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Marketing Analysis & Strategy

Marketing is the knowledge and the management of the exchange relationship with an aim of creating value. Marketing in most cases is used to enable the creation, retention and the satisfaction of the involved customers. The focus is mainly geared towards the customers and therefore marketing can be described as a vital component in the business management together with being innovative and much more (Armstrong et al., 2015). The marketing concept identifies that for an organization or a business to be satisfied in terms of its main goals and objectives, there should be anticipation on both the wants and needs of the customers and give the customers total satisfaction more conveniently than the competitors.

Before every business can start its operations, there has to be unlimited market research in order get the best out of the products being retailed or the service one aims to offer. The market research can consist of data analysis to allow for the marketing activities to be included in the process and determining the information to be used in the business setting (MacDonald et al., 2016). The best marketing strategies can help in identifying the best customers, understanding what they require and implement an efficient method of marketing.  

Executive summary

The dairy industry is one of the most successful but delicate types of business since it basically deal with valuable and perishable commodities. There are many accrued benefits of being a farmer and at the same time processing the commodities for marketing. The dairy industry since the early 90s has been the backbone of the economy especially in the United States where thousands of people have turned into farming as the main source of livelihood (Armstrong et al., 2015). There has been a tremendous growth in this market since most people have discovered the secret benefit which comes from the dairy products. In countries like the United States, there has been a campaign for people to stop taking junk meals and foodstuffs and use the dairy products if they want to see their third generation which is a true case since the current alarming diseases are as a cause of junk food stuff. An interview with the managing director of daisy dairies which is a business in the dairy industry states that there are more than enough benefits in the dairy industry (MacDonald et al., 2016). There is an increased demand for the industry to globalize is a concern opportunity for entrepreneurs since this means that the market is rising to very high levels. On the question of how well is the supply for the raw materials for use in the farm, he responded that there is an ample supply of the dairy resources which are very vital in this line of business. On the question of how the market is in terms of milk production, he responded that there is a decrease in the cost of the daily feeds which has led to an increase in the amount of profit sharing in the market.

Marketing environmental analysis of the business

Competition is one of the hindrance factors to the growth of the dairy industry. All the dairy farmers in the market today depend on only one major source for their commodity which is the milk. For the dairy processors, there is basically no substitute making it a constant industry that depends on solely one type for its survivability.  Through the bargaining power of the dairy farms competition is created and since the market is not regulated, there are adverse effects as one company will want to buy the products cheaper (Von Keyserlingk et al., 2013). Many big companies are using their funds and resources to make sure that they stay in the industry as long as they wish through cutting the cost of the dairy products leaving the small farmers and companies with less market. This is so because when a major and the top dairy marketers make their products cheap, it gives them an advantage since they have a variety of products which will be bought through a large-scale method, therefore, gaining more profits than the small industries.

Socio-economic factors such as customer attitudes and the value of the customers is a major hindrance to the growth of the business. Currently, customers prefer to use the powder type of milk which is very expensive to develop in the small business entity (Von Keyserlingk et al., 2013). The powder milk is made available by the major companies as they have the capability and manpower to purchase and manufacture the products. With the ideology that the milk powder is safer and convenient for the customers, the major selling joints around the city have rejected and others forced to close down as a result of the milk going bad. Milk is a perishable commodity that needs a lot of care and should be consumed fast enough after there is a change in the environment. In this case, if there are no means to ensure that the milk will survive for more than the required time, then it is possible that there will be a loss.

Technological factors in the environment also hinder the growth of the dairy industry. The use of modern technology is a good thing to farmers and the consumers in general. This is because if a farmer is using technology and mostly the robot type in his or her business, then the workload will reduce and there will be time-saving as well it being cheap. The technology that is developed in many cases is full of too much detail which is hard for the farmers to read or understand therefore causing losses if the technology fails. The cost-benefit ratio of the machines used in the dairy industry is a hindering factor. The cost of purchasing the machines are way too high for a small scale farmer and therefore the ability to grow significantly reduces compared to other larger dairy producers who will find the cost cheaper compared to the workload available (Von Keyserlingk et al., 2013). The target market for the organization is mostly the local consumers and the general society. Supermarkets also offer a very good opportunity for the business since goods which are retailed in supermarkets tend to attract more customers and therefore building customer loyalty.  

SWOT analysis


Strengths of the business involve the fact that the livestock population can never lose value over time like other natural resources and therefore it is a dependable source of income for the farmer. Milk productivity from the animals can be very low but there are varying chances for improvements in terms of its production as there will be an increased surplus marketable milk processing. The purchasing power of the consumers is uprising due to the growing economy which is highly contributed to the increase in the middle-class population in America (Raiten & Aimone, 2017). This ideology allows the business to grow similarly as there is an increased demand for quality and affordable source of milk for home and personal consumption. With the increase in the rate of people who want to live a healthy lifestyle, milk is part of the dietary program for most of the people disregarding the religious beliefs or financial situation. This move to consume milk and other healthy products is a way to reduce the rate of obesity in the city and therefore leads to an increase in demand for the milk and other milk-related products (Grönroos & Grönroos, 2016). The location of the business is precisely situated in a place that is open and in most cases attracts both the local consumers and those that live in the urban centers.

The residues and agricultural by-products from the farms and other major processing companies present a cheap source for the dairy meals for the animals, therefore, saves on the funds that would have been used to purchase the dairy feeds which are at times very expensive and hard to get access to since there is stiff competition for any available dairy feeds. The dairy industry in the American world is on the rise and this can be attributed to the fact that there is a demand for a different kind of a job opportunity as a result of people shifting to agriculture. This can be termed as competition but there is an advantage that the monopoly market that used to exist in this region has shifted to being a shared market for the society (MacDonald et a., 2016). The business has currently employed a number of new staff who are well equipped with technology and machinery for the farms and is therefore in a position to implement technical manpower for the continued production of milk according to demand.


The cross breeding programs known as the Hough have similarly increased the productivity of animals but it is very expensive for such a small company and therefore highly depends on the milk production from the traditional type of cows which yield less milk. This is a major impact for the company since there is a possibility for the company to produce large amounts of milk but restrained by the cost. Many big companies depend on cross breeding to get the best out of the programme and therefore increase the productivity of the company (Raiten & Aimone, 2017).  Poor supply of power and the bad conditions of the roads in the area presents a challenge for the business to grow. The bad conditions of the roads cause a delay in the delivery of products and also cause the cost of maintenance for the vehicles in transit to be very expensive for the company. The cost of having a cold store where the milk can be stored for a while before being transported to the various major cities is still very expensive and therefore the company cannot depend on such methods for storage. This leads to the company having to forego the delivery of milk to other parts of the country or the city to be hard and therefore loosing the market at the same time.

Since the company at times buys milk from the community as a way of increasing the rate of production, the milk purchased in many cases is of poor quality since most small-scale farmers do not know the various cheap ways of maintaining quality and clean methods of preservation (MacDonald et al., 2016). This can be a loss to the company since milk is a very perishable commodity and if not well preserved, it can go bad before it reaches the market. Comprehensive and a reliable data for milk production can be a problem to keep and therefore assessing the quality and the level of production will be a challenge. Data is required in order to show the past and the future of the company and since the cost of installation of the latest quality and available technology is expensive, the chances are that the data will be lost or misplaced once stored in manual form.


