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Management just announced they are shutting down the company you are working for. You sit down with a group of coworkers to discuss the situation. Eventually, you agree to try taking over the company and running it as a WSDE. You agree to present this pro

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Paper Instructions:

Management just announced they are shutting down the company you are working for. You sit down with a group of coworkers to discuss the situation. Eventually, you agree to try taking over the company and running it as a WSDE. You agree to present this proposal to all the workers in the company. In order to do so, you prepare a slideshow presentation with speaking notes that addresses the following issues:

1. What is a WSDE?
2. What are the possibilities of taking over the workplace and running it as a WSDE?
3. What are the challenges of taking over the workplace and running it as a WSDE?

119 Words  1 Pages
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