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What is the difference between a ‘group’ and a ‘team’ and how do collections of people become ‘teams’? How do managers and leaders enable effective team formation and working? How would you develop your own capacity to grow effective teams?

What is the difference between a ‘group’ and a ‘team’ and how do collections of people become ‘teams’? How do managers and leaders enable effective team formation and working? How would you develop your own capacity to grow effective teams?


Nowadays, teams and grouping notions are implemented by companies in order to undertake distinct consumer-based projects. In that, when two people or more are categorized together by a company or on the grounds of social necessities, this is understood to be a group. Contrary, a team can best be described as a collection of individuals who are brought together in the quest of achieving a common objective (Edmondson, 2012). Most operations in business based organizations are undertaken within group’s classifications. Despite the fact that the personal personality of every worker is essential, their usefulness is dependent on teams that work in supportive collaboration to accomplish a given set of objectives. In one team several groups can be in existence where the members personally assist their leaders to achieve the specific objectives (Edmondson, 2012). In this context, it is apparent that a team and a group are different despite the fact that they are comprised of a collection of people a team is more objective and the members are linked together by having similar motivations and goals. A team is therefore, more operative than a group (Edmondson, 2012). This paper will present an analysis of the distinction amid group and team and how a group of people is transformed into a team. In addition, it will analyze how managers and leaders establishes operational creation and operation of teams as well as how I would develop my own capacity in developing operative teams.

An In-depth Literature Review

In the business context, the term group and team are utilized interchangeably to demonstrate their significance in describing organizational behaviors but they are distinct (Ghuman & Aswathappa, 2010). A group is normally comprised of persons who work collaboratively to completing a given task while actually, a team is just an assembly of persons dedicated interdependently to one another in accomplishing a given job. The recognition of the existing differences despite them being small can assists organizational managers to successfully lead persons to achieve the set organizational objectives (Ghuman & Aswathappa, 2010). Organizational behavior is best described as the examination of individuals. In that teams and groups within an organization are some aspects that play part in organization behavior. The manner in which individuals associate in their respective operating surrounding expressively, communication and informally all play a role. Both concepts determine the behaviors and the conduct of every member (Gustavson & Liff, 2014).

Leaders are answerable to the gathering of teams and leading them to the highest performance. In that, an operative leader establishes the significance of embracing diversity amid individuals and understands how the differences can be utilized for strategic advantages (Gustavson & Liff, 2014). An effective formation and operative team is one that is characterized by high performance. A team can best be defined as a gathering of objective focused persons with customized professionalism and modernized skills who cooperate, revolutionize as well as generate consistent high results. This particular group, on performance superiority via shared cooperation, leadership, transparent communication as well as objectives (Gustavson & Liff, 2014). Effective teams are the modern workplaces backbone and leaders should be focused on creating stability in this teams. Without effective formation and operation of teams, this implies that the leaders are at risks of limited production as well poor performances (Ghuman & Aswathappa, 2010).

The major characteristics of a team are that it is associated with similarity of purposes and goals. A team is a general reproduction of a more specific feature of a group (Gustavson & Liff, 2014). Individuals in any given team unlike in groups normally work collaboratively in order to accomplish mutual causes. The existence of the groups leads to the generation of teams. The word group can be linked to any usual small gathering of persons which depends on the kind of tasks they are necessitated to accomplish given that they exist due to a different connection such as family, staffs or networks groups (Homan et al., 2008). On the other hand, a team is mainly related to individuals group in a specific setting such as work or sporting. This is a unique kind of group that is related to certain operations or duties. In a team, the members normally depend on each other for an extended period as they operative collaboratively for the long run (Homan et al., 2008).

Managers and organizational leaders enable effective formation and operation of teams via effective communication, building trust and being collaborative (Homan et al., 2008). Creating trust is essential given that employees will automatically learn to trust the made judgments. Trust is not built by subjecting authority but it means, that every individual should be encouraged to focus on transparency and honesty. This is because it is not possible for the leaders to supervise every staff in the organization but with the presence of trust, they are bound to operate effectively to achieve a common objective (Edmondson, 2012). Operative teams cannot be built without a proper understanding of every member’s skills, knowledge as well as capabilities. Therefore, leaders usually focus on establishing associations with every member to create the needed understanding. This knowledge is a valuable one given that it assists in matching the profession and abilities of each to specified issues which in turn result in increased production and high job satisfaction (Edmondson, 2012). In addition, trying to incorporate them in the procedures of making decisions is essential. In that rather than focusing on assigning and managing duties, open-ended operations are encouraged because they inspire collaboration and build problem-solving capabilities (Homan et al., 2008).