The environmental factors that act as a hindrance to growth offer a very great opportunity for the business to grow. Technology is one of the most advantageous methods of both supplying and preserving dairy products and the final products. Having implemented technology at the company there will an increase in the rate of production and also a reduction in the amount of money spent to pay the workers who will be working on the various processes. Technology comes with various advantages which can offer the best for a growing business (Grönroos & Grönroos, 2016). The economy in terms of dairy products demand is growing at a very high rate and if the business can take such a chance to be productive, then the marketing of the products will be simple and bring in more income. Once the company has gained a market loyalty due to offering quality dairy products, there is a chance that the company in the near future will globalize.


The climatic conditions for this region are so undependable and therefore the chances for a quality supply of the resources are a big issue for the company. Many times the company is forced to purchase feeds for the animals which are a big loss as the input is almost close to the output and therefore fewer profits. Indigenous species that are available in the farm produce fewer amounts of milk for sale and this presents a danger that could see the company lose valuable market while trying to care for the endangered species in the land (Raiten & Aimone, 2017). Indigenous species produce small quantity but which is very nutritious for human consumption and therefore if at any instance the cattle die that becomes the end of the company selling such kind of milk that is in demand since the next available cattle are crossbreeds and which are expensive to maintain. Quality parameters on how to preserve the milk is a challenge for the company.

Educating the society also can be very expensive and the company at the moment cannot afford such costs but there is a need for educating the society. There is a threat by the middlemen who cut cost and reduce the profits expected in the dairy industry. At all times in every type of business, middlemen are there to cut the cost or reduce the value of a product through retailing it at a cheaper cost. The company faces such threats since there in the market where it collects the milk, the cost of purchase has risen significantly for the past four months and therefore the profit earning capability is low since customers cannot accept to purchase expensive products while there are cheap ones (MacDonald et al., 2016). Multinational companies are a threat to small dairy companies that are just rising since they all want to take control of the market through acquiring the minor companies. This is a strategic move by the major companies to ensure that they dominate the dairy industry at all times.

Marketing objectives

The marketing objective for this dairy industry is for the business to grow to all the American states and in the general world. Exportation of dairy products is one way that the major companies are reaping profits from the available market and this presents a chance for growth. Dairy processing has been on the rise in the recent times and also internationally and therefore if the company concentrates on making quality products then there is a high possibility for a bright future (MacDonald et al., 2016). In terms of the revenue for the company, having already implemented a project to have the latest technology of preserving the milk and also that of milking, then the income for the company will rise at a percentage rate of above 30 percent. This is practically attributed to the fact that the current method of preserving and milking is very slow but at the same tine earning the company huge profits so in case the machines are used to work, the output will be higher than the manual method.    

Marketing strategies  

The key thing in achieving the said objectives is remaining in the market and also offering a chance for more and more people to be successful in this industry through helping one another. One of the strategies is building a good reputation in the community and the society involved. From the consumers, customers and the community that serves the company as a reliable source of milk. Establishing a good emotional connection will create brand loyalty (Grönroos & Grönroos, 2016). Supporting and maintaining a good communication and educational program with the society if possible. Once a company gets involved in the daily affairs of the community, there is a high chance for the company to get a backup in terms of the cheap source of labor and other benefits. Understanding the drivers of the economy or the target market for the dairy products is a good success strategy for the business. For example, the supermarkets have been the main market for the products. If the company understands the rate at which the supply of the dairy products is conducted then there is a high chance for achieving the market objectives timely and successfully.

The supply chain is also a strategy to understand the market. Businesses always conduct a market research to identify the weaknesses and the opportunities present for them (Armstrong et al., 2015). This can be done through listening to what the consumers need and what they do not like a certain product thus one can understand what to offer in the market. Being innovative is also a good strategy for success. The dairy industry is a competitive market and therefore being innovative in whatever service is a strategy that can enhance the growth of the business. Consumers are mostly attracted to products which are designed in the best way possible and which show some concern in terms packaging for retail. Attractive packets will always win the day. Environmental care can also be a good strategy for success. Maintaining the environment in most cases creates a good perception about the company involved and therefore allows the company to grow in the minds of people and creates brand loyalty (Grönroos & Grönroos, 2016). Understanding the supply base is always important since it allows the company to grow significantly from the economies of scale available for the business to grow.






Armstrong, G., Kotler, P., Harker, M., & Brennan, R. (2015). Marketing: an introduction. Pearson Education.

Grönroos, C., & Grönroos, C. (2016). Internationalization strategies for services: a retrospective. Journal of Services Marketing30(2), 129-132.

MacDonald, J. M., Cessna, J., & Mosheim, R. (2016). Changing structure, financial risks, and government policy for the US dairy industry. United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service.

Raiten, D. J., & Aimone, A. M. (2017). The intersection of climate/environment, food, nutrition and health: crisis and opportunity. Current opinion in biotechnology44, 52-62.

Von Keyserlingk, M. A. G., Martin, N. P., Kebreab, E., Knowlton, K. F., Grant, R. J., Stephenson, M., ... & Smith, S. I. (2013). Invited review: Sustainability of the US dairy industry. Journal of dairy science96(9), 5405-5425.

3030 Words  11 Pages

Alfalfa Pellets into China

Alfalfa pellets are products which are used in animals as foods. They are a very resourceful source of nitrogen, has minerals and also triacontanol which is a plant that occurs naturally and has tremendous improvement in the quality of feeds given to animals. China has been in the front line as the most importers of alfalfa pellets for over a decade now. The largest exporter of alfalfa pellets to China is Canada after Taiwan and Japan. China currently has at least over 800 million herds of livestock thereby has a very high demand to supplement the source of food for the animal feeds. The alfalfa pellets exported to china by any country must be of low moisture concentration and can be durable for moving over long distances without getting spoilt fast (Malik et al., 122). The type of alfalfa pellets exported to china must be of high quality in terms of the energy needed. For the milking cows, a portion of the forage and grain should be replaced effectively for the milk production. In the case of dehydrated alfalfa pellets, the crude protein should be at least 19% while that of the suncured should be at minimum of 17% of the crude protein (Malik et al., 122). China has established a detailed measure of what kind of alfalfa pellets should be imported in the country.

Under the outlined rules, the companies exporting the alfalfa to china should observe the following three crucial rules before exporting. The companies should get a registration license from the ministry of agriculture with china (Chilliard 49). They should also apply for a market access with the administration of quality supervision, inspection and the quarantine department. The final detail which the companies need to obtain is having the manufacturing company facility registered with the administration of quality supervision, inspection and the quarantine. The process is also inclusive of an audit by the Chinese which should be catered for by the exporter. Certain manufacturers who are considered to be the traditional exporters are allowed to continue with the exportation to china after completing step two and or three of the requirements. The ministry of agriculture takes at least more than three months to complete the registration of the company. The market request access and the registration with the administration of quality supervision, inspection and the quarantine department can take more than three years.

Exporters of the alfalfa pellets need to ensure that they have an import registration document from the ministry of agriculture, ensure that the manufacturing details are specifically listed on the website or confirm that the products under review are considered traditional. Failure to consider these regulations the Chinese government will be forced to decline the import at the port after inspection. The licensing system in china should observe that the pre-mixture, concentrate, compound, supplementary feeds are inspected effectively by the ministry of agriculture (Chilliard 36). The overseas manufacturing countries are required make an application with the registration licensing board based agents. Certain issues hinder the exportation of alfalfa pellets in china. The exportation company must have undergone an audit by the Chinese officials to determine the effectiveness of the products. This is an expensive method when it comes to minor companies which have the capability of exporting quality alfalfa pellets since the audit is fully catered by the company. For the exporting countries to get the market access, they must have applied for the licenses for more than two years ago meaning that the profit shares for the company will have delayed for a period of not less than two years.




