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Dietary supplements

Dietary supplements

I prefer dietary supplements to energy drinks because they are important in ensuring that the body gets enough essential substances required and some may minimize the risks of getting ill. The supplements are better than energy drinks which are caffeinated and calls for consideration of a person’s health before consumption.

A friend, who is a bit older regularly, uses Vitamin D supplements.  The supplements provide Vitamin D, which has been associated with a myriad of benefits. The lack of this Vitamin has been associated with high risks of many diseases including diabetes, heart disease, mood disorders, dementia and even cancer.  The use of the supplement helps in the prevention of these illnesses. Another major benefit is that Vitamin D helps in building of strong bones. This is because it improves the rate of absorption of phosphorous and calcium which are important ingredients in the structure of human bones (Harvard Health Publishing, 2017).  However, there are health risks that have been associated with an overdose of this vitamin. A high intake of this vitamin has been associated with increased cases of falls and fractures especially in older women.  In some cases, a supplement with too much vitamin D can lead to hypocalcaemia, where build up of calcium in blood may form deposits in soft tissues including arteries (Harvard Health Publishing, 2017).


Harvard Health Publishing, (2017) .Taking too much vitamin D can cloud its benefits and create health risks. Retrieved from:



246 Words  1 Pages
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