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How can a manager ensure maximum cooperation from all employees in the company?

Discussions Arguments

  1. Pat Lencioni uses the following signs to identify a miserable job: anonymity, irrelevance, and immeasurement. Anonymity is the sense of being used, whereby your boss is only concerned with the work you do. Irrelevance: is not understanding how your job impacts someone else. And finally, Immeasurement: is the need employees have to measure the level of their involvement and progress for themselves (Patrick, 5).
  2. When the above signs of a miserable job are not met, the following needs as identified by Maslow are not being met: esteem, and social belonging (Rakowski, 18). Esteem is the need to be respect, and feeling of being irrelevant affects this feeling. Social belonging is the feeling of being secure, either financially, mentally, or health wise Patrick.
  3. Managers can help motivate employees through understanding the interests of the employees (Dina, 14). This will allow them to understand their employees’ areas of weakness, and areas of strength, hence giving the employees tasks which they can happily accomplish, and thus increasing job satisfaction.

Question: How can a manager ensure maximum cooperation from all employees in the company? 

Work Cited

Dina Berta, Poorly Managed Jobs Can Lead to Indifferent Employees: Nation's Restaurant News, June 2, 2008, p. 14;
Patrick Lencioni, Job Anonymity: It's a Leading Cause of Misery: Leadership Excellence, April 2008, p. 5;
Patrick Lencioni, Minimizing Misery: HRMagazine, January 2008, pp. 79-81.

Rakowski, Nina. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Model: The Difference of the Chinese and the Western Pyramid on the Example of Purchasing Luxurious Products. Norderstedt: Grin Verla, g, 2008. Print.

Patrick Lencioni:

  1. Google co-founders, Brin and Page are servant leaders, in the sense they are advocating for ways through which Google Company can help better the lives of the needy. Larry Brilliant is also a servant leader, due to the quality of work that he has shown (Yuliya, C5). Brilliant has worked with WHO, an organization whose main aim was to improve the lives of the poor, hence formulating technics which have improved all over the world, thus making him a servant leader.
  2. The biggest of Larry Brilliant’s power is to do well for the human race, in order to better its well-being. Larry has dedicated his life to providing ways through which the lives of the poor can be improved, thus making the world a better place (Gideon, 13).
  3. org illustrates empowerment at Google Company, through using some of its funds, to support the needy. The company does not only focus on productivity, but it also focuses on how it use its productivity to help the needy (Gideon, 13).  

Question: What impact has made in eradicating poverty in developing countries?


Yuliya, Chernova, Brightsource Gets New Funding: Wall Street Journal, May 15, 2008, p. C5;

Gideon, Rachman, America's Optimism Can Benefit All: Financial Times, February 5, 2008, p. 13;

"Google's Guru of Giving," The Economist, January 19, 2008, p. 69. Retrieved from:

Larry Brilliant:

Larry Page:

Sergey Brin:


504 Words  1 Pages
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