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Management challenges

Management challenges

  Management comes with its share of rewards and challenges. The turbulent market place and competitive forces are contributors to these challenges. Challenges faced by managers in an organization include confronting employee performance problem which happens to be the main challenge, this challenge can be dealt with by using better selection practices and clearly setting clear performance expectations from the employees. making right hiring decision is also a problem that managers are faced with, choosing a wrong candidate while selecting employees would result to other problems, this challenge can be dealt with by using selection interviewing that allows them to get multiple inputs.  Team conflicts, is also a challenge that face these managers, they have the desire to see their employees collaborating together. Conflicts put them in awkward situations since they have to preside over these disputes, these challenges can be dealt with by clarifying the team values in the team formation process (McCarthy, 2019) loosing high potential employees is another challenge that managers have to face along the way. Burnouts due to exhaustion of being on their job becomes a challenge also, managers tent to take little or no vacation, burn outs may make them in effective while it comes to executing their duties. Peer conflicts that are a result of bad strategy

Strategic leadership style will help them deal with these problems as they arise. Being a strategic leader is key and bring about high performance. With strategic management bad strategies that result to peer conflicts might be avoided thus helping the mangers deal with that challenge. The coaching leadership management style will help them deal with the challenge of loosing high potential employees and having to hire new ones. This leadership style involves teaching and supervising the employees. lastly, team management leadership style will help them deal with team conflict challenges.  Team leadership will help them work with the hearts and minds of all those involved (Francis, 2010). Lasses-Faire management leadership that allows managers to give their employees power to make decisions will help deal with the challenge of burnouts since they can take breaks from work because their employees hold the power to make decisions (Francis, 2010).










Francis A. 2010 leadership styles. Retrieved from;            principles/leadership-styles/

McCarthy D (2019). Challenges manager face and how to deal with them. Retrieved from;    

391 Words  1 Pages
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