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Professional map

Professional areas

The professional map is a guideline that offers clear directions on how one can go about different activities within various HR professional fields. It encompasses qualities, specific methods, and elements that shape professional life of an individual. The map’s main objective is to maintain expert competence but not limited to a firm’s structure, role, and level. Moreover, it covers a wide scope of HR professions that can fit anywhere in the cooperative world such as from a small business to large-scale enterprise. The founders of the map were experts that covered all aspects of the professional life hence equipping it with the dynamic ability to remain relevant in each sector of the market (The CIPD profession Map Our Professional Standards).

Insights, strategies, and solutions are the two professional areas. These core areas help to enhance understanding of any firm or company and their context. Consequently, an organization can use the information to make custom solutions to their problems. On the other hand, the leading HR is in form of leadership and makes use of HR components that offer systematic support by measuring, development, and ensuring other factors are stable across the board (The CIPD profession Map Our Professional Standards).

Under the professional area, organization structure is essential in delivery of a firm’s goals in both the long and short term. On other hand, aligning the goals of an organization with the skill set available improves performance and enhances strategy. Consequently, the effectiveness of an organization increases. Design interventions establish proper ways of conducting activities within a firm, which in turn increases productivity. Still under the professional area, training and development or advancement equips staff members with the ability to meet hefty demands from the market without compromising on the quality service or product. Under the performance category of the professional area, it assists to come up with a hard working culture within the organization by rewarding employees after they deliver quality work. This motivates the workers to consistently deliver more work (The CIPD profession Map Our Professional Standards).

The bands encompass all the tasks and information within the professional map. There are four bands. Each band shows competencies and contribution of HR experts in each stage of their careers. For instance, the social link between HR experts with clients. Hence, the bands are like guideline to development and planning. The first band deals with delivery basics, the second band is advisory and fact based, the third band consultancy and cooperative. Lastly, the fourth band acts on leadership skills and coaching. As one moves from one band to the next, there are certain problems experienced. However, the challenges are normal there are strategies that enable smooth transition (The CIPD profession Map Our Professional Standards).

The first band enhances understanding and evaluates opportunities within a market. It achieves its goals by utilizing past experiences, training in order to increase awareness on  an organization so that one can carry out his or her activities in context of the exact situation within the particular organization. Working with the goal of organization in mind increases productivity. The second band uses an enterprise’s information to come up with a strategy that covers all aspects of an organization that moves the workforce forward. This band does not ignore people’s experiences and perspectives as they can also shape productivity within an organization. The third band evaluates complex data, which consequently gives a glimpse into the current situation of the organization and how to go about challenges. The last band includes social, economic and politics aspects. The management and incorporation of the three sectors taps into potential market and opportunities. After coming up with a foundation of the four bands, all plans fall into place (The CIPD profession Map Our Professional Standards).

There are certain behaviors that HR professionals need to exhibit as they conduct and carry out their duties. Bands of competencies contain the behaviors experts need in order to carry out their responsibilities successfully. Being curious helps one to learn more and go an extra mile while maintaining an open mind and a strong sense of creative thinking that propels his duties further. Being a role model solidifies one’s character as it one act in an exemplary manner that will portray them as leaders. Being courageous gives an expert the strength to face challenges and heavy duties without giving up (The CIPD profession Map Our Professional Standards).

 The organization’s design is to analyze and pick the best strategic plan for the business. An effective organization design is subject to review, as it has to achieve both long and short-term goals of an organization. If the design does not help in meeting the aims, changing it would be the best chance. It is vital to note that changing an organization’s design must be in line with technical professional areas and incorporate central areas. In order to come up with a design, under the first band, one should consider revising sectors that contain weakness and create proper strategies of enhancement. Also producing areas that increase efficiencies is a critical way of updating an organization’s design. Under the second band, manages should inform on areas that can upgrade efficiency within an organization. The third band is to utilize senior administrators come up with effective designs that can steer the company and fulfill objectives and strategies. By using the last band, change in the internal structure of an organization can be subject to a review even without negative results on site. Hence, altering a design should occur after sometime as it increases chances of achieving certain objectives. In short, an organization design should produce maximum results by examining professional areas (The CIPD profession Map Our Professional Standards).

The organization’s development isolates organizational and the ability of each employee’s necessities. Then it organizes, workers, procedures into an effective system, able to achieve immediate and long-term goals. Defining policies helps to contextualizes information and reveals the challenges within an organization. In fact, managers and other senior stakeholders may carry out an evaluation to determine whether a team charged with the responsibility of carrying the mantle of the organization forward is capable of delivering quality, efficient work (The CIPD profession Map Our Professional Standards).

In short, the professional map is a guidance with articulated information that sheds light on critical issues in the HR professional field. The guide is a gold mine full of strategies and solutions to an organization’s structures and goals. It takes into consideration personal opinion, experiences and contextualizes challenges to fit the current state of the organization.













The CIPD profession Map Our Professional Standards. Pdf




1098 Words  3 Pages
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