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Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Based on the scenario and the knowledge gained from this section, address the following:
Describe key elements of the role that Congress plays within the U.S. federal system, with particular focus on Congress’ ability to reflect the will of the people. Support your argument with at least two concrete examples.

60 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

 Paper instructions:

Spend at least ten hours over the course of the semester as a volunteer on a political campaign in support of a candidate or ballot proposition.  You may choose a campaign on the local, state, or national level.

1. Upload a form verifying that you have completed your ten hours of service.

2. Answer the following questions in detail.  Your answers for all of the questions combined should be at least 3 double-spaced pages in length.

1.    Why did you choose to volunteer for this particular race rather than another one. For example, why did you choose a campaign for school board, as opposed to, say, a campaign for Congress?  If you chose a ballot proposition campaign, why this particular proposition rather than a different proposition?

2.    What are some of the key beliefs and public policy objectives of your candidate? If you chose a ballot proposition campaign, explain the key changes to law that are proposed. This will require you to do some research and/or interview your supervisor.

3. Why do you feel that your candidate is superior to his/her opponents?  If you chose a ballot proposition campaign, explain why you support or oppose the proposition.
4. Discuss how the campaign organization is structured, including the titles and duties of key leaders. This will require you to do some research and and/or interview your supervisor.
5. What are the campaign’s strategy and tactics for winning the election?  This will require you to do some research and/or interview your supervisor.
6. What did you do?  Explain what tasks you performed, and how they fit into the campaign strategy.
7. What did you learn about the political system from this experience?

289 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Assignment instructions is in the "Project 2 - Essay Outline & Instructions" (Word Document)

There are two parts to this project.  In the first part, you will create three sample contracts.  In the second part, you will write a brief memorandum.


Use the given scenario and facts to create the sample contracts; do not use contract forms from the internet – that will be obvious.

83 Words  1 Pages

Question We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Presidential Elections and Peaceful Transitions" Please respond to the following:

Based on the scenario and the knowledge gained from this section, address the following:
Describe key campaign strategies that a U.S. presidential candidate can use in order to ascend to presidency in today’s political environment. Then, compare at least two such successful strategies that were used in the past by U.S. presidential candidates.

74 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Prison Concerns"  Please respond to the following:

From the first e-Activity, examine the Inmate Financial Responsibility Program (IFRP) and determine whether or not this program will make the victim whole (i.e., put them in the position they were in prior to the offense). Justify your position.
From the second e-Activity, recommend two (2) improvements that your state’s prisons can make in order to curtail drug trafficking. Provide a rationale for your response, citing at least two (2) drug trafficking examples from your research.


Go to the Federal Bureau of Prisons’ Website, and review the “Resources For Victims & Witnesses,” located at Examine the “Compensation” section specifically. Be prepared to discuss.

Use the Internet to research recent (within the past five [5] years) incidents of drug trafficking in your state’s prisons. Be prepared to discuss.

150 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

1- Main principles of HR policies to protect the privacy rights of employees at workplace in accordance with the international best practices. 
2- Recommendations 


33 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper Instructions:

Business Law Current Event Journal

Laird, L. (2017). To Colorado, marijuana is a business—to the federal government, it’s a criminal conspiracy. American Bar Association. Extracted from;

38 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper Instructions:

The Patriot Act and the Homeland Security Act of the 21st Century form the foundation of the United States’ domestic response to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Many legal and political voices have advocated that these acts have resulted in a reduction in the rights of citizens and a loss of civil liberties. Many other legal and political voices argue that in this “new world of terror” we must have more effective ways of preventing terror attacks.

With these differing perspectives in mind and after watching the required ABC Nightly News video segments, construct a paper that critically evaluates whether or not the Patriot Act and the Homeland Security Act unjustly and unreasonably inhibit individual rights, be sure to support your evaluation by addressing the US Constitution Bill of Rights and explain how they impact notions of social justice in the United States.

154 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

argument Does the War on Islam constitute genocide in violation of Article II of the  1948 Genocide Convention protecting a religious group, as such. I need academic references

37 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper Instructions:

Select ONE of the prompts below and compose an essay response of 750+ words OR develop and respond to your own prompt. If you choose to respond to your own prompt, please include your prompt above your response. Your essay must offer and support a narrowly-focused argument related to the prompt you select/develop. Your exam essay must incorporate textual support from at least TWO sources.

Your exam essay must include support from ONE of the assigned readings for Module Five AND ONE additional scholarly source (peer-reviewed journal article or book) of your choice. You can use any of the textbook or PDF readings provided in Module 5 (including the Deeper Dive readings) to satisfy the assigned reading source requirement; however, the websites do not count as one of the required sources. While you are free to include additional scholarly sources, your essay should balance analysis and support. For information on what constitutes a scholarly source, see “Improving Your Research Skills” in the Writing Resources module.

Exam essays should present a compelling, coherent, and specific thesis that is consistently and thoroughly developed. Essays should omit summary and personal reflection. Instead, your essay should offer a compelling argument that takes a stance on one of the prompts and provides ample support for your argument. Your essay should present a compelling, coherent, and specific thesis that is consistently and thoroughly developed. Summarizing the readings or relying on personal reaction will result in a lowered score or a grade of zero. Failure to meet the minimum word count and/or incorporate the required number and type of sources will result in a significant grade reduction. Your work will be graded on the quality of your ideas as well as your writing. Criteria for grading include completeness, thoughtfulness, and development and support of a particular argument. For more information on how your exam essay will be assessed, please see the rubric included in the syllabus.