In addition, as a leader, one should focus on building relationships with all the members. As cooperation begins within these teams, their working should be examined and adopt strategies that are aimed at improving communication, faith as well as collaboration. Issues should be solved in harmony by listening to the presented arguments without any biases which are a way of empowering coloration (Gustavson & Liff, 2014). A leader is an individual who does not focus on control rather focuses on listening and communicating without any kind of judgments which encourages workers to develop fresh problems solution strategies (Edmondson, 2012). Once relationships have been created amid the leader and the workers it is time to foster on collaborative working. In that information sharing should be encouraged by focusing on consistent communication. Effective communication is not about discussions but this mainly includes holding open debates to acquire suggestions as well as concerns where everyone is motivated to assist and offer their expertise when required which encourages clear and truthful communication. Finally, ground policies to govern the teams can be set. Teams are established formally via the development of team values, objectives and performance targets in association to the person’s performance. In the contemporary workplace, team building for managers is a primary responsibility (Edmondson, 2012). This is not a venture that can be achieved and abandoned given that its sustained necessitates commitment.

Team building is not an easy responsibility given that it does not only demands commitment but reading skills are a must. The potential of teamwork is mainly dependent on the capability by team leaders to organize the members based on clear and shared values (Kanaga & Kossler, 2011). To begin with, I would develop my personal capacity of developing effective teams by being an effective communicator, building relationships, focusing on participative leadership, transparency, commitment, confidence and problem-solving capabilities.  Focus is essential because an effective leader establishes clear visions, shares them with the followers and supports them towards achievement. The leading capacity involves the general capacity to motivate the involved persons in the quest of getting the desired outcomes (Kanaga & Kossler, 2011). Effective communication is necessary and all effective leaders are best in communications. I would therefore, develop my communication skills to ensure that I grow to be a good listen and communicator (Kanaga & Kossler, 2011). This means that in the presence of argument I would be able to listen to the presented arguments and offer my opinions without any kind of judgment. In addition communicating of thoughts and decisions without affecting emotions and productivity is part of being an effective communicator. The manner in which information is delivered is part of the accountability of a leader and this assist in making the members acquire a sense of motivation and objectivity (Katzenbach & Smith, 2015).

According to Role Theory people describes their responsibilities for self and those of others based on learning and social learning (Katzenbach & Smith, 2015). In addition, individuals normally encourage others to act within the expectations that have been set. This implies that setting common goals in a team implies that individuals are bound to act collaboratively for the achievement of the specified goal. The role of leaders is therefore to create clarity regarding the roles of every member to avoid role conflict (Katzenbach & Smith, 2015). In that such conflicts can happen where individuals have a distinct anticipation of their leaders and thus leaders should be certain of the expectations that in turn create trust from the followers. Unlike autocratic leadership where major choices are made without engaging teams, democratic leaders permit teams to offer input prior to making any decision which creates better relationships, transparency and easy management (King, 2016). However, expectancy motivation theory suggests that individuals are likely to select on how to conduct themselves depending on the result they anticipate acquiring as the product of their behavior (Katzenbach & Smith, 2015). In this context, this theory is essential for the team works because it holds the notion that efforts are likely to lead to desired performance which encourages employees to focus on high production.

Leaders are supposed to have the capability to communicate what a certain role entails, how it should be accomplished and the set ambitions (Kanaga & Kossler, 2011). Simultaneously, developing and development of relationships amid the followers and organizational consumers is a major sign of an individual who is generally dedicated to their responsibilities. This normally acquires time, effort as well as psychological investment in order to sustain associations something that is particularly valued by the involved parties (Kanaga & Kossler, 2011). The built relationships are essential given that they assist in inspiring teams to be hard workers and to target beyond the set goals collaborative. By being a participant this implies that I will be focusing on a democratic system where a leader plays part in operation rather than just assigning duties. This strategy is not only performance oriented but it also helps in the building of positive teams that are characterized by honesty as well as transparency. An individual who feels individually inspired by their participation of their leaders is most likely to focus on high performance for collaborate gains (Katzenbach & Smith, 2015).

In addition, I will focus on my problem-solving qualities given that leadership is about understanding the existing issues and developing probable solutions without affecting any operation. Teamwork is about sharing ideas in order to ensure that the needs of those involved are solved (King, 2016). More so, trusted leaders are those that demonstrate truthfulness and integrity which not only creates transparency but encourages high performance. Acquiring trustworthy will ultimately increase the dedication of the team members towards the achievement of the set objects while inspiring their probable labors (King, 2016). Trust normally assist in speeding and enhancing the communication procedures given that team members are always likely to acquire more risks during the challenging sessions where issues regarding their operations and probable solutions are developed. Having confidence is an inspiration of belief and creates a positive presentation and also encourages commitment. Without commitment, it is not possible to create firm teams given that there are efforts that are needed in maintaining collaboration and encouraging focus (King, 2016).