Works cited

Chilliard, Y. Ruminant Physiology: Digestion, Metabolism, and Effects of Nutrition on Reproduction and Welfare. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2009. Print.

Malik, Bisma, et al. "Biomass Pellet Technology: A Green Approach for Sustainable Development." Agricultural Biomass Based Potential Materials. Springer International Publishing, 2015. 403-433.


647 Words  2 Pages



Chain supply basically entails a network of business entities which are indirectly or directly interlinked and mutually dependent in offering services to the same customer or client (Sehgal, 2011). These entities consists of vendors who assists in supplying raw material to the business organization, producers who takes the responsibility of converting them into finished goods, warehouse for storing them, distribution centers for delivering them to retailers, as well as the retailers for delivering them to the end user (Quayle, 2006). In connection to that, it should be noted that producers will not be in the position of offering consumers all that they desire, where and when, and at an affordable price unless the supply chain to underlie the value chains. Produce use the supply chain so as to compete favorably. Moreover, there exists no degree of improvements a producer can make at his or her production end which in return can result to shortages in the supply chain or reduce the his or her competitive ability (Ramanathan & Ramanathan, 2013).

Discuss the supply chain models adopted by the firm, and comment on the supply chain strategies in achieving competitive advantage in the international market

To begin with, the Clear Vision Optical is one of the business enterprises which specialize in the general manufacture and distribution of prescription and fashion sunglasses. With regard to the vision and mission of the company, experience is what is greatly taken into consideration. Basically the clients of the company are all perceived to be independent eye-care specialists who descriptive eye cares to the general public. With respect to that, the fact is that the integrated supply chain model which is used by the company is mainly driven by the market demand for its products (Frazelle, 2002). The reason for that is because it is the one which enables the management authority to integrate production, sales, and purchase strategies with the logistic chains. So as to be in the position of building an integrated supply chain model for the company, the model which is mainly used comprises an internal management system as well as the external supply chain system (Quayle, 2006).

In regard to that demand profile or demand variation is the one which has been consistently influencing the stability of the asset manufacturing workload of the enterprise.  As a result of that, market mediation expenses have been having a greater influence in reflecting fragile and unstable balance which exists between products obsolesces and lost sales. Conversely, the production lifecycle of the company is the one which has been getting shorter in the process of responding to the urgency of changing consumer demand trends, fashion, and technology in the industry (Sehgal, 2011). These factors in return are the ones which has the capacity of impacting the market meditation expenses and the predictability costs. Consequently, from the perspective of the management authority, it is clear that these supply chain strategies has the potential of pushing the management authority to the extent of increasing the speed of the development of its products as well as renewing the product portfolio of the company (Ramanathan & Ramanathan, 2013).

In addition to that, the general relevance of the expenses the company has been incurring is one of the industrial factors which profit it. As one of the company trying to fit his profile, the fact is that the supply chain has result to the higher utilization rate especially to the detriment of the service levels they offer to the general public. Conversely, because of the reason that the relevance cost of the assets of the company might have been low, the company had the opportunity of increasing client satisfaction through the reduction of their market meditation expenses (Sehgal, 2011).

The above explanation indicates that the strategic, tactical and operational are the main supply chain strategies used by the enterprise in achieving its competitive edge in the international market. In other words, with strategic approach, the management of this company has been seeking high-levels of strategic decision regarding the size and location of the enterprise, partnering with its suppliers, sales markets, and so on.  For the tactical decision, the main focus of the company has been on adopting all the measures which had the potential of producing cost benefits for instance working with other logistic businesses which assists in developing cheap transportation means, and establishing warehouse strategies for reducing the expenses to be incurred in storing inventory (Quayle, 2006).  Finally, at the operational level, the company has been making daily decisions which have the potential of affecting how its supply is moved along the supply chain. In other words, this involves establishing schedule changes to the production scale, taking orders from their customers, as well as delivering products to the warehouses at the right time (Ramanathan & Ramanathan, 2013).

Examine the strategic fit of the firm’s Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Internal Supply Chain Management (ISCM), and Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) to its mission, vision, and business objectives

With respect to the above considerations, customer relationship management is what has grown to the extent of becoming the top priority of the company. The reason for that is because the main objective of the company is to gain competitive advantage in the modern stormy economy. As compared to other organization in the industry, the strategic fit of the company with regard to the CRM is profit maximization (Jha, 2008). Conversely, the company achieves that though offering better services to its customers unlike its competitors in the industry. This is also in line with the need of reducing the expenses the company incurs, wastage, as well as the customer complaints if any.

Nevertheless, the strategic fit of the company in managing the relationship of its customers has been noted to have the potential of reducing staff stress. The reason for that is because attrition is one of the factors which the management authority of the company identified as the major cause of stress in the process of improving their relationship (Kamath & Saurav, 2016). Other than enabling direct market research for the company, the authority has had the potential of opening its lines of communications with the customers (Jha, 2008). This offers another avenue of having direct market reaction to the performance, services, and products much better unlike any market survey the company had been undertaking. In return, the company has managed to retain its customers and reduce its churn rates. In short, the strategy used by the company entails the means of building and developing valuable assets for its future development i.e. customer base (Sugandhi, 2003).

Conversely, although the company has been operating on independent basis, expressing the mission and vision to its employees assists in providing high quality products as well as exceptional services to the independent an existing eye care specialists. The commitment the management has to customer services comes from the need of helping the company to grow. This is also as a result of the long-lasting the management has in establishing good relationship with its customers so as to make them remain intact (Sugandhi,  2003).

In connection to the customer relationship management strategies used by the company, the integrated supply chain management strategy used by the company entails linking its customers and suppliers with its internal supplying process. This has been one of the evolutionary steps that a company undertakes in connection to its supply chain. In addition to that, the internal supply chain management strategic fit of the company has been noted to have the capacity of delivering it with competitive advantage (Kamath & Saurav, 2016). This has been achievable through offering opportunities which in return assists in streamlining manufacturing processes, costs hence increasing customer supports in return.

Nonetheless, considering the matrix model of the company, the horizontal flow of its supply chain is the one which has been essential as compared to the vertical flow. This is to say that the horizontal model has been assisting the company in adding value to its customers through taking example of the management system used by other organizations in the industry. In regard to that, the integrated supply chain used by the management consists of a network of warehouses, suppliers, and distribution centers of acquiring raw material and transforming the probable products to the customers (Kucht & T.U.B, 2015). This chain is also one of the operational, tactical, and strategic level decision making which the management authority uses in optimizing their performances.

The above information indicates that the strategic supply chain management used by the company has the potential of defining the transportation routes to be used, selection of suppliers, the facilities to be used for manufacturing, production levels, and so on.  The reason for that is because the tactical level strategies used by the company had the potential of meeting the actual demand of its customers so as to avoid shortages. The operational and tactical decision making strategies of the company remains to be distributed through its supply chain (Kucht & T.U.B, 2015).

