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Dumb and Dumber

Reply discussion on tropes

Discussion 1 Ryan

Dumb and Dumber is a movie that is characterized by many tropes but the most iconic one are the Irony and the exaggerated tropes (Greven, 276). This is true because how could Lloyd storm the airport security in the 9/ 11 world and enduring the pain of almost getting killed just to give his dream girl a briefcase. The Hangover movie is filled with irony and hilarious that the tropes portray as the character of Leslie can be considered to be a hilarious one or the most annoying one in the trilogy (Wachtel, 45).

Discussion 2 Brandon

The Lego movie can be considered as the funny pronunciation and stupid hero as in the case of Batman who is hugely egotistical. The film has its scene in the animated city that is entirely built on bricks. The Yes Man movie shows moral luck and reckless gun usage as well as a bossy feeling exhibited by the boss who after all is not the best. It is true to say that there is an overused trope in the movie of the big kiss which is ironic and strategically shown in the movie that it will last forever. Fargo was characterized by criminals and lies making the movie more funny, exciting and hence its success (Luhr, 98).

Yes, man uses similar devices that can be most confused with that of comedy hoaxsters. This is because their tropes are similar in that they are comic films that have the bossy act that is generally not the best but they are given the chance to feel so as they are normally given the respect despite their occasional behaviors that do not qualify them.


Work cited

Greven, David. Ghost Faces: Hollywood and Post-Millennial Masculinity. , 2015. Print.

Luhr, William. The Coen Brothers Fargo. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2004. Print.

Wachtel, Michael. The Cambridge Introduction to Russian Poetry. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2004.

324 Words  1 Pages
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