A Critical Reflection on the Literature

Team and group are two terms that are utilized in substitution but are particularly distinct. The primary difference amid the two is that a team is a gathering of individuals who are connected by shared special interests but a group can be generated from the presence of individual’s populace in carrying out a more focused activity based on their willingness and not an obligation (Katzenbach & Smith, 2015). This is the main reason as to why there are sports related teams and not group because the members work collaboratively for a common purpose which is to win (Lencioni, 2013). On the other hand, there are organizational groups rather than teams because they are brought together by their willingness to participate. In other words, a group can best be described as individuals number that forms units for a certain reason while on the other hand a team can best be described as a gathering of focused persons that are attracted together by mutual objectives that should be accomplished (King, 2016).

The contemporary workplace is more dependent on teams because they assist mainly in collaborative success. This is because based on the complexity of operations individuals are required to operate collaboratively in order to establish issues and develop probable solutions (Lencioni, 2013). While within teams leaders serve as the major organizer leaders in any group are characterized by power as they govern and control them. Teams are more effective because they are based on democracy where decision-making is based on the member’s opinions rather than the leaders designing responsibilities (King, 2016). In other words, teamwork is particularly formal with the existence of focused objectives and goals and encourages everyone to participate to ensure that the teams are functional (Katzenbach & Smith, 2015). On the other hand despite the fact that groups are dependent on the abilities of each other they are characterized by differences given that the members have the capability to choose their focus.

Teambuilding is an essential focus for every leader because business and operations are dependent on them. In this context, it does not imply that teams are formulated and then left to develop solemnly because they require being sustained for the long run (Lencioni, 2013). Teams are not usually built by subjecting control and authority over the members but they are mainly sustained through the utilization of trust and transparency. In that, the members have to be made to trust the leaders and each other. This, therefore, means that the capability to lead as well as communicate is essential. Building operative teams necessitate the capability to listen to the raised arguments and pass their opinions without any kind of judgment (Lencioni, 2013). Effective communication is essential because it helps in building healthier relationships amid the leaders and the followers. These relationships are required in order to understand the potential as well as the abilities of each member in order to design specified goals based on the existing issues (Lencioni, 2013).

Management and leadership are essential parts of running an organization effectively because the determine performance as well as production (Robbins, Bergman, Stagg & Coulter, 2014). In that, if the management is fair this, therefore, implies that the employees are highly motivated to participate in order to accomplish common objectives. Management is all about planning, designing as well as controlling the operations of every member while creating beneficial relationships amid each of them. Team building is about efforts because it is centered on the ability to inspire as well as motivate the followers to be focused on common performance and shared objectives (Robbins, Bergman, Stagg & Coulter, 2014). The capability to lead is usually determined by the general ability to coordinate divert, set customized and focused goals and motivate employees to operate collaboratively for the achievements of these goals (Lencioni, 2013).

An Account of Ideas Application in Practice

Teams can be utilized in the work organization to increase performance, motivation, and productivity among members which in turn leads to low turnover and efficiency (Robbins, Bergman, Stagg & Coulter, 2014). Teams are a significant dynamic operative unit in collaboration to achieve efficiency in achieving the set objective. There are numerous forces that play part in the general creation of efficient, high-performing, and productive teams. From the ideas of the essay, it is apparent that teamwork can be applied among individuals within the organization for high performance and utmost production (Robbins, Bergman, Stagg & Coulter, 2014).  In that, teams should be created among the right populace given that the individuals should be characterized by commonness that fuels their willingness to work collaboratively.  Consistency is essential because it creates confidence and focus and any team that operates successfully with high production is not likely to suffer from turnover given that with efficiency and high accomplishment the members will acquire satisfaction which will help in creating expertise. This, therefore, implies that teamwork is all about trust, communication, commitment and focus (Robbins, Bergman, Stagg & Coulter, 2014).

On the other hand, in order to create effective teams one should focus on setting specific, measurable, real, relevant as well as time restrained goals. In that, the success of any team can best be assessed by the results that it generates in terms of accomplishment and performance (Wheelan, 2014). In that, while communicating the goals they ought to be realistic and achievable that is limited by a specified time limit. This strategy helps in inspiring individuals to participate in discussions that are mainly objected at encouraging thoughts sharing and openness (Wheelan, 2014). In any team, communication should be made priority given that it helps in creating understanding and passing ideas as well as values among the involved members. Roles should be at all times be described clearly to avoid the occurrence of conflict or confusion which would, in turn, affect productivity in general. Successful teams are only those that operate collaborate while providing support as well as help to one another particularly when it is needed. Teams can be utilized in workplace projects to create order, encourage collaboration as well instill discipline (Wheelan, 2014). In that, it is all about collaboration as well as good relationships among those that are involved.

