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Essay about a Teacher

Essay about a Teacher

An excellent teacher

There are many roles played by teachers as they pass information to students. Many schools prefer teachers who are skillful and responsible for the good performance of the students. Excellent teachers have good qualities which enable many students to love them. Excellent teachers portray qualities such as patience, passion in their work and respect to the students’ .Excellent teachers should respect students and treat all students equal regardless of their backgrounds so as to maintain success of those students.

   Qualities of a good teacher

A quality teacher must be passionate in his job. Teaching is more of passion than just a mere job since it requires dedication of the teacher to the students. Passionate teachers are able to employ diverse teaching styles including effective use of gestures, facial expression and other body languages. Excellent teachers play the role of guiding and encouraging students and thus being of importance in the life of a child. Ms. Linda who is taking us through speech work is an example of a teacher with passion. She is an example of a passionate and a teacher of good qualities since she is much dedicated in her work and is therefore loved by her students. She makes sure every student participate in her classes and always asks questions for clarifications. She ensures the classes are lively and there is much fun which makes her children enjoy her speech lessons. She uses gestures, tonal variations and body movements in her lessons thereby making the lessons enjoyable and interesting. Thus passion is seen as a fundamental quality in being an excellent teacher.

An excellent teacher should portray patience in class. Excellent teachers understand that students have different capabilities in regard to their power of understanding in the class. This implies that good teachers should ensure that every student has clearly understood the content of a particular topic or a point and should handle the students in the best way possible. Ms. Linda my English is a good example of a teacher with patience. She is always patient with the students until one understands a particular topic she is teaching. She encourages group discussions and conferences which boosts the understanding capacity of her students thereby showing that she is among the rare excellent teachers to find in American schools. She aims at good grades for students by ensuring that all the students are able to understand their homework and other assignments. She portrays an important aspect of an excellent teacher.

Respect is a key character in an excellent teacher. The teacher should respect the students thereby enhancing their understanding. Respect bonds the gap between teachers and students thereby maintaining good relationship between the teachers and students. Ms. Linda, my English teacher is both full of patience and respect to the students who also respect and love her for her excellent qualities. She makes sure that the students set their own rules and treats all students equal irrespective of their backgrounds. Ms. Linda respects all students’ language and therefore considers all ideas from all students. Respect is therefore a key factor in an excellent teacher as portrayed by Ms. Linda.

In conclusion it is right to say that all teachers should portray the aspects of excellent teacher which are patience, respect and passion. Teachers should treat students well as the same case to the students. This will make learning interesting thereby making students’ successful people in the nation.

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