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The Competing Value Framework: Hierarchical Culture in the Food Industry

The Competing Value Framework: Hierarchical Culture in the Food Industry


The competing Value Framework (CVF) today, is the most utilized based on its undeniable significance in regard to organizational culture (Cameron & Quinn, 2011). It is universally known that the culture of an organization plays a crucial role in ensuring the success of a company. It is, therefore, significant to establish the organization’s effectiveness given that effectiveness and culture are categorized as the most significant matters in reference to organizational growth which plays part in improving the organizational surrounding. Organizational effectiveness is crucial for enhancing the general performance of the staff in every organization (Cameron, 2006). The viability of the framework is essential because it helps in understanding issues surrounding marketing operations and additionally serves in the effective integration of all marketing operations. The CVF outline is useful in serving as an objective guide for the company’s strategic options and promotes generation as well as sharing of ideas (Cameron & Quinn, 2011). Achieving organizational effectiveness is quite challenging and therefore, an effective and objective culture must be applied. This paper will seek to explore how organizational culture lead to organizational effectiveness. The selected industry is the fast food sector and the suitable culture is the hierarchical culture.

In operating an efficacious fast food organization, it is important to apply an organizational structure that holds a vibrant hierarchy. This is because the fast food sector is characterized by notorious great turnover rates, particularly among vanguard workers (Cameron, 2006). The best strategy that can ensure high productivity and performance is to ensure that the staffs are highly devoted to single tasks in every process sector. Every company’s culture is distinct given that every culture is characterized by customized features that suit the set goals and operations. In addition to the organizational structure, internal as well as external forces are significant in determining effectiveness (Cameron, 2006). It is the organization that culture is created. Culture is considered to be a crucial force in driving staffs performance. In that culture can best be described as the sense of feeling that the company creates rather than any touchable value. CVF is utilized to demonstrate the manner in which the company functions, how workers team and all that is valued by the company (Cameron & Quinn, 2011).

The competing values within the organization which includes diversity, control, constancy, suppleness, integration, an inner and external focus should at all times be balanced to create positivity. According to Cameron & Quinn (2011), CVF principle states that flexible companies are more effective as compared to rigid companies on the ground that the best companies have the capability to managing the existing competition amid different cultures while simultaneously activating all the needed values (Cameron, 2006). Based on the need for uniformity and steadiness in services and products in the fast food industry the organization should focus on the hierarchical culture. The clan is an organizational culture that is based on teamwork. In that, the members have several unities and perceive themselves to be a major part of a single family. In this culture, leadership is more of guidance and the organization is operated by the utilization of customs as well as commitments. Values in this structure are mainly driven by communication and collaboration. In order for the organization to create a positive brand, it is required to focus mainly on creating good relations with workers, clients, merchants as well as stockholders (Cameron, 2006).

On the other hand, Adhocracy Culture is mainly grounded on innovation and energy. Within such organizations leaders encourages the workers to grab risks while it is those that lead that is perceived as modernizers (Dhar & ISTD, 2009). In this context, the organization mainly sticks together in order to conduct trials while asserting on individuality and operation liberty. The primary values in this culture are mainly fueled by agility as well as transformation.  Market culture is the competitive structure that is focused on achieving tangible results. The culture is goal objected while the leaders are severe and authoritative (Dhar & ISTD, 2009). Organizations under this culture are mainly driven by the necessity to achieve similar objectives in order to acquire success and outweigh all the competitors. The culture is mainly driven by enormous market share and increased revenues as the primary values. It is therefore apparent that all this culture expect hierarchically are more objected on the external forces such as competition, revenue, and consumers rather than controlling employees behaviors in order to impact productivity (Dhar & ISTD, 2009).

Hierarchical culture is grounded on achieving control as well as culture in order to create efficiencies.  The working surrounding is usually formal that is guided by authoritative institutional processes in order to offer directions.  In this culture, leadership is grounded on organized monitoring and organization while the culture normally asserts expectedness and efficiency. The culture’s values are steadiness and uniformity. The culture is the most suitable for the fast food organization based on the extensive administrative structure that is involved. The company should, therefore, focus on shaping behavior in order to increase productivity and productivity because describing culture is quite challenging given that it is the integration of individuals shared perceptions, expectations, principles as well as behaviors. The hierarchy culture involves ensuring that the company is involved in doing all the right necessities. The culture is mainly concerned with efficiency, steadiness, and expectedness. These are essential values that result in growth as well as stability particularly in the fast food sector which is characterized by intense competition from the well-established organizations such as McDonald's. Things within the culture are conducted via making suitable processes, principles authority as well as control over activities.

Hierarchical culture is ideal for the fast food organization given that the industry is characterized by products uniformity and the employees are likely to lack high experience in the operation given that the company is a startup that is seeking to lower its operating expenses in order to maximize profits (Dhar & ISTD, 2009). Adhocracy culture is most suitable for organizations that focus on customized products that necessitate innovation. This culture focuses on conducting production activity first which might lead to losses in the food industry. Focusing on the market culture would work to ensure that the organization works particular fast in order to generate high profit via competition (Dhar & ISTD, 2009). However, the fast food sector necessitates organized behaviors and production given that the needs of the consumers are particularly high and products and services should be characterized by quality rather than speed.

