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Professional Growth Plan


Professional Growth Plan 



            The professional growth plan refers to a formal learning opportunity that can help one to improve knowledge and skills. This plan can also help one to make a meaningful engagement in the study and the various related activities. Some of the reasons for undertaking this professional development are to help improve on listening skills and refine on my leadership skills. This professional growth plans will help to explain some of the ways that I can improve on these skills. In addition this plan will also help to provide the insight into the new practice and explore the advance understanding of the content and the resources. This plan will also help to present various ways to cope up with the challenges in the course of the professional development. Moreover, the plan will also help to provide and designed evaluation plan that can help to assess the skills learnt. Most importantly, the plan will help to illustrate the role of technology and research in professional development. Finally, the plan will also help to show the role of professional development in the commitment to lifelong learning.

Need for professional growth plan

            The profession growth plan is important since it will first help me to improve on my listening skills. This will in turn allow me to learn the body language, gestures expression and therefore facilitate me to understand what other people are saying. Acquiring the listening skill will also allow me to learn new information with ease. The professional growth plan will also allow me to improve on the leadership skills. In relation to this, improving on the leadership skills will allow me to know how to provide motivation, guidance and create confidence among the employee in an organization that I will get employment. Developing my writing skills will also enable me to develop a clear thinking in my writing. In addition, the professional growth plan will also help to ensure to me to improve on the ability to play well with others. Most importantly the professional growth plan will help to ensure that I improve on my computer application skills.

Role of technology and research in promoting knowledge and skills in the work place

            The technology and research play a critical role in promoting knowledge and skill in the work place in various ways. First, it helps to improve communication in the work place, which in turn helps to ensure that there is a smooth flow of information in various departments.  Technology plays a critical role in the in the management of the human capital (Schwartz, 2006). This is because it helps to improve the efficiency in screening, recruiting and hiring of the candidates. This therefore helps to ensure that the organization is able to acquire potential employee who can help it to achieve its organizational goals. Another important point to note is the fact that technology helps to promote efficiency in the workplace. This is because technology helps in speeding the up the work process.  Research on the other hand can help to ensure an organization to establish the knowledge and skills levels in an organization.  This can help the management to device various ways to improve on the knowledge and skills of their employee. In addition, research can also help to establish the effective ways of performing work in an organization.

Strategies and activities that will help to reflect on the commitment to life-long learning and utilize the best practice

The following are some of the strategies that will help me to reflect on the life-long learning activities.

Spending time with intellectual friend

            Friends play an important role in influencing how a person makes various life choices. This therefore implies that one needs to make an important decision on the type of people one makes as friends. In relation to this I intend to spend more time with people whom we share same ideas in regard to professional development. Most important spending time with friends who invest their time in learning of the new skills will allow me to accomplish the professional growth plans. Moreover, spending time with friends will also help to facilitate collaborative learning (Attwood, 2005). This is because the friends will help to share their experience, which can in turn also facilitate my professional development.

Putting into practice skills leant

            Various studies indicate that putting the skills learnt into practice can help to ensure that one perfects on the skills learnt. In relation to this, since in I intend to develop skill such as leadership I will therefore be forced to start practicing such skills as early as now. This will help to ensure that I develop strong leadership skills that can allow me to manage the workload in an organization.


            Motivation plays critical role in ensuring that one is able to accomplish their goal. In addition motivation forms the foundation that allows learning to continue throughout the life. This is because learning requires one to have the attention and to develop the required capacity to learn. Having the right motivation will therefore facilitate me to achieve my professional growth objectives.

Commitment to Life-long learning

            The professional growth plans help in promoting the commitment to life-long learning in several ways. First it helps to incorporate the concept of need driven (Loucks-Horsley, 2010). This concept therefore helps one adapt to any type of change that one may came across in the course of their learning. In relation to this it is important to note that in professional development priorities are set based on the current adult learning needs. This implies that one may be able to use the skills learnt to better his life. Second these plans can also help one to understand the curriculum and hence facilitate deep understanding of the content.  Moreover, the professional development also helps in promoting an active participation in any activities. Most importantly active participation can also help to ensure that one is able to develop the critical thinking concept. In addition the professional development plan also help in providing relevant information regarding various concepts that one learns in school. It is also important to note that the concept of evaluation as used in the professional development can help to promote the concept of life-long learning since one can be able to identify the additional needs that required in achieving personal target.

