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Crisis Management

Writing Sample



RE: Crisis Management Response


            Crisis management success relies heavily on how the organization speedily and accurately communicates to its respective stakeholders. The tremendous tragedy that just occurred in the Deep-water zone necessitates not only quick but also effective communication. Traditional rather than contemporary media communication should be utilized based on the authoritative impact it can have on communication. The use of conventional communication such as direct calls or emailing is preferred because the ultimate objective of crisis communication is to lower the reputation effect that the crisis threatens on having on the company’s brand and therefore this communication kind will continue to strengthen as well as foster trust with the organization’s stakeholders. The prime organization’s stakeholders necessitate unfiltered and true details regarding the situation a thing that cannot be exposed to the public given that the reputation of the corporation might be damaged. Despite the fact that the news media is demanding for attention, it is important to attend to the needs of the main stakeholders. In general, it is most suitable to prioritize the management, staffs, and directors given that they will actually respond to the larger populace after the crisis news has spread. Consistent communication is also a necessity in enhancing stakeholder’s understanding. It is rather unfortunate that the incident has affected the larger community greatly but the use of social media in delivering the details will only damage the trust and strong relations that the corporation has built with the public. Traditional communication is the most suitable approach that will seek to communicate as well as develop suitable strategies for communicating with the public.

Actual response: 260 words

Total word count: 277 words


281 Words  1 Pages
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