Hierarchical culture is therefore essential given that it is characterized by utmost controlling degree as well as the inner focus (Gerybadze, 2010). The involved processes and guidelines under the culture are utilized to determine the behaviors of the employees and are mainly oriented on managing controls. This, therefore, results in the generation of well-organized working procedures thus creating ease of working given that every operation is well managed and easy to adjust to any given changes. It is essential for an organization to operate effortlessly and the only way that the organization can be stabilized is through the application of formal regulations and guidelines (Gerybadze, 2010). In that stability and positive outcomes are linked with smooth and efficient tasks executions. Success is normally created via the application of dependable supply with fixed schedules and low operating expenses. Organization regardless of their size necessitates having a suitable culture to guide its operations in the quest of meeting the goals of the organization. One of the most suitable strategy via which the issue can be resolved is through the utilization of hierarchical culture (Gerybadze, 2010). The fast food organizations both large and small are necessitated to manage different tasks diversities that range from workers, promotion, procuring, managing and accounting activities. In other words, hierarchical culture is beneficial because it results in specialization. In that, the company can organize groups based on their tasks which is likely to create convenience given that every worker clearly understands their roles thus eliminating confusion and creating high morale which will, in turn, result in high productivity (Gerybadze, 2010).

Hierarchical culture seeks to ensure that there are adequate organization and stability within the company in order for effectiveness to be achieved. Within the organization, it is not probable to disarrange authority and responsibilities (Kirkebæk, Du, & Aarup, 2013). This is because all the involved workers are well informed about their exact responsibilities and they are also specialized in their specific duties. There is a strict regulation of both the inner and external processes and operations which are set and mostly communicated through written documents, therefore, creating zero chances for wrong understanding (Kirkebæk, Du, & Aarup, 2013). Most essentially, under this organization culture, objectives are described clearly that works well for most businesses. In addition to effective objectives, communications operations and services are delivered timely which leads to high production and positive performance.

Hierarchy culture creates an environment where procedures and rules are the most essential. The advantage of the culture is that it creates a balance amid stability and flexibility which are the major values that determine effectiveness (Gerybadze, 2010). In addition, it results in the generation of higher results given that the operation is completed within the set limit. However, despite the fact that based on the high assertion of authority the occurrence of issues requires more time to be resolved, it is effective in controlling behaviors and encouraging ethics. Hierarchical culture leads to the establishment of more concise communication channels. Employees are under the supervision of the department manager who is responsible for providing them with the set policies and tasks (Gerybadze, 2010). In this context, communication is accurate and one that encourages sharing of thoughts and concerns are given that the report line is direct and encourages collaboration among those under the same specialization. This culture makes it even easier for planning as well as applying strategies that seek to develop business (Kirkebæk, Du, & Aarup, 2013).

More so, it creates a clear command chain. This is because in this culture the involved persons clearly understand to whom they should report to. This implies that the communication is supported by obvious and organized channels which allow interaction among those in authority and the subordinates (Kirkebæk, Du, & Aarup, 2013). This helps in management since it is easier to understand those that perform their responsibilities while than others. Having a reliable command authority helps in distinguishing responsibilities and ensuring that everyone participates towards the development of the organization. Fast food structures mainly rely on the culture’s division, authority and responsibilities distinction in order to create efficiency while enhancing discipline (Styron, & Styron, 2017). This culture creates better strategies for advancing careers. In that today most individuals are focused on career advancement for higher earning and opportunities. Hierarchal culture offers clear and easy channels that individuals can adopt in order to advance their careers through focusing on the specialization that results in skills development and higher experiences (Styron, & Styron, 2017). In that, it leads to reduced turnover rate because one is not required to move from an organization to another in order to be promoted given that the culture creates more internal opportunities for the employees.

The fast-food sector is today, characterized by high staff turnover rate because of the need to advance and specialize in certain tasks. Hierarchical culture is essential in lowering the rate of turnover by encouraging staff to focus on their specialties and interests (Styron, & Styron, 2017). Turnover is not just disadvantageous because it results in lower production but it is particularly expensive for the organization because more efforts and finances are utilized in hiring and training new staffs. The culture creates an environment that encourages collaborative working which contributes to efficiency given that every employee is focused on achieving the company’s goals while seeking to develop their abilities (Styron, & Styron, 2017). The structure is the only channel through which efficiency can be generated and the operations cost lowered. Human resource is an essential business part and should, therefore, be maintained and developed at all times. In other words, the organization should focus on Hierarchical culture gave that it is mainly focused on creating a balance amid flexibility and stability. In order for effectiveness to be achieved it is essential for the organization to focus on creating steadiness which cannot be achieved without a suitable culture (Gerybadze, 2010). The system eliminates communication barriers because the set guidelines and regulations are standards and they are only objected at creating discipline. Encouraging ethical conducts encourages high performance and quality which in turn plays part in the creation of a better culture that encourages sharing and uniformity which is required in the food industry in the quest of achieving competitive positions (Gerybadze, 2010).


It is apparent that CVF is most suitable in achieving organizational effectiveness via the designed culture. This can, therefore, be utilized as a strategic tool in order to create management and supervision initiatives. Further, it is most appropriate in designing desired cultures. The fast-food sector is characterized by products and services uniformity and therefore hierarchical culture would be the specific one that the organization should focus on in order to generate efficiency and overcome competition. The main objective of the culture is to create control and steadiness while focusing on creating high production through specialization. Unlike most industries, there is a need to be differentiated in the fast food industry in order to accommodate consumer’s diversity and choices. The culture can, therefore, be applied in the quest of making differentiated commodities that differ from those of the competitors. In other words, performance and productivity will be enhanced through controlling behaviors, convenience and encouraging the adherence of principles.













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2403 Words  8 Pages
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