In order to be in the position of optimizing the performance of this business enterprise, the function of the strategic supply chain is to operate it in an integrated manner. Thus, the dynamics of the company as well as the market strategies used makes it more and simpler in ensuring that customer orders are met in time. Since any problem regarding the supply chain cannot be locally contained, the management authority ensures that modifications across any manufacturing and distributing functions are systematically taken into consideration (Zinnert, 2010). I short, the integrated supply chain management used by the company ensure that all the activities are mutually coordinated.

With regard to the above considerations, the company has been taking a lot of transitions in its supplier relationship management. The objective for that is because the modern economy has several factors which ought to be taken into consideration in the process of selecting and managing its suppliers so as to make the process overwhelming. Making use of the modern technology is one of the strategic fit which enables the organization to simply and automates its manufacturing processes. Other than easing and quickening the whole process, the fact is that the management authority has the opportunity of making informed or sound decisions regarding its suppliers (Sollish & Semanik, 2012). The end result of this is that the company is able to cultivate meaningful supplier relationships. Earning the trust of its suppliers with ultimate honest communications, involving, and listening to their concerns is what has been making them to be a vested partners in the industry.

In connection to that, procurement is also another strategic fit the company has been using in acknowledging the bolster and vulnerable terms of the business. Quantitative and qualitative supplier information analysis is also what has been quickening and succinctly identifying the opportunities, risks, and weak spots of the world supply chain. This is to say that by improving the plans and strategies of management, the company has been able to align the suppliers as well as treat them as partners (Müller, 2005). This in return enables the management authority to decrease any associated risks as well as enhancing innovation and collaboration. In short, other than fostering quick transactional efficiency, large financial base, competitiveness, and risk management, the key to enhancing efficient SRM for the company is through having installing efficient system. The reason for that is because such as system has the potential of analyzing all the risk factors the company can be into in terms of the supply of the raw materials (Schuh, 2014).

Discuss the firm’s future supply chain development

As stated above, the mission of the company is all about growing and developing the culture of the enterprise. The reason for that is because it was essential for the enterprise to make meaningful and positive impact on the workers, business partners, and the community as a whole. Other than making to be a unique mission or objective of the enterprise, the company ensures that it embodies all that is expected in their industry as well as what is expected by it (Swinnen, 2007).The reason for that is because of the future supply chain expectation the company has in values, the community, and its responsibility to others. This is to say that, in case such information is taken as being more and more relevant to other stakeholders, the company will have the potential of optimizing its supply chain as comparable to the sub-optimization which is to be based on the local interest. From the information given by the management authority, the fact is that such a strategy is the one which has the capacity of enhancing better or efficient production and distribution of its products. In return, the management authority will be able to offer more and more attractive products and services to the customers. Conversely, this will lead to improved sales as well as the overall results of the company in their industry (Chris et al., 2016).

Moreover, with the general advancement in technology and globalization, the fact is that the company will be able to have quick and easier assessment to the alternative techniques used in manufacturing such products.  In association to that, the importance of enhancing its future product design is what the management authority considers to be the ultimate key of generating more and more demand. Other than fostering their competitive advantage, the future supply chain management of the company is coupled with the need of ensuring that some of the marketing elements are made to be less distinguishable (Chris et al., 2016).

In accordance to that, the future supply chain management is all about coming up with a better role which ensures that the company is able to offer attractive features which in return generates for demand of its products. Furthermore, in this context, it means that the future general demand for its products is what the company will be using in defining how the means to be used in satisfying the expectations of their customers (Cetinkaya, 2010). The reason for that is because product design is the one which will be affecting its future quality, costs, manufacturing process, and lead time. Moreover, it can be noted that the product design of the company is the one which will impact the associated future supply chain development of the company either directly or indirectly. By acknowledging that, it means that the company will be able to efficiently include production schedule, quality, and transportation to its existing and future system. The future supply chain development largely depends on the capabilities and the production design of the company.

In other words, since it is the supply chain which dictates the customer requirements, the future supply chain development for the company will remain to be an end-to-end process which will guide the general flow of its products in the market (Cetinkaya, 2010). Likewise, because of the complexity of the modern economy, the company’s future supply chain development will be representing the quickness of fostering its economies of scale.











Cetinkaya, B. (2010). Sustainable supply chain management: Practical ideas for moving towards best practice. (Sustainable Supply Chain Management.) Berlin: Springer.

Chris H, Rick H, & Chuck S. (2016). Lean Supplier Development: Establishing Partnerships and True Costs Throughout the Supply Chain. CRC Press

Frazelle, E. (2002). Supply chain strategy: The logistics of supply chain management. New York: McGraw-Hill.

In Ramanathan, U., & In Ramanathan, R. (2013). Supply chain strategies, issues and models.

Jha, L. (2008). Customer relationship management: A strategic approach. New Delhi: Global India Publications.

Kamath, N., & Saurav, S. (2016). Handbook of research on strategic supply chain management in the retail industry. Hershey, PA, USA: Business Science Reference.

Kucht, C. J., & Technische Universität Berlin. (2015). Integrated framework for managing sustainable supply chain practices.

Müller, R. (2005). Supplier Relationship Management (SRM): Grundkonzepte, Strategien, Potenziale. München: Grin.

Schuh, C. (2014). Supplier relationship management: How to maximize vendor value and opportunity.

Sehgal, V. (2011). Supply chain as strategic asset: The key to reaching business goals. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley.

Sollish, F., & Semanik, J. (2012). The procurement and supply manager's desk reference. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Sugandhi, R. K. (2003). Customer relationship management. New Delhi: New Age International.

Swinnen, J. F. M. (2007). Global supply chains, standards and the poor: How the globalization of food systems and standards affects rural development and poverty. Wallingford, UK: CABI.

Zinnert, S. (2010). Integrative Long-Term Supply Chain Demand Planning. Berlin: Logos Berlin.

2747 Words  9 Pages

Product Placement

Different products such as Chevrolet, Dell, Apple, Under Armour, Hisense, Mercedes Benz, Ford, Bentley, Boss and Pepsi have been placed in the movie First and Furious 8. Each and every product has consequently been given the time span within which the viewer can be able to watch it. In addition, different actors have been given certain products in order for them to be able to advertise. This is consequently based on the number of followers and fans that an actor has, hence in order for a product to be viewed by most people, the product would be used by the most famous actor in the movie.

Not all products were prominently placed, since there were those products which were only shown once. These products only caught the eyes of the viewer once. On the other hand, almost all products were used by the actors except Pepsi. This is consequently because Pepsi was only on the background, and one could only see the product while the actors continued with their work. Different products were also given different time spans, whereby there were those products which were only viewed at the beginning of the movie only. These products only lasted for a minute or two, whereby the brand name of the product, which was Bose, was only visible for a minute.

The product which was given the least time span was Boss headphones, even though they are worn throughout the movie, the brand name was only shown for a minute. Bentley follows with the actor Tyrese Gibson driving it, and the brands is clearly visible to the viewer, for a period of less than 5 minutes. Ford takes the eighth position, since it was the first car to be used in the movie, and different models of Ford are used in different parts of the movie. Mercedes Benz, just as Ford is clearly visible and is also driven by the actors throughout the movie. Dell and Apple appear in the control rooms, where they are consistently shown in the movie. Hisense is used by the actors particularly when watching the television. Pepsi is clearly visible in the background, since in each and every event in the movie, it is clearly visible. Dodge is used by the actor Ice Cube at the end of the movie, and also in the middle of the movie when he emerges to support Vin Diesel. Chevrolet is one of the high profile products placement in the movie, as it gets more airplay as compared to other products. Under Armour is the also a high profile product placement in the movie, as it is worn by the movie star, The Rock. Under Armour is clearly visible throughout the movie, since it is worn by a very famous actor.

