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How can FreshTec best approach the issue of industry adoption of their new packaging?


How can FreshTec best approach the issue of industry adoption of their new packaging?

It will be quite difficult task to bring an expensive technology into a market that is characterized by being rigid to change. The new packaging incurred an extra cost and was more expensive than the standard packaging (Alvarez & Johnson, 5). The additional cost calls for an increase in the retail price meaning that only the rich retailers can take the change comfortably.

It is important to turn to the food service providers and retailers and persuade them of all the advantages that SmartPac technology bears. The management should be able to show them that despite the additional cost of SmartPac, it can save a lot of money on previously incurred losses on decayed, wasted, spoiled and dead produce (Alvarez & Johnson, 12). Also, show them how the new packaging is able to add a lot of value since it is able to distribute riper, better-tasting and fresher produce.

FreshTec agreed that they required a good policy and also a considerable training team to assisting teaching and convincing growers on the new technology.  The operations team should work towards visiting farmers and teach them on the benefits of the new packaging box (Alvarez & Johnson, 16). The team should also strive to show them the kind of produce to pick so as they can prove the box works. It is hard work to do that but it will be worth trying.

It is important to share the new technology with all the farmers they get produce from. The demonstrations to be carried out will be useful to notify packers and growers of best methods and techniques of using the Smartpac technology. By involving them they are able to see for themselves the importance of the technology and appreciate it.

Work cited

Alvarez.J & Johnson.R FreshTec:  Revolutionizing Fresh Produce (2016) pg 1-24

318 Words  1 Pages
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