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Costa Gavarass Z


Costa Gavarass Z was a movie that took many people by surprise. This is because no one knew that it was an assassination film in Greece leader who had a secret in the organization and as a result of this the end was experienced with a coup that led to bloodshed. That was not expected of the film as a result of its advertisement that named it a love thriller. The narrative by the author Erdrich identifies the movie success as it was able to expose the hypocrites (Erdrich, 2008). In her own life, her parents were not happy with her being a wrestling cheerleader based on the notion that it would change her from what they are used to be though she had changed with time as a result of the exposure she got in life such as hunting with her father. After reviewing the movie she got in an argument with Vincent as to who was responsible for changing letters on the marquee. According to Erdrich, their boss was exploiting them while according to Vincent their boss was just a fair man who made good money (Erdrich, 2008).

The author considers the movie as an eye opener of the political mildew as there was much to learn from. This meant fighting for the truth and a just working environment that led them to take sides. She was against Vincent who told on her to the boss (Erdrich, 2008). This led to a confrontation as there was no pretense in solidarity. Erdrich accused Vincent of stealing and keeping good the items left by the audience. The downfall of the theater made the two think straight as they stood in the dark marquee as they both felt hurt.  There were many revolutions but her first view of the world was terribly exotic, dangerous and passionate as well.





Erdrich L (2008), Z: The Movie That Changed My Life. Spring


320 Words  1 Pages
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