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Dynamic strategic thinking


Strategic thinking

Dynamic strategic thinking is important in the health care industry as it helps practitioners to address the different needs of their patients. In order to offer quality care, caregivers must think strategically so as to come up with approaches to ensure that they can handle the different needs that their patients have. Organizations that neglect to think strategically therefore expose themselves to the risk of poor quality of service (Keegan, 2019). If strategic thinking is not employed, caregivers may only use the guidelines given without alterations regardless of the impact on the patient and this could greatly affect the quality of care given. An example of why health organizations have to keep thinking strategically is the constant evolution in the human desire for better quality health. In order to meet the quality of care patients expect, health institutions must constantly seek new strategies to help carry out their functions.

A competitive advantage is important in that, it helps to improve the trust established between the patients and their caregivers. Organizations with a significant competitive advantage are often regarded as having better quality of service and also well equipped. This in return creates more demand as patients are more likely to seek medical help from recognized instructions. In order to gain a competitive advantage, hospitals invest a lot in training employees and improving their skills (keegan, 2019). The organizations also give rewards and compensation to employees who excel at their duties. Attending to the needs of employees gives the organization a competitive advantage in that; the employees are more goal oriented and they give better quality of service. Patients view the improved service as a sign for better care and this gives the organization a competitive advantage over others in the market it operates in.



Keegan P, (2019) “The value of strategic thinking” Forbes



306 Words  1 Pages
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