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Operations and Management Plan for accounting firm

Operations and Management Plan for accounting firm

The goal is to provide the best accurate report of financial position of the firm and business consulting services to clients at affordable prices. The business will provide consultation and accounting services especially to small and medium sized firms and it will be based on trustworthiness and reliability as major values. The firm will comprise of three positions that consist of a manager, marketer and financial analyst who will ensure that the operations of the firm are performed effectively.

 The role of the manager will involve overseeing the overall activities of the firm, making strategic decisions that support the growth of the firm and dealing with client issues or complaints. In addition, the manager will oversee the use of resources and corporate with the others in making strategic decisions.

The roles of the marketer will involve using different platforms including technological platforms to find out potential clients through learning the target market, developing marketing tactics and ensuring that activities are focused towards the plan. The will also ensure the firm operate within different markets and different organizations so as to attract as many clients as possible and that the clients are retained.

The roles of the financial analyst includes ensuring all the financial report for the client are prepared, using the information to provide guidance to individuals and businesses in making their investment decisions and assessing the performance of the various investments including bonds and stocks. The analyst will ensure development of necessary accounting system and integration of digital technology in it.

The firm will be located in a large city with numerous small and medium sized business so as to having a strong starting base. The services of the firm will be offered through visitation to their business premises.


297 Words  1 Pages
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