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Chicano wave 2

Chicano wave 2

The group name is Cannibal and The Headhunters which was among the first groups made up of Mexican-American individuals. The group was founded in 1964 by Robert Jaramillo and Richard and was later joined by Joe “Yo Yo” Jaramillo and Frankie “Cannibal” Garcia (Wikipedia, 1).  

The song was first written and then recorded in the period of 1962. The song is of rock and roll genre. This genre originated in the late 1940s and later early 1950s from musical styles popularized by the African-American like jazz and rhythm and blues with the country style (Wikipedia, 1).  Rock and roll can describe either the international style known as rock music or the style that originated in United States before it emerged by the middle of 1960s. The song became very popular in the 1960s period, which can be attributed to the famous “na na na na” note (Dahliacorona, 1).

Part b

Sabor a Mi is a bolero which was popularized by the Los Panchos in 1964 in collaboration with Eydie Gorme (Wikipedia, 1). It was originally composed by and sung by Alvaro Carrillo – Mexican- in 1964. The bolero was originally in Spanish is all about two individuals in love and its title Sabor a Mi means A Taste of Me (Wikipedia, 1).

This song is a bolero genre and its performers had a lot of influence on the entire genre. In addition, their style of guitar instrumentation, rhythm use and vocals set a new standard for those who followed (Clark, 166). The song tended to be more conventional music dance by afro-Cuban and a swing band which was favoured by the Paucho dancers.

Works cited

Dahliacorona .Latin Music USA: The Chicano Wave. 2014. Available at: Wikipedia.Bolero.Available at:

Wikipedia. Cannibal & the Headhunters.2017.Retrieved from:

Wikipedia. Cannibal & the Headhunters.2016.1. Retrieved from: Clark, Walter.From Tejano to Tango: Essays on Latin American Popular Music.2013.166-167  



336 Words  1 Pages
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