The placement was very effective, as it enabled the most viewers to become aware of certain products. For instance, Ford vehicles have been depicted as durable cars which can be able to move very first even when they are old. The placement has consequently marketed the products effectively, hence becoming a success. On the other hand, some products have not been effectively advertised, products such as Pepsi, since the actors did not get to use the product. This consequently made the product placement of Pepsi ineffective, since most viewers would buy products used by the actors.

Work Cited

First and Furious 7. Retrieved from:


569 Words  2 Pages

KFC: Differentiation strategy

Many organizations have different strategies to approach the market and survive for as long as they wish. The different strategies are based upon which among the competitive strategies is the best to win over the market. One of the best organizational strategies that a company can use to succeed in the market is differentiation. Differentiation is a common term that is used widely in businesses to become unique and in a way to outdo the competitors in the market in terms of the services offered.

In differentiation, we basically have four types of differentiation strategies in the market namely the vertical, horizontal, mixed, and circular. Vertical differentiation is a type of differentiation which occurs in a certain kind of a market where the variety of goods which are present allow the ordering in accordance with the objective quality starting with the highest to the lowest (Campbell, pg26). In this case, it is allowed to say that there are certain goods from the variety of organizations present which is better than others making the organization have a wide market than others. Basically, the vertical differentiation type can be achieved along a single decisive feature, few features, or across a very large number of features of which each has a presence or an absence.

In vertical differentiation, the potential customers can in most cases have the biased perception of certain features of good mainly because of advertising and the cultural conditions. In most cases, the products in this kind of differentiation strategy are in most cases good products which have a higher value, because of the cost of production which is very expensive and the bigger expected advantages to the customers. Thus the quality-price association is always an upward sloped. Through this kind of mechanism, it is possible to note that the demand curve will be on a downward slope but it can turn in the direction, therefore, having the high sales for the versions having the high prices.

Horizontal differentiation usually occurs when the products are different in accordance with the features which the ordering cannot be in an objective way. This kind of differentiation can be linked to the different colors of the same goods, shapes, styles, and the flavors (Campbell, pg30). For instance, the ice-cream which is offered in different tastes is an example of horizontal differentiation. This, however, does not stop the customers from having their preference since it is always wise to differentiate between whatever which belongs to the supply features and whatever which belong to the customer’s subjectivity.

Mixed differentiation is a type of differentiation where both the horizontal and the vertical differentiation occur. For example, the shoes or garments can have a beautiful rich combination in terms of the shape and the color which might seem as complementary to each other and also be accumulated in the houses of the customers for seasonal specifics (Conklin, pg65). The material quality can be in many cases being seen as vertical differentiation whereas some elements like shape can be horizontal.

Circular differentiation features along that product which is different from the other but can be grouped together. For example, in the hotel industry, it is a closed room which has furniture in it. In this kind of differentiation, the core benefit is what determines how well each can perform compared to other products. 

Considering differentiation in terms of the products there are many advantages to this method for an organization. Product differentiation is one of the best strategies an organization can use to succeed more. Distinguishing between the products is basically very important as this helps in reducing the number of similar products in the market (Campbell, pg50). Competitive advantage in regards to product differentiation is mostly used by the new and smaller organizations in order to attract customers into using their new products rather than buying from the other big companies. Differentiation strategies applied by any organization must be focused on segments in the market and also deliver a certain message that the products are very much better and different from all the other similar products which are in the market.

Advantages of having a product differentiation are that it creates value in the market. If an organization like KFC uses the differentiation strategy to approach the market and in this case focus on the value compared with other products of a similar kind in the market, this creates a certain perceived value to the customers thereby gaining more potential customers who might want to use the products. Any strategy which focuses on the value has an advantage of the costs, the durability of the products compared to the different products available in the market (LAMB, pg209). Another advantage of differentiation of an organization on its products is the non-price competition. Focusing on a differentiation of a product helps the business not only focus on the price but also other competitive areas in the market. For instance, KFC has concentrated in selling fried fast foods with particular spices in all its stores in the world; it may differentiate its products from any other related fast food business in terms of the taste and the quality of the food. Manufacturers of cars can also differentiate the lines of cars and also its symbols while other companies are concentrating on the cost of the cars.

Design and the quality of a product can be an advantage in the small types of businesses thereby gaining the advantage in the competitive world without having to cut its price (Conklin, pg98). Brand loyalty can be of advantage to an organization. Every successful product differentiation strategy will create a brand loyalty to the very customers and this increases the number of customers to the chain stores in the world. A similar strategy to the one that gains the market share through the perceived quality and quantity or the cost savings will also create the loyalty from the customers. The organization has continued with the delivery of quality and value to the consumers in order to maintain and also get products referrals from the same customers (LAMB, pg209). In every market that is competitive, if any product will not maintain the same quality, the consumers might opt for competitors offer.

There are no perceived substitutes if an organization uses this differentiation strategy in the products. Product differentiation method that focuses on the design and the quality of the products produced can create a perception to the customers that there are no substitutes to the products (Conklin, pg76). However, the competitors can also have the same product but the quality and the design of a product can be very much different thereby creating a market customer loyalty in the favor of the organization. This is a way of creating uniqueness in the competitive world of business.   








Works cited

Campbell, David. Business Strategy. Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. Internet resource.

Conklin, Wendy. Applying Differentiation Strategies: Teacher's Handbook for Grades K-2.         Huntington Beach: Shell Education, 2010. Internet resource.

Conklin, Wendy. Differentiation Strategies for Science. Huntington Beach, Calif: Shell    Education, 2010. Print.

LAMB, CHARLES W. Mktg Printed Access Card). S.l.: CENGAGE LEARNING CUSTOM P, 2017. Print.

1191 Words  4 Pages

Sales presentation/campaign for iPhone 7

Hooking the customer

Are you looking for an impressive phone that has all your optimum features, that is dust and water proof? Then, iPhone 7 is a gadget that serves you right. This product will prove to be the smartphone you will ever have that combines various capabilities and features to provide you with the best experience you have ever had with a smartphone. This beautifully sleek smartphone is the best experience that has reduced malfunctioning, more battery life and a design with good appearance.  If you want a smartphone which you will take complete control of, the iPhone 7 is meant for you. The product is beyond its features.