Design of the plan

The following is a design of the profession growth plans

Time management skill

In order to improve this skill I will undertake the following

  • Prepare work schedule and check list in order to monitor my dairy activities.
  • I will plan and monitor the progress of the management of this skill.

Leadership skills

In order to improve on this skill I will undertake the following

  • Participate in the leadership seminar
  • Read leadership and management books
  • Ensure that I participate in-group discussions.

Listening skills

The following that will help improve on this skill

  • Using a lot of eye contact when listening
  • Allowing the speaker to finish his point
  • Being attentive
  • Focusing on the content

Technological skills

In order to improve on this skill I will undertake the following

  • Reading on line tutorial
  • Taking computer class
  • Embracing the use of a variety of software

Evaluating the effectiveness of the professional growth plan

            The major purpose of the professional growth plan is to improve on the overall individual performance. In order to check on the effectiveness of the time management skill I will first check on my timeliness of completing my work. This will help me to evaluate whether I was able to acquire the time management skill. In order to check on my technological skill, I will check on my ability to use different software. Moreover, in order to check on the effectiveness of the listening skill I will check on my ability to correctly answer question and my participation in a discussion. In order to evaluate the leadership skill I will mostly check on my performance in a team.  In addition, I will also use the comment from people to evaluate my performance on my leadership skills.

Employee patterns of human behavior and motivating factors of employees in one’s organizations

            The employee behavior and the motivating are closely related.  This close relationship has best been explained using the Maslow’s hierarchy of need theory. According to this theory the physiological needs or the basic need of the employee must first be met (Evans, Lindsay, & Evans, 2008). This can help to ensure that the employee begins the way to self-actualization.  The safety need or for security should be given the second priority. However, it is important to note that security is not as demanding as physiological needs. After meeting the safety needs of an employee it is important to meet the social need of the employee, which include things like love acceptance and group affiliations. When all the above needs are met it is important to note that the employee can have a chance of developing to their full potential. This therefore implies that the management of the organization must ensure that they satisfy the employee need in order to promote employee motivation in work.  

            According to Townsend el. (2007) the supervisor ability to understand each employee personal goal can help to serve as a key to motivate the employee (Adeniyi, 2007). This is because many employee typical goals are to get a good job, good salary, good coworker and most importantly a good supervision.  In addition most of the employee also desire to work in non threatening condition. According to Townsend it is important for the supervisor to offer personal thanks to the employee for doing a good job. The supervisors should also take time to listen to individual employee need. Most importantly the supervisor should provide the employee with frequent feedback about their performance. This can help to motivate the employees and therefore ensure that an organization is able to accomplish their goals and objective.

            Moreover according to David McClelland three major relevant motives help to motivate the employee performance (Fox, 2006). First is the employee need for achievement. In relation to this the employee are motivated by the need to excel and achieve the set objectives. The second motive that can help to motivate the employee is the need for affiliation. This is where the employee is motivated to work due to the desire for friendly and interpersonal relationship. The third motive that can help to motivate the employee to work hard is the need for power. This is where the employee are motivated in order to gain a certain power. 


            From it is evident that the professional development can help to promote a commitment to a life-long learning. This is because it helps one to acquire the concept of need driven which allows one to adapt to any type of change. In addition, professional development plan can help to promote active participation various activities in an organization. It is also evident that technology plays an important role in promoting knowledge and skill in the work place. In relation to this, technology helps in promoting communication among various departments in an organization. This in turn help to ensure there flow of knowledge in different department in an organization. Indentifying the need for a professional development can help to ensure that one has clear goal when undertaking the plan.  Moreover, from the above it is also important to note that the employee behavior and motivation are closely related. This therefore implies that various organizations need to ensure that their employees are motivated to expect positive behaviors from them.  

















Adeniyi, M. A. (2007). Effective leadership management: An integration of styles, skills & character for today's CEOs. Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse.

Attwood, M. (2005). Professional development: A guide for primary care. Malden, Mass: Blackwell.

Evans, J. R., Lindsay, W. M., & Evans, J. R. (2008). Managing for quality and performance excellence. Mason, OH: Thomson/South-Western.

Fox, W. (2006). Managing organisational behaviour. Cape Town, South Africa: Juta.

Loucks-Horsley, S. (2010). Designing professional development for teachers of science and mathematics. Thousand Oaks, Calif: Corwin Press.

Schwartz, D. G. (2006). Encyclopedia of knowledge management. Hershey, PA: Idea Group Reference.

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