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Change of Ideology Perspective Moving Forward


Change of Ideology Perspective Moving Forward

Review of literature material significantly impacts personal perspective or ideologies. These ideologies change depending on the nature of the content presented by the author or authors. In this context, we will present the ideologies presented by Paulo Freire in his article on the parody of the oppressed (Freire 269). In this text, he discusses colonizers and the colonized, the oppressors and the oppressed, pointing the power difference between the two. More importantly, highlighting the individualized change in perception concerning power and oppression, offering the exact definition of oppressors and the victims. From this excerpt, we get to understand the aspect of humanization and dehumanization.

Freire has profoundly thought that change my perspective concerning various life experiences. Primarily his ideas revolve around teaching, learning and pedagogy, and o political liberation and oppressions. The act of teaching and learning are collectively defined as education, which is commonly the process of acquiring knowledge in institutions. According to Freire, education is not merely a teacher teaching, but one who is himself taught in engaging in a dialogue with students (Freire 270). He points out that the passive nature of traditional education promotes repression, which is deemed as backward teaching to a bank. Therefore, there was a need for a pedagogy of liberation to encourage dialogue between teachers and students, thus avoiding the deposition of information.

Additionally, Freire has changed my perception concerning humanizing education. Initially, the term humanization was mean simply being human; however, humanizing education is presented as a pathway where men and women can consciously appreciate their existence in the world. People’s actions and thoughts are essential in the development of full capacities by considering their personalized needs and those of others. Primarily, the pedagogy of the oppressed is animated by authentic humanism, generously presenting itself as the man’s pedagogy (Freire 277). However, the beginning of pedagogy is with egoistic interests of the oppressors making the oppressed objects of humanitarianism. Adoption and maintaining of oppression is the primary tool that defines dehumanization.

Nevertheless, humanization and dehumanization are the exact opposite, just as they would be the first people’s vocation.  The problem with the vocation is that it is always negated, thwarted with injustice and exploitation, violence and oppression of the oppressors. The purpose of this affirmation is to work towards finding freedom and justice for the oppressed, recovering their lost humanity (Freire 278). The loss of humanity is shared among the peasants, who at times begin educational projects intending to generate themes in a lively manner. With time they confess not to know anything, and thus they need forwarding improvement without which they will be deemed not at all different from animals. Failure to admit to the differences then these oppressors would never be free; indeed, the animals will joy more freedom over people.

Knowledge passed concerning revolutionary leadership reveal that leadership needs to practice co-intentional education. Both teachers and students have to actively engage in co-intent on reality through creation and knowledge, which is attained joint reflection and action. We must appreciate that our role was permanent re-creators; however, the oppressed will struggle to obtain their liberation and become committed to involvement (Freire 278). However, the aspect of banking of education has been highly criticized; this critique concerns the education process becoming depositing act, with the students being the depositories and the teacher becoming the depositor. In this context, the teacher issues communiques and makes deposits that can be received, memorized, and repeated.

Moreover, from the excerpt, we learn the aspect of liberating education. According to the author, liberal education is comprised of cognition acts and no transfer of information.  A learning situation is far from being the end of the cognitive act, intermediating the actors. The teachers in this context are the cognitive actors and students, on the other hand. Understanding situations concerning cognitive action is essential in addressing problem-posing education, thus solving teacher-student contradictions (Freire 279). The concept of problem-posing education is an affirmation that both men and women are in the process of becoming; they are unfinished, uncompleted, and unfinished reality. These can be directly compared to incomplete animals; however, the difference is that people appreciate incompleteness. The incompleteness in humans and their transformational character of reality is essential in appreciating the role of continually offering education.

Based on the material above, forwarding movement and development needs to embrace humanization. Adopting humanization help in minimization of exploitation of others in the society, eliminating cruelty and injustice actions. Further appreciating the role of human doctrines and religion, which were vital during the Nile valley development as well as the ancient and Aryan models of development (Browder 4; Bernal 86). Additionally, the development is attributed to the biblical perspective of creation and salvation, which dictates how people should interact and stay free from oppression. The religious believers do well with the expectation of a reward of their truth, justice, and righteousness afterlife.

Work Cited

Bernal, Martin. Black Athena. Rutgers University Press, 2020.

Browder, Anthony T. Nile Valley contributions to civilization: Exploding the myths. Vol. 1. Institute of Karmic Guidance, 1992.

Freire, Paulo. Pedagogy of the oppressed. Bloomsbury publishing USA, 2018.

856 Words  3 Pages
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