Key issues

One of the best experiences with this smartphone is the type of its camera.  The product addresses the need for a camera whose photos are not overexposed, over-saturated, blurry, oversaturated and out of focus. The product also addresses the need for quality outdoor lighting conditions.   For the purpose of great video recording and audio which are not clear, those are not high pitched and distorted chose the iPhone 7.   The phone is of ideal size which makes it possible for the user to feel comfortable holding it in one hand and they can easily fit it in the pocket. The iPhone 7 comes addresses the need for a long battery life, which aligns with the purpose of having the phone in the first place.  One is able to use the phone for a more than a day without having to recharge it; this include internet surfing, calling and use of various applications. The smartphone addresses the need for enough memory and processing power; more memory is stuffed into device which allows for great performance. The phone is not crammed with features to allow the user to install applications as they require them.   The pricing of the phone is fair and given the variety of features that means that you can use the device for a long time without having to replace it very soon. The value for money is achieved in owning this device since you are able to move comfortably from the previous iPhone 6 Plus to this innovative smartphone.


iPhone 7 is the right device , and requires some add-ons which can be downloaded from  the chat store. The device requires headphones for the intro of some of the app and the geometric shape is quite appealing.  Setting up is the first step to get started with the phone, adding accounts that are either from Microsoft and Google which ensures that FaceTime and iMessage are running. The necessary apps are already downloaded which makes it possible to start operations. Personal setups are there to ensure that all configurations are done and working as you want. The various features makes it easy to make call, video calls and even chatting and you can think of it as a device that utilizes cellular data or Wi-Fi rather than the conventional phone lines.


The benefits of having the iPhone 7 are not available to the other versions of iPhone or other brands. IPhone 7 water resistance makes it to withstand dust and liquids which means that it can survive accidental drops.  The phone is compatible with any app that was for iOS 10 and the latest technology. It can also be used over a longer time given its better storage of power in its battery.

Making the close

Since you like the iPhone smartphone, and after agreeing on the price I will be able to deliver the in one day .product

Responding to objections

Any concern or questions you have about the product will be addressed as soon as possible in regard to price, features and operations of the product.




Dear Sir

We have been carried out a product presentation for iPhone 7 which was intended as introducing the product to the market. This letter is for information on how the presentation was carried out and its impact.

 I believe that the presentation was effective in explain to the customers why they should upgrade to iPhone 7. This is informed by the fact that we received many request from customers who wanted to purchase the product while others promised to contact ones they are ready.  The goal was to market the product in the market that is become saturated with smartphones using the latest technology. The key issues that related to customer need for a better product were addressed which presented the product as a satisfying them and setting aside the product in the market.  The benefits related to upgrading to the new product were highlighted which led to positive response from the customers.

I would request that follow up on these presentations be made so as not to lose the customers who showed interest in buying them.  The customers were impressed by the added benefits of the new device and such a follow up is necessary to reach out to a bigger number of potential buyers. Moreover, the campaign should be extended to reach out to more customers and follow up plans be made for those campaigns. In order to address the objections that arose or may arise in future, the company’s communication channel should be allowed to give attention to those clients.  However, I like request more resources for bigger campaigns.

 I appreciate the support you gave for this course and the results for this effort will be of high benefits to product sales.






TO: General Staff

FROM: Sales Team


SUBJECT: Product presentation

The sales team has carried out product presentation for the new iPhone 7 smartphone, which has been a memorable experience given the response from the potential customers. The presentation was aimed at introducing the phone to the market and relates it to the various customers needs related to technological advancement.

The presentation carried out by the sales team has succeeded in selling out the product to the market in the midst of stiff competition from an ever-changing technological environment. The device has received good response from the customers and we have capitalized on their interest to showcase their needs will be met. Eventually, the campaign will go a long way in addressing the various questions that customers may have had regarding the new features of the product and we hope you will support us in this course.




An effective marketing presentation requires a great message which makes the marketing easy.    The message in the marketing presentation should be memorable and one that potential customers can associate their needs (Beebe & Mottet, 2015). However, coming up with such a message requires thorough research on customers’ needs and preference, which can be great challenge.


Beebe, S. A., & Mottet, T. P. (2015). Business and professional communication: Principles and skills for leadership.

1137 Words  4 Pages

Perfect competition

Perfect competition is a market where there are almost an equal number of people buying with that of the sellers. In this kind of market structure, various criteria are met which include; all the firms or sellers have similar commodities, the firms do not dictate the price, the market prices of the commodities cannot be controlled, a relatively smaller market share and the entry and exit is free. Perfect competition is a market where all the other kinds of market structures are compared effectively (Arnold, 2010). In this market structure, the consumers have an advantage since they can get the commodities at any other competitor market. This is the major reasons why the market has no predefined price but variable market prices accordingly. The difference in pricing helps new companies join at any time they want, and they can also exit the same market when they will.

In agriculture, perfect competition is the main market structure. The number of buyers and sellers is high therefore making it a perfect or as it is also known, a pure competition. A company like Tyson is a good example of a company dealing in the pure competition market structure. Tyson deals with marketing and exportation of beef, pork and chicken and this has made it the second largest company in processing and marketing of this commodities. Currently, Tyson is the first in the exportation of beef outside the United States (Riffel, 2008). The main reasons as to why it has succeeded in this market are the advantage of merging and associating with other companies in its line of business.

Tyson Foods in the year 2001 acquired a company by the name IBP, Inc. which was the largest packer of beef and the number two in pork processing. In the recent times, the company has also acquired the Hudson food company, Prospect farms, Garrett Company, Wilson foods, Cobb-Vantress, Lane poultry, heritage valley, holly farm, Ocoma foods, and many others. Using the market already created by other small firms, Tyson Foods has been able to cut its cost of searching for new markets and concentrated in the acquisition. Though the company had a history of success since the 1930s when it was established, merging presented the best opportunity for the company to become the largest exporter of its commodities (Riffel, 2008). Certain measures can be taken to create awareness to as many people as possible and in that sense, increase the sales turnover. Tyson Foods has used that to its advantages by organizing events and giving corporate charity to the needy, contributing to the non-profit organizations with the aim of success and this has worked on its part (Arnold, 2010). In perfect competition market structure, the aim of businesses involved is to create a bigger market for the products. Big markets can be created by having as many stores as possible where customers can get their preference from without a struggle. Tyson Foods has opened over 300 stores worldwide to create a customer base for its commodities.

Company name



Tyson Foods is currently the first in the supply of protein and all prepared food products which have quality and a very great taste in all its products (Riffel, 2008). The company has also opened other poultry production centers in India and China. In both countries, the company has established its brand as the best in offering food solutions with quality benefits.


Arnold, R. A. (2010). Microeconomics. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.

Riffel, B. E. (2008). The Feathered Kingdom: Tyson Foods and the transformation of American land, labor, and law, 1930-2005.

603 Words  2 Pages

The 1920 Consumer Economy

Consumerism in the year 1920 really helped in boosting the consumer values and culture, since this was the time when the manufacturers really depended on the consumers. This was consequently the best period in America, since consumers had the total authority of buying products even though they had no money. Mass production of products led to consumerism, since the supply was more than the demand. This move forced the manufacturers to come up with different ways of making consumers to buy the manufactured products.

            Manufacturers were forced to sell the products on credit, in order to allow the consumers to buy the goods. Most consumers would therefore buy the products, whereby they would pay in installments. During this period, the consumers became the shapers of the economy, since the gross domestic price (GDP) depended on them. Manufacturers used advertisements as a means of easily reaching most consumers, hence promoting the sales of their products.

            The buying culture of the consumers changed, after they were allowed to buy the products on credit. This was a move which doubled consumer debts, between the 1920-1930 periods. Consumers were on a buying spree during this period, and they did not worry about the cost of the products, guaranteed they could be able to buy them in instalments. Retail shops became consumer favorites, since they had good credit plans, which allowed the consumers to choose the products of their choice, and the credit plans which they were comfortable with during the time. In addition, during the same period, the number of sales more than doubled, since most consumers had been intrigued by the buy now pay later culture.

            The products which had been expensive previously, were now affordable, thus allowing the consumers to be able to benefit fully. Moreover, the manufacturers really valued their customers, since the fate of the manufactured products depended on the ability of the consumers to purchase the goods. Most retail shops treated their consumers very well, thus making them to remain loyal. The quality of the products was improved, in order to make sure that the consumers did not shy away from certain products. This was the period when manufacturers were begging the consumers to purchase their products.

            Consumerism changed the buying culture of the consumers, thus making them to adopt to the new forms of life, a move which resulted into modernism. For instance, most people replaced house work with machines such as vacuum cleaner, which helped in cleaning the house. Most people became concerned with their own affairs, a move which resulted in the shifting of morals, since most people decided to lead their own types of lives. Consumers picked up a culture of buying anything new in the market, in order to either make their housework easier, or to make them enjoy themselves.

Advertisements increased, in a bid to lure customers into buying the products by the manufacturers. The advertisements were only meant to attract the attention of the consumers, but they did not portray the quality of the products. Most consumers would therefore buy products which were being advertised, only to realize later that they were not of a good quality. Advertisements influenced the morals of the people, making them to only do things to their own advantage, and not to the advantage of other. Most Americans consequently became self-centered, and they would therefore do things in order to fulfil their own desires.


571 Words  2 Pages

Destination-  The Event Industry

McCormick Place Convention center includes various state-of-art buildings which are interconnected and has been in place since 1927. It is located in Illinois State, down town Chicago, and near the Lake Michigan shores. These buildings includes the North, South and West sections but special praise is in order for the West Building whose size is 250,000 Square feet reserved from meeting space, 61 rooms for holding meetings.  In total, there are 173 rooms which offer 600,000 square feet of meeting space.

 IT has undergone various renovations including expansion which gives it a capacity to host major events that attract big crowds of people locally, nationally and internationally. It has a large exhibit space totaling to 2.6 million square feet, with one level having 1.2 M square feet and this makes it the largest among the centers in North America. The meeting space is also quite adequate and can hold many events at the same time in addition to other services availed in the center. The major shows held in this center include the National Restaurant Association Annual show every month, Chicago Auto Show every February and International Home and House-wares Show every March.  


The major hotels near McCormick Place includes: Chicago South Loop  Hotel which 1 km away , Hyatt Regency McCormick Place just 0.2 km away , Travelodge Chicago 2.7 km away ,  3 star  Chicago Hostel , Congress Plaza Hotel  2.8 km away and Best Western Grant Park Hotel 2.1 km away. These hotels offers various offer high level of services ranging from free parking space, food and Drink products, ATM or cash machine available on site , business facilities such as photocopying and faxing and even family and entertainment services.  In total there are 15 hotels that surround this convention center and 3 of these are within a walking distance away. These hotels provide enough space that can accommodate a large number of individuals who may attend events being held at the convention center. 

Airport Information

The major airport near McCormick place is Chicago Midway International Airport and is located just 12 miles from this center.  The major carriers that use this airport include the American Airlines, Asian Airlines, Asecra Airlines and Austrian Airlines.   


Since it is located in Chicago city, the destination experiences four seasons and July is the warmest of the months. High temperatures in the month of July are normally an average of 29.4 degree Celsius and with a low of 18.8 degree Celsius.  The coldest month is January with average temperatures of -8.3 degree Celsius.  The precipitation for this destination is yearly average of about 83.36 centimeters with summer being the rainiest season. 


A lot of amenities are available that attendees can involve themselves with at the conventions center which includes:

Food services

Sporting activities like Cycling

Medical services at Infant Nursing Area

Shopping in Gift Shop

Types of meetings held 

This center can hold many types of meeting given the large space and rooms in the four buildings. Business meetings, entertainment shows and theaters, international conferences and even trade shows can be held in this convention center.

Restaurants / Food options

The attendees can choose to take their meals inside the convention center or at the different restaurants nearby. A variety of dining options are available inside the center.


McCormick Place .Facility Overview. Retrieved from: Chicago: Retrieved from: suggestion/wpcd_200809_augmented/wp/c/Chicago.htm Hotels near McCormick Place: Retrieved from:  


592 Words  2 Pages


I agree with the statement that quality consumer services benefit the company’s reputation through creating closer and positive connections with the business. The primary element of rapid business success is offering quality services to consumers (Foss & Stone, 2001). In the current consumer-driven sector, competition is intensifying each day and thus exceptional business growth cannot be achieved without unique and quality services.  Quality services are the best strategy that the business can use in marketing itself as a form of business promotion (Foss & Stone, 2001).  The most appropriate business services and product promotion approach is via the mouth marketing.  In that when consumers are offered quality and satisfying services from the company they will gain the tendency of discussing it through social networks which result in a direct marketing as well as increased and positive popularity of the organization. In addition, they will recommend friends and their families to acquire services from the company by offering their positive thoughts in regard (Foss & Stone, 2001).

In my experience, I once acquired hospitality services from a hotel and the services were of great quality. In that, the staffs communicated effectively and quickly to my request with high respect.  In addition, the food was offered on time with inquiries on whether I was comfortable or if there was anything that I required. I was pleased by the services. The company offers quality and yet affordable services and they are mainly objected at satisfying the needs of the consumers. I really enjoyed the service and I would go for more there. I value the company very much and I can never acquire hospitality or hotel services from any other since their service has been nothing but pleasing.



Foss, B., & Stone, M. (2001). Successful customer relationship marketing: New thinking, new      strategies, new tools for getting closer to your customers. London: Kogan Page.

312 Words  1 Pages

Recruitment guide: Tanglewood Region


Recruitment guide for Tanglewood Region

Position: Store Associate

Reports to: Sales Manager

Qualifications Labor Market:

Should be Guest focused

Able to run cash register, inventory transactions and balances cash

Well organized to ensure cleanliness, stock shelves neatness

Well versed with safety regulations  


Continuous recruiting

Activities Sources Utilized to Recruit Qualified Candidates/Recruiting Methods:

Media – advertising, radio, television

Employee referrals

Job service applicants

State Job Services

Staffing members involved:

Human man resource manager

Sales Departmental manager

Assistant store operations manager

Budget: $2,500 -$  4,000 for each hire



Recruitment methods

Tanglewood has been experiencing high turnover rate a case which similar to the any retail organization in the industry and hence needs recruitment process of method that will get the best target employees and ensure less turnover rates. This will be enabled by adopting the right methods which will ensure that the appropriate candidates are sort, recruited and hired at minimum costs.  For the store department to attract a group of applicants who are personally and culturally diverse, it has to include the store manager has to include the help of assistants operations manager in the stores and the human resource department in the organization.   For an organization to recruit the best employees, the management has to determine the right target for the position even before meeting the applicants willing to occupy it (Schmitt, 2012).  The right recruitment methods have to target even the passive candidates since these are not easy to recruit through the traditional channels of recruitment.   Considering that that the culture depicted for Tanglewood is employee development and participation, the right target group for recruitment efforts should be the passive potential candidates or job seekers. These job seekers  are more likely to be happy in their recruitment positions and are  not likely to be interested in changing  jobs  frequently , a factor that can help the organization to reduce on it turnover rates . Employees who are satisfied with their current positions are normally more likely to be closely engaged with their roles than employees who will be actively seeking for better jobs in the market (Kreitner, Cassidy & VanHuss, 2014). The passive candidates are likely to embrace learning opportunities which will align with Tanglewood’s desire for an enhanced recruitment policy and better system for recruiting store associates.   In addition, targeting the passive job seekers means that the firm will be able to reach different individuals with varying personalities and cultural exposures since a many job seekers may be sort from across large areas.