More so, from the essay, it is apparent that workplace leaders should be able to understand the differences amid any team or groups. In that, leaders should design groups as well as teams based on the general needs of the organization (Wheelan, 2014). This means that rather than delegating duties one is supposed to focus on the creation of trust as well as confidence. Communication is stated to be the most essential aspect in creating superior teams. In that operative teams are those that the members are free to share their information as well as thoughts (Robbins, Bergman, Stagg & Coulter, 2014). In addition, the process of creating decisions should be diverse, participative as well as cooperative. This is because with control comes willingness and every individual is likely to invest more based on the anticipated results which ensure that one is likely to be more focused on the made decisions.  In a more comfortable and cooperative surrounding, individuals are more likely to establish any existing issues and focus on the general process of establishing feasible solutions. Team-building, in other words, is the capability to ensure that teams acquire good performance (Robbins, Bergman, Stagg & Coulter, 2014). This means that the expectations should be well described to ensure that everyone understands their responsibility and the values that they create based on their behaviors (Wheelan, 2014).

Summary of the Reflection and Its Impact on Leadership and Management Thoughts

It is worth noting that the success of any business or projects the associations of groups and teams is necessary. While a group is made by a gathering of persons which is created from related but not objective persons, every member has personalized roles and duties despite the fact that they operate interdependently (Wheelan, 2014). In this context, a group can be formed by more than three persons as they operate collaboratively to acquire victory. A group is therefore made of the least ground level. This means that if any modifications are to be applied, they are made within the formed group (Wheelan, 2014). This is because in the formed group's individuals usually operate under smaller operating units and this means that they are all responsible for the acquired outcomes.

Teamwork is connected to the collecting operation that is accomplished by a specified individuals group. In this context, the major characteristics of a team are that it is associated with similarity of purposes and goals (King, 2016). A team is a general representation of more specific features of a group. Individuals in any given team unlike in groups normally work collaboratively in order to accomplish mutual causes. This means that a single team can be separated into several groups who are supposed to handle distinct kinds of operations in the quest of achieving broader mutual objectives (King, 2016). This is usually a single lined individuals group who are involved in the performing a specific role that has been assigned. In other words, a group can be described as a group of persons that are engaged in a similar operation particularly in reference to work or sports (King, 2016).

The topic fits into module given that it addresses issues that are required in shaping organizational behavior as well as being an effective leader. In that one has to be an effective communicator, confident, committed, and unbiased and relationship builder (Katzenbach & Smith, 2015). The module has in general transformed my thinking about leadership and management. This is because I thought that being an effective leader or manager is acquired from learning but it is apparent that effectiveness is fueled by knowledge, experience, and practice. Leading is about passion gave that it requires heavy investment in time as well as resources (Katzenbach & Smith, 2015). Leading is not the general capability to instill authority but it refers to the capability to motivate and inspire others to believe as well as to commit to achieving the stated goals (Katzenbach & Smith, 2015). Currently, I believe that leadership and management is all about skills as well the abilities to control situations. This, therefore, implies that given that teamwork is a requirement in the contemporary organizations it is essential to focus on building better associations.

In enhancing my personal managerial and leadership skills I will focus to improve my communication, conflict resolution, and problem-solving skills. This will mainly be developed by focusing building relations with others that are objected on achieving a certain purpose. This is because the capability to build relationships determines one’s capabilities to lead (King, 2016). Through these relationships, my general capability to listen and understands the individual's concerns, as well as their needs, will be improved. This, therefore, means that I will also be enhancing my problem-solving skills given that it is during practical practice that one is able to develop applicable thoughts that lead to issues being solved.  In other words by operating in collaborative relationships that have set duties and anticipation my communication skills will be developed gradually for more improved relationships (Katzenbach & Smith, 2015).


It is apparent that despite the fact that the terms a group and team are utilized in substitute they are all different. A team can best be described as a group of persons that are brought together by mutual purposes and ambitions to achieve specified outcomes. In other words, teams are more operative than groups and they determine productivity in the modern business environment. On the other hand, a group is a gathering of individuals who are willing to commit to independent operations but every member has different purposes but is not generally guided by the same anticipation in regard to the expected outcomes. Today’s organizations invest heavily in teams because they are the major determinant of the general performance of the organizations. In that organizations are mainly guided by utmost performance and lower operation cost which therefore implies that with effective teams implies that the performance of the organization is high but in general the turnover rate lowers which means that the general production of a company is dependent on teams rather than groups. In this context, managers are required to understand the differences and focus setting quantifiable and achievable goals based on the needs of the organization.


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Ghuman, K., & Aswathappa, K. (2010). Management: Concept, practice and cases. New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill.

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Robbins, S., Bergman, R., Stagg, I., & Coulter, M. (2014). Management VS. Sydney: Pearson Education Australia.

Wheelan, S. A. (2014). Creating Effective Teams: A Guide for Members and Leaders. SAGE.


4273 Words  15 Pages
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