Works Cited entries DO NOT count towards the minimum word count. Per the plagiarism policy, you must cite ideas that are not your own. Essays must include proper MLA in-text citations, proper formatting, and a Works Cited page. Exam essays must be submitted to the proper Assignment folder by the respective deadline. Essays must be submitted in .doc or .docx format. Essays submitted in alternate formats will be considered late (and lose one letter grade per 24-hour period) until resubmitted in the proper format.

Note: Your exams will be run through Turnitin. All instances of plagiarism/academic dishonesty will be investigated and reported. Please see the links in the Writing Resources module for tips on avoiding plagiarism. For more information on Turnitin, please see:

Exam 5- due by 11:59 p.m. on 12/6 (submit as a .doc or .docx file to the Exam 5 Assignment folder)

The following deductions will apply:

1) Submitted in alternate file format= late until resubmitted as a .doc or .docx file

2) Late= -10% of the grade PER DAY (24 hours)

3) Missing Works Cited= -5% of the grade

4) Missing textual support from the required sources= -5% of the grade PER SOURCE (up to -10% of the grade)

5) Missing in-text citations= -1% per missing citation, up to -10% of the grade

6) Incorrect/incomplete in-text citations= -.05% per incorrect/incomplete citation, up to -5% of the grade

7) Short of the word requirement= loses points based on percentage short (ex: an essay of 375 words can receive up to 50% credit with 750 words required)

Exam prompts:

Select ONE of the following OR develop and respond to your own prompt. Think critically about and support your responses to the prompt you select/develop.

1) Does the current prison system in the United States serve the interests of all citizens? Are our nation’s school system and prison industrial complex related? If so, how?

2) To what extent can the United States be characterized as an antiracist and democratic society? What role, if any, does the media play in perpetuating racism?


674 Words  2 Pages

Question We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Select ONE of the prompts below and compose an essay response of 750+ words OR develop and respond to your own prompt. If you choose to respond to your own prompt, please include your prompt above your response. Your essay must offer and support a narrowly-focused argument related to the prompt you select/develop. Your exam essay must incorporate textual support from at least TWO sources.

Your exam essay must include support from ONE of the assigned readings for Module Five AND ONE additional scholarly source (peer-reviewed journal article or book) of your choice. You can use any of the textbook or PDF readings provided in Module 5 (including the Deeper Dive readings) to satisfy the assigned reading source requirement; however, the websites do not count as one of the required sources. While you are free to include additional scholarly sources, your essay should balance analysis and support. For information on what constitutes a scholarly source, see “Improving Your Research Skills” in the Writing Resources module.

Exam essays should present a compelling, coherent, and specific thesis that is consistently and thoroughly developed. Essays should omit summary and personal reflection. Instead, your essay should offer a compelling argument that takes a stance on one of the prompts and provides ample support for your argument. Your essay should present a compelling, coherent, and specific thesis that is consistently and thoroughly developed. Summarizing the readings or relying on personal reaction will result in a lowered score or a grade of zero. Failure to meet the minimum word count and/or incorporate the required number and type of sources will result in a significant grade reduction. Your work will be graded on the quality of your ideas as well as your writing. Criteria for grading include completeness, thoughtfulness, and development and support of a particular argument. For more information on how your exam essay will be assessed, please see the rubric included in the syllabus.

Works Cited entries DO NOT count towards the minimum word count. Per the plagiarism policy, you must cite ideas that are not your own. Essays must include proper MLA in-text citations, proper formatting, and a Works Cited page. Exam essays must be submitted to the proper Assignment folder by the respective deadline. Essays must be submitted in .doc or .docx format. Essays submitted in alternate formats will be considered late (and lose one letter grade per 24-hour period) until resubmitted in the proper format.

Note: Your exams will be run through Turnitin. All instances of plagiarism/academic dishonesty will be investigated and reported. Please see the links in the Writing Resources module for tips on avoiding plagiarism. For more information on Turnitin, please see:

Exam 5- due by 11:59 p.m. on 12/6 (submit as a .doc or .docx file to the Exam 5 Assignment folder)

The following deductions will apply:

1) Submitted in alternate file format= late until resubmitted as a .doc or .docx file

2) Late= -10% of the grade PER DAY (24 hours)

3) Missing Works Cited= -5% of the grade

4) Missing textual support from the required sources= -5% of the grade PER SOURCE (up to -10% of the grade)

5) Missing in-text citations= -1% per missing citation, up to -10% of the grade

6) Incorrect/incomplete in-text citations= -.05% per incorrect/incomplete citation, up to -5% of the grade

7) Short of the word requirement= loses points based on percentage short (ex: an essay of 375 words can receive up to 50% credit with 750 words required)

Exam prompts:

Select ONE of the following OR develop and respond to your own prompt. Think critically about and support your responses to the prompt you select/develop.

1) Does the current prison system in the United States serve the interests of all citizens? Are our nation’s school system and prison industrial complex related? If so, how?

2) To what extent can the United States be characterized as an antiracist and democratic society? What role, if any, does the media play in perpetuating racism?


674 Words  2 Pages

Question We Can Help You To Answer

Paper Instructions:

Write and argumentative on the topic, Death sentence must be mandatory for heinous crimes such as child molestation and terrorism

29 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Take concepts that have been learned in class and apply them to the paper. Choose a court case that best fits to answer the research paper question.

36 Words  1 Pages
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