The media

The use of media advertising for associate store’s position will involves sources such as television, radio and newspaper. This is an open method which will enable the recruiters to reach out to a large population of potential recruits especially experienced individuals in the retail industry.

Use of referrals

This is very appropriate method that can result in hiring the needed store associate.  The firm can use the established employee’s network to seek for a candidate who meets the specified qualifications for the position.  Employees have access to various community organizations, job fairs and training events where they can connect with potential candidates for the position besides the possibility that they already know some qualified individuals.  The company will then be able to attract recruits who are knowledgeable about retail industry, in addition to other qualities that may augur well with this position.

Use of kiosks

This method should be perceived as an open recruitment method where the applicants who pass the required qualifications can submit their applications. The applications from anyone willing to fill the position will be accepted and ten more information is provided about the vacancy to allow applicant make up their minds .The method can attract a large pool of applicants who were not initially targeted.

State Job services

This is a target recruiting method that can target the intended employees who meet the required qualification. The method can help in directing the recruitment efforts to only the desired candidates at reduced costs due to the benefits of subsidies. This method can target potential graduates or new entrants in the retail industry.

Staff Agency

This is targeted method of recruitment where those applicants who have a specialty in retail industry being the main target. It involves outsourcing and temporary employees can be provided while the company is in the process of hiring permanent one who fit the firm. For Western Washington division, the returns on job services are about 20 % less than referrals; retention between job services and referrals is about 81 % with a possibility of 1 year retention rate. Kiosks and advertising provided the least hires. For Eastern Washington the most hire came from referrals with 1 year retention at lowest cost for each hire. Returns for media were about 22% less of a year retention and 340 hires. The Northern Oregon Division had hire cost per hire due to high set up cost and kiosk preference.  About 2,600 and 1300 more applications were received for staffing and media advertising in that order. Staffing agency has higher 40 % rate of hiring even though its cost is quite minimal.  The Southern Oregon region, the difference between hiring returns for staffing agency and referrals is about 8% though the referral is less costly.

Suggestion for using staffing agencies and kiosks is better since more targeted applicants and untargeted applicants can be reached through the methods.  If the other regions use utilizes more external hiring, more cost could be incurred. Apart from retention and qualifications, training cost required and desire for personal growth are important measures that should also be factored in the process.  


Tanglewood mission includes offering the best customer care services through competent employees while enhancing their personal and career growth and development. This organization promotes a culture of honesty, ethical dealings with all stakeholders and a favorable working environment that appreciates and rewards individual and teamwork performance.


Schmitt, N. (2012). The Oxford handbook of personnel assessment and selection. New York: Oxford University Press.

Kreitner, R., Cassidy, C., & VanHuss, S. H. (2014). Administrative management: Setting people up for success. 137 -138

1023 Words  3 Pages


  1. Why would marketing managers desire a globalized market? What are the advantages and disadvantages

Most marketing managers desire globalized markets, since it allows businesses to be able to grow, thus making it easy for the company to realize very huge profits. The following are the advantages of globalized marketing. Marketing expansion, global marketing creates international brand recognition, making it easier for the business to increase its market share. Secondly, the business reduces its operational costs, and thus being able to gain more profits. The following are the disadvantages, in as much as the business might grow through global marketing, it might also be faced with challenges such as differences in consumer needs and wants.

  1. If you were given the task of taking a new consumer product into Indonesia, as an international marketing manager, where would you start? How would Japan be different?

I would first study the marketing trends of the Indonesian market, secondly I would get to know the strategies used by my competitors, and finally I would employ strategies which would outsmart my competitors. Japan would be different since I would use very unique strategies in order to ensure that I gain a huge market share in Indonesia.

  1. Why would you be inclined to export? Or, why would you be disinclined to export?

I would be inclined to export since the Asian market is flooded with most products, thus I would be required to come up with a very unique product in order to be allowed to export. On the other hand, I would be allowed to export, simply because the marketing strategies that I would have employed would be very unique hence creating a good brand recognition.

  1. How would you overcome the challenges / impediments to importing or exporting?

I would overcome the challenges of exporting, through creating a good brand recognition, a thing which will create a high demand for the product. This will therefore see me being able to easily export the product thus realizing very huge profits. In addition, I will also come up with possible ways of enticing the citizens of Indonesia, either through advertisements, or through promotions, thus making the product to reach a wider market in the country.






368 Words  1 Pages

Innovative marketing campaigns

The Jameson 3D Whisky Shot stood out as the most creative marketing campaign among the five marketing campaigns used in advertising different products. Jameson launched its product via social media which is the most effective strategy. The product targeted the young people who use social media in their daily today activities. Jameson advertised their product via Instagram and Facebook which are the most used social media by the people they targeted. The marketing campaign was creative since it was meant to capture the attention of the young generation. The advert stood out as the most creative advert since the Jameson shot looks like 3D in a glass while the company used 2D in making up the advert.

A marketing campaign is termed creative if it reaches the targeted group widely and within the shortest time possible. In the case of Jameson the targeted group were young people who use social media daily thus would see the advert and buy the product. A creative marketing campaign is different from that of the competitors. The competitors offer similar products therefore the marketing campaign ought to be different. For a marketing campaign to stand out as a creative one, the company must ensure it uses social media and know how people are reacting on the advert and even on the adverts of the competitors in order to know where to modify. Creative marketing campaigns ensure the companies are taking risks since they do not know how people will react to the advert and whether they will attract customers.

Creative marketing campaigns are not successful all the time. Successful adverts ensure they are humorous in order to attract more customers (Ryan & Jones, 2011). In addition they are different from those from the competitors since they involve risks competitors are not ready to undertake. The successful marketing campaigns ensure they pout in the interest of their customers first since customers are the most important people. The successful adverts always play to people’s emotions so that people can feel appreciate and use the products being marketed. On the other hand, marketing campaigns fail if the wrong message was created thus people end up misunderstanding the content. In addition, if the message delivered was wrong the marketing campaigns tend to fail since people fail to understand the message (Ryan & Jones, 2011). Failure to give the marketing campaign enough causes failure to the marketing campaign. Therefore time is an important factor in enhancing success of the marketing campaign so that the advert can achieve its goal which is reaching a wide range of people.

The Nike marketing campaign Just Do It is an example of a successful marketing campaign since it increased the sales of Nike products (Kolowich, 2015). The purpose of the advert was to reach out to as many people as possible and it achieved that since Nike products were purchased all over the globe. The advert was creative since it clearly targeted wide range of people and showed people the importance of putting on Nike products. The advert had a clear message to its targeted customers therefore people knew the importance of putting on Nike products and where they would purchase the products. The advert has been present over long periods of time and thus stood out to be a successful marketing campaign that ensured nice increase its sales.  




Kolowich.L (2015) 12 Of The Best Marketing And Advertising Campaigns Of All Time. Retrieved from            Greatest-Marketing-Campaigns-of-All-            Time.aspx#sm.000zsp550u5udwc10tc2ggq79077o

Ryan, D., & Jones, C. (2011). The best digital marketing campaigns in the world: Mastering the art of customer engagement. London: Kogan Page.


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