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Culture inside Leadership

Culture inside Leadership


Culture can be described as beliefs, attitudes, practices and norms that govern all organizations. Leadership determines the organization culture of given organizations since without good organization culture organizations cannot remain successful. Leadership determines the culture in given organizations thus culture and leadership goes hand in hand therefore meaning that good leadership creates good culture in the organizations. The mission, vision, values and behaviors in all organizations are determined by the leaders therefore indicating that culture is surely inside leadership. There are different levels of leadership that determine the type of culture an organization possess. Therefore leaders in organizations come up with organization cultures that suit the organizations best. This means that good leaders will ensure organizations remain successful since they will come up with the best organizations cultures and vice versa. Therefore culture in an organization is determined by the quality of leaders. Culture determines whether the set goals, objectives and strategic plans will be achieved within the given time period and resources provided. Therefore culture goes hand in hand with the organization’s mission and vision therefore organizations should have good leaders who ensure that they remain successful. Culture is shaped by the organizations behavior, leaders available and the business environment in that organization. While many may argue that leadership is affected by culture, the purpose of leadership is to create culture, thus effecting organizational effectiveness.

Relationship between leadership and culture

Leaders are important in organizations since they shape peoples thinking levels and behavior since they are viewed by other employees as role models. Employees look up to leaders for advice since leaders are known to portray the image of organizations. Leaders shape the culture of organizations since they will come up with different values, practices and goals they want employees to achieve (Szczepańska-Woszczyna, 2015). Leadership therefore enables shape the culture in all organizations and culture as well shapes leadership and thus the two go hand in hand. Without good leadership there can never be good culture and as well without good culture leadership cannot be shaped. Leadership and culture work together in order to ensure organizations are able to achieve the set goals and objectives within the given resources and set time frame. Leadership and culture determine performance in organizations therefore leaders should be effective in order to derive an effective organization culture that will govern the organization (Chuang, 2013). Leaders and managers that organizations choose, should be qualified, experienced and have met all the standards so that they can come up with an organization culture that will ensure the organizations perform. Leaders have a big impact on the culture since they set the goals and come up with strategic plans that will either lead to success or failure of the organization. Other employees ensure they work towards achieving the set goals therefore look up to leaders as their role models. Leadership therefore goes hand in hand with organization culture in ensuring and enabling organizational success and performance. Since leadership and organization culture work together, leadership play a major role in ensuring organizational culture changes from time to time (Chuang, 2013). Therefore to ensure an organization remains healthy, effective leaders should make sure they come up with the best organization culture that will see other employees work towards achieving the set goals.

Leadership Style (the affects of, and diversity causing the leader to react differently

Leadership affects the success of organizations directly since leaders determine important organizations plans such as values, organization culture and employee motivation. Leaders ensure organizations remain successful therefore leadership styles either lead to success or failure of the organization. Leaders influence those around them as a way of way of ensuring organizations remains always successful. There are four classifications of leaders which include charismatic, democratic, autocratic and finally bureaucratic leaders who are all different and affect organizations differently (Nanjundeswaraswamy, & Swamy, 2014). Leaders can also be classified as transformational, transactional and situational depending on the power levels (Chuang, 2013). Leaders have different leadership styles thus employees should understand the style of different leaders and always work in ensuring the organizations remain successful. For instance looking at the case of autocratic leaders who ensure employees do as they say, an employee can easily get damaged since employees are not involved in the process of making decisions and have to follow made decisions even if they are not comfortable with those decisions. Autocratic leaders have a negative leadership style which affects employees negatively thus can easily cause failure to an organization. Bureaucratic leaders on the other hand ensure they use set policies in ensuring organizations meet the set goals (Nanjundeswaraswamy, & Swamy, 2014). They do not motivate their employees, which is dangerous and in most cases can lead to failure in the organizations. Democratic style of leadership however easy it sounds can too result to failure since all people want to lead themselves which in most cases contribute to failure rather than success in organizations (Nanjundeswaraswamy, & Swamy, 2014). Charismatic leaders are the most effective leaders since they involve employees in the process of making decisions and motivate the employees. This style of leadership is rare but the best since it promotes success to the organizations.

Enhancing organizational effectiveness

Transformational leadership is one of the management styles that ensure charismatic leaders are able to work and motivate employees as a way of ensuring organizations remains successful (Chuang, 2013). Therefore transformational leadership ensures organizational effectiveness is achieved since managers and leaders motivate their employees. Motivate employees always work hard in promoting success to the organizations compared to unmotivated employees. Therefore leaders should work hand in hand with employees so that employees can feel they belong to organizations they are fully appreciated. Employees should be involved in major decision making processes since they are important shareholders in the organizations. To ensure organizational effectiveness leaders should treat employees with respect, work together with those employees while motivating and inspiring them (Chuang, 2013). Motivated employees are confident in that organization and will love working for the organization therefore the performance of the organization will always remain great. Charismatic leaders have made it possible for employees to air out their problems in the most appropriate manner and by doing this they ensure that the employees feel appreciated (Chuang, 2013). Transformational leadership has ensured that employees remain committed to the working for the organization since they follow leaders who show them success can be achieved through commitment. Such leaders ensure that employees dedicate their time for the well being of the organization since they have confidence in the organization. Transformation leaders educate their employees and even train them so that they can grow and develop their careers (Chuang, 2013). Therefore transformational leaders have promoted organizational effectiveness through understanding the employees, working together with them, motivating and inspiring them to work for the success of the organization.

The effects of culture and leadership on society

Both culture and leadership have an impact on the society meaning that without a good culture and without good leaders, the society cannot benefit from the services it gets from the organizations. Leaders should work smart so that the society can benefit from the organizations. Good culture and leadership enables people work together and the society is proud of the organizations since it is able to benefit. Culture and leadership goes hand in hand therefore efficient leaders promