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Human Resources and Job Design

Human Resources and Job Design


            The performance of an organization is highly reliant on the practices of HRM in which one of the core elements is the practices of job design.  Organizations  such as  hospitals that requires  quality  services and  high  clients  satisfaction  are highly necessitated  to  motivate their  staffs through  the  designing  of interesting and  yet challenging  tasks (Heizer, Render & Munson, 2016 42).  Operation management is the general administration of business activities in the creation of the highest efficiency level within a corporation. This is mainly concerned with the conversion of labor and raw materials into services and goods in profit maximization. It is clear from the case that Mayfield hospital lacks effective operational  management  which  has thus resulted in high  staffs turnover,  high  recruitment  cost, reduced  consumers bases, low consumers satisfaction,  ineffective  supply  and  lowly  motivated employees.  Job designing can be described as the  procedure  through which tasks are  assigned to the specific  jobs with an  equal  consideration  of the reliance of the tasks  with  the different  jobs. HR and  task designing  practices are  continuously  due to the rapid   trends changes and the  need  to  satisfy  the  demands of consumers and  sustain a culture  that  values  employees performance through prioritization of a high motivational working culture (Heizer, Render & Munson, 2016).  Effective HR and  job design practices  may result  in   the growth  working motivation and employees satisfaction  which will generally  turn to  improved organizational  performance.

            Quality management is based on ensuring consistency of the corporation’s services and products and the means of achieving them.  This is important in budgeting costs, managing employee’s operations as well as consumer’s needs (Heizer, Render & Munson, 2016). Mayfield compared to HCA Hospital  which is  accounted to be the number one  private  hospital  in London  requires  to adjust  its  HRM  and job design. HCA strives in the delivery of quality and highly affordable services to the community.  Mayfield holds the objectives but fails in delivering quality to its consumers as well as employees leading to high turnover rate and low performance.  The hospital is unable to administer employees operation, controlling costs, quality as well as clients needs as necessitated by operation and quality management.

Operational management directly involves several responsibilities where the efficiency of business operations is sustained (Asgari, 2013 17). This normally involves the  utilization  of  the lowest  resources  that are required  meeting  the necessities  of consumers  with the highest  economical  standards and  addressing HR needs. This is the general administration of the conversion of labor, raw materials and technological skills in achieving operational management efficiency (Asgari, 2013 19). HRM is an essential section of organizational effective management that is particularly involved to manage individuals who work within a specific organization (Asgari, 2013 21).  In short, HRM implies to persons employment,  capacities  development,  maintaining skills  as well  as the compensation  of  employees  services  that are  relevant  to their  jobs  as well as the demands  of the company. Mayfield is in need  of  effective  management of  its  operations  ranging  from the issue of supply, operating  cost, high turnover,  satisfaction and motivation of both the  consumers and the  employees.  The practices  of  job design that  are best accomplished via HRM can  best influence  the  motivation  of  staffs as well as their general performance  by  raising  work efficiency  via job specialization (Heizer, Render & Munson, 2016 43)

Job design  in  HRM is not intentionally  targeted  at increasing the  general motivation of all  employees  since the effectiveness  is affected  by the  staffs  differences (Heizer, Render & Munson, 2016 47).  However, the   degree  of  employees  satisfaction  is  normally  influenced  by  staffs competence, the need to  grow and their general satisfaction  with  their working surrounding  and  assigned  tasks (Asgari, 2013 23).  Based  on the  characteristics  job model  staffs  are  more likely  to  remain satisfied  and highly  motivated  if their  jobs are  characterized  by  task  identity,  skills varieties, tasks  importance,  job autonomy  and high  experiences and tasks feedback (Heizer, Render & Munson, 2016 45).

Triple bottom line, an accounting framework that holds three distinct sections that are environmental, financial and social forces (Slack, Brandon-JonesJohnston, 2013).  Based on the framework the performance of Mayfield can be termed as poor. In that it’s social and financial value generation is poor.  The hospital operates on high cost thus decreasing its profitability and contributes less to the society as it fails to effectively address the client’s needs. Maryfield hospital  can improve its general performance  through the utilization  of  job design approaches  in increasing  employees  motivation, improve performance, satisfaction and reduce the rate of turnover which  increases the  costs  of  operation.  Operational  management  should  ensure  that  there is  efficiency  in  all  the involved  operations in the organization without affecting  the stated  budgets (Slack, Brandon-JonesJohnston, 2013 14).  However,  human resources being  the most  significant  aspect of the organization should  be  managed  at  all  costs  by  fully  addressing  the employees  needs.  The hospital’s culture  should  support  job autonomy  to  allow the employees  to  retain their  motivation  and high  performance.  This   can be achieved  through the utilization  of  job rotation,  job  enrichment, job enlargement and  optional  tasks  schedules which includes  reduces  working  period, high communication and flextime (Slack, Brandon-JonesJohnston, 2013 17). Job rotation can best be described as a practice of job design where employees are shifted from a particular job task to a different one.  This is however done based on the experience, skills and the competence they hold.  This strategy can help in reducing tasks boredom and assist in the growth of a more flexible workforce.  Through this the hospital management can generate multi skilled workers thus reducing the turnover rate and the cost of rapid recruitments (Slack, Brandon-JonesJohnston, 2013 32).

