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Psychological Principles


Psychological Principles

Psychology is a subject that has many different aspects that entail the study of human development, social behavior, cognitive processes, clinical development, sports, and health, among other sub-fields. In general, psychology mainly focuses on the mind and behavior (Kalat, 2021). However, there are various ways in which psychological principles affect the study of the behavior of individuals and groups. Besides, group or individual behavior has been a common issue in this field ever since it began. Psychologists use psychological principles to introduce a behavior change in various frameworks, from marketing to psychotherapy to military training and political manipulation. This principle, however, has impacted and brought the possibility of bringing change in people's behavior. Moreover, it helps develop an internal and consistent comprehensive psychological understanding of the environment in relation to behavior change.

Two main parameters are found in deviant behavior. These parameters formal deviance and informal deviance. Psychologically, formal deviance tends to violate or break the laws, such as homicides and theft. On the other hand, informal deviance tends to go against social norms, such as yawning and belching loudly. However, the best therapy recommended for deviant behavior is rehabilitation. This can be achieved through secure units in prison or seeking the help of psychiatric professionals in hospitals. Other therapies include eclectic therapy, an approach that helps therapists use multiple techniques and theoretical orientations to address individuals' needs (Goode, 2019). Other therapies used in this field include psychodynamic therapy, person-centered therapy, behavioral therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and dialectical behavioral therapy. However, therapists also use sensory therapy, relaxation therapy, exposure therapy, mindfulness and acceptance, and commitment therapy. Although deviant behaviors are activities that are not approved by society, they have social and psychological implications.

It is essential to note that psychological principles affect the study of individual differences. For instance, it puts into account how individuals differ. Since people are unique, everyone has a different way of responding to any program or stimuli. In addition, the uniqueness may be influenced by past experiences, shape, size, genetics, gender, chronic conditions, and injuries (Vist, 2016). For instance, people take different times to recover from various health-related problems. Some take more time to recover than others.

Psychology also plays an essential role in the industry, complex organizations, law, and education. For instance, in industry, psychology is used to identify, recognize, and develop practical solutions to solve a problem. Through this increases and improves employee satisfaction and workplace dynamics. In addition, studying industrial psychology helps in understanding human relations, preventing accidents, development, and personnel training, motivating, and giving employees morale in the workplace (Osland, Devine & Turner, 2015).

In complex organizations, psychology plays a role in evaluating and assessing individual, group, and organization dynamics. Besides, it assists organizations in establishing solutions to the problems, which improves the organization's performance and wellbeing. In law, psychology plays a role in formulating the advisory rule. It helps in evaluating the witnesses, especially eyewitnesses who are usually afraid or influenced. Also, it helps decision-makers in concluding by providing accurate pictures and images of human preferences and perceptions. This is, however, facilitated by the legal psychologists who carry out these activities in the court system. In the education field, psychology is used by educational psychologists. These psychologists can utilize human development theory to inform the structural process (Hanimoglu,2018). This, in turn, helps individuals learn and understand things better.



Goode, E. (2019). Deviant behavior. Routledge.

Hanimoglu, E. (2018). Deviant Behavior in School Setting. Journal of Education and Training Studies6(10), 133-141.

Kalat, J. W. (2021). Introduction to psychology. Cengage Learning.

Osland, J., Devine, K., & Turner, M. (2015). Organizational behavior. Wiley Encyclopedia of Management, 1-5.

Vist, N. V. (2016). Psychological and Pedagogical Conditions for the Prevention of Deviant Behavior among Adolescents. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education11(15), 8536-8551.


632 Words  2 Pages
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