better future following the Nazi party.  The Germans gave Hitler his power and he continued to give many campaign promises and Germans took him as their savior.



Work cited

Hitler, Adolf, and James V. Murphy. Mein Kampf. Boring, Or: CPA Book Publisher, 2000. Print.    

Wilson, James. Hitler's Alpine Headquarters. , 2013. Print.       


618 Words  2 Pages
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