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A Lesson Before Dying by Ernest Gaines

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Paper Instructions:

Explain the injustice of socio economics (rich vs. poor) in the novel and its cause, and connect it to the historical facts used to create the setting for the novel. Is the author objective in assessing the situation? What examples does the author provide to show a difference in status between poor and rich families? How are children affected by this discrimination? Is this type of injustice still prevalent today? If so, show the connections. If not, explain how the injustice was eradicated. Use the outline below to help you layout your essay. Introduction Paragraph-use this paragraph to introduce and explain the how injustice is a problem and connect it to the historical content. Remember to end with you thesis statement.. Example thesis: In the novel, A Lesson Before Dying by Ernest Gaines, the author uses the injustice of the death penalty to demonstrate how pigs fly. {NOT REALLY} Body paragraph--provide examples (evidence from the text) and commentary (your explanation) of examples to show how the author shows the differences. Body paragraph--talk about the lasting effects on children. Body paragraph--Is this injustice prevalent now or not? Show connections through real world examples. Conclusion--Wrap up your paper.

207 Words  1 Pages
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