On the other hand, job enlargement involves the general increment of job tasks for each of the employees to develop their skills, motivate them and increase performance.  The strategy is mainly effective as it assists in growing working flexibility as well as efficiency (Heizer, Render & Munson, 2016 44).  Job  enrichment  is an additional  job design approach  which   happens when  the workforce  is  entrusted  with  further  responsibilities  in the design, scheduling, planning and coordinating of  their individual  work. Alternatives working schedules   may also be incorporated which may be designed based on the convenience of staffs so that the private life can be balanced with work.  In that,  since  Maryfield  is faced with the  issue  of  high  turnover  of the part time employees  the scheduling  can be changed  to suit  their  preferences and time  needs. In addition reducing the working shifts may reduce fatigue and keep the employees motivated and highly energized to work more.  Autonomy and flexibility is  highly required in creating better  relations amid the  management  and staffs  which may  help in  understanding  changes needs to benefit  all the involved  parties (Slack, Brandon-JonesJohnston, 2013 26).

Maryfield hospital has all  the important  resources  ranging  from  land,  materials  and  machines  that are required to  achieve  efficiency.  However,  it cannot be  ignored  that  human resource remains to be the most significant  resource compared  to  all others  since they cannot operate  without  being  operated by human resource (Mullins, 2016 4).  In the context of the company, the general efficiency of HR relies on the designing of jobs based on employee’s skills, capabilities and characteristics.  High performance in the  organization can  best  be achieved  via job design  as  a significant  HRM function which will be useful in indicating functions,  methods  as well as the general content (Mullins, 2016 4). Continuity in the organization requires positive attitudes, skills as well as knowledge which contribute greatly towards performance. Employees  performance  is  very  essential  since it  determines  the general productivity and  efficiency of  a firm.  They performance is evaluated by how best they accomplish their tasks and responsibilities. Designing human resource tasks and setting specific objectives can certainly result in increased performance (Mullins, 2016 6).

Job design as a significant HRM practice can motivate performance growth. Mayfield hospital has the need of satisfying both the staffs and its clients and increasing performance simultaneously (Slack, Brandon-JonesJohnston, 2013 26). From the  statistical  reports  attained  from most organizations  jobs that are  accurately designed  can result  in a positive  effect on both  staffs  satisfaction  as well as  performance quality.  This  develops  the proposition that  jobs that  are  well  defined  are effective   in enhancing  satisfaction,  performance  as well as  motivation  of all employees (Slack, Brandon-JonesJohnston, 2013).  It is  highly  significant to  conduct  job design in Mayfield  hospital  as a practice  of managing operations  so that the existing  stress  on  Jerry  can be  decreased,  motivation enhanced,  increase clients and staffs  motivation  through  high  performance and quality  services  and  increase the general performance in the organization  for  effective competition  within the  healthcare  industry  in  UK.

Fish Diagram Analysis



                       Control            Cost               Equipments




                         Task                     People           Responsibilities

Based on research individuals with autonomy  and  a favorable working culture  are  likely  to be highly motivated and satisfied  which makes  the  suggestion that  design  management  practices in the organization  are the core determinant  of the efficiency (Boddy, 2008 8).  The  manner  in which Mayfield’s hospitals jobs have been  designed and allocated  holds a huge  influence on the  high  dissatisfaction  and employees  happiness. Job enrichment can best be accomplished through offering the workforce with autonomy and supervision from an informative administration.  This involves constant communication with employees on the changes as well as the general performance within the organization (Boddy, 2008 8). High productivity is the desire of all the organization and this cannot be achieved with low employee’s performance.  Focusing on productivity without addressing HR needs may results to jobs dehumanization which erodes employee’s qualities and leads to dissatisfaction. Job design concepts can be effective in solving turnover, less performance, motivation as well as satisfaction issues is practiced adequately.  Motivation and satisfaction can be categorized as the most vital factors that determine performance and the general productivity of the corporation (Boddy, 2008 14).   

The management should attempt to design the  workers  jobs in a manner that  is technically,  economical  and  behavioral  realizable  for both  the  employees and the general organization. The  organization via  job  design  can  attempt to raise  the levels of the general performance and productivity  through  offering rewards that are not connected  to  money  for  increased  satisfaction (Hill, Roche & Allen, 2007 23).  This is in the  general sense  that  personal accomplishments  to increased  responsibility  and  difficulties  and  responsibilities  in an individual’s work  can best  be  compromised  with  greater  satisfaction  and motivation.  Job design effectiveness is at most times   influenced by social, environmental as well as behavioral   features.  An effective job design will be of great use to the organization since it will help in the raise of satisfaction and high productivity.  This however, necessitates the combination of several tasks towards the accomplishment of the job.  A person is bound  to a accomplish a primary  responsibility  which is made  of different functions  which therefore  requires adequate  description  and  setting  of the anticipated  objectives (Hill, Roche & Allen, 2007 9). On the other hand,  the functions of  tasks  is the general division  that  exists amid  the workers team  which  means that they must work  relatively  to achieve  the  common core  goal of the organization.  In the  challenging  or those  tasks that requires  more  energy  turnover is a likelihood  and this can best be eliminated through  encouraging  job rotation. In such challenging tasks the involved functions should be divided evenly among the involved persons (Hill, Roche & Allen, 2007 14).

The decisions engaged  in job design  are  grounded  in  the different  components  such as the  specialization  degree,  the requirement of job content and the working surrounding  in the  company (Boddy, 2008 27).  This is of great use for the management in addressing job analysis as well as all the involved specifications. In  managing  operations  the manger  is  highly required  to  carry out training,  orientation as well as  selection  based on the developed plan.  During the  procedure of developing  decisions  that are  mainly aimed  hiring  new  staffs   the  designs  can be  utilized  in the determination  of numerous factors  value,  contribution , flexibility, salary and  the  necessity (Boddy, 2008 28). 

The approaches  utilized in designing the specific  jobs should not make the  assumption that  money is the  determining  motivation  factor to  high performance,  satisfaction  and quality  productivity.  For most off  the  employees , job design  is essential  as  it  develops  proper  grounds for  fair  remuneration  which is aimed  at  motivating  staffs in achieving  effectiveness (Hannagan & Bennett, 2008 24).   The designs  of jobs in any organization  holds  distinct effects  on motivation, commitment as well as  satisfaction  to the  objectives of the  company all in which  holds  essential  effects  on the  organization’s efficiency (Hannagan & Bennett, 2008 16). Jobs should therefore, be developed in a way that promotes flexibility, growth and specialization.  However, since specialization may negatively impact motivation the issue should be handled through encouraging   of rotation.  This increases functional variety which eliminations the sensations of detachments as well as boredom.  An additional way in which motivation and performance can be enhanced is through job enlargement where employees are offered complex and yet interesting tasks which is a form of giving them extra responsibility.  This can be accompanied by job enrichment where employees control over their responsibilities and duties is increased (Hannagan & Bennett, 2008 29).

Conclusion and Recommendation

It is apparent that an increase in the flexibilities of job and the restructuring to implement well described jobs results in increased performance.  Workplace variability is associated with numerous potential advantages that may impact positive Mayfield’s performance.  Designing  responsibilities as well as  tasks for  all the  employees  can help the hospital  in increasing  their morale to perform the assigned  tasks, satisfaction, motivation  as well as the  capability  of  attracting  highly skilled employees  and also gain the capability  of retaining  them.  The organization  is therefore, recommended  to  utilized the  job design  strategies which are rotation, enrichment and engagement  in  increasing  working flexibility  while minimizing the operational issues.  Job design is highly effective since it encourages equity as well as flexibility. In that the achievement of high performance  is not  a responsibility of  some employees  rather  it  depends on the capability of working together to coordinate  activities  which significantly  satisfied  the  necessities  of consumers and  increases working morale. In order for the clients and the  workers to be satisfied  sustainability is a necessity  that  can be achieved  through increased teamwork,  high coordination  and the  mentoring of  employees  development  towards  quality  performance.

Job design should be accompanied by goal setting in that they are essential HRM variables that are interrelated in shaping the performance of employees.  A valuable and a satisfying  job is effective in offering employees  with  accurate  and clear  specifications  of the anticipated  tasks and the  assigned  tasks of their particular  jobs.   This would permit the   management in the identification of the anticipated status.  The management should focus on the evaluation of workers performance to compensate their services as a form of motivation.  Increasing  their pays  may not  generally  improve productivity  because  despite the fact that  it  influences  motivation  and high satisfaction  it  fails  in  fueling quality performance. This may not therefore, impact the need for achieving consumers satisfaction as required.  Job rotation  will reduce employees  turnover  since boredom will  be eliminated  and employees will highly  appreciate the wider  exposition  on  more  activities to develop their  skills.  This will help the operation management in maintaining low operating expenses thus providing high engagement and enrichment. The corporation should also stop on focusing on productivity rather than on HR which is a primary determinant of the general success. HRM and strategic planning on job designs should be adopted in the organization in setting specific targets and descriptions for every job.  HR is the most significant resource in the organization and should thus be treated as one.














Asgari, N. (2013). Managing Operations, Job Design and Scheduling.  University  of Roehampton, London.

Boddy, D. (2008). Management: An introduction. Harlow, England: FT Prentice Hall.

Hannagan, T., & Bennett, R. (2008). Management: Concepts & practices. Harlow, England: Financial Times/Prentice Hall.

Heizer, J., Render, B., & Munson, C. (2016). Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management. Pearson Education

Hill, N., Roche, G., & Allen, R. (2007). Customer satisfaction: The customer experience through the customer's eyes. London: Cogent.

Mullins, L. J. (2016). Management and organisational behaviour. Harlow: Pearson Education Ltd.

Slack, N., Brandon-Jones, A. Johnston, R. (2013). Operations Management. Harlow: Pearson Education Ltd.

2708 Words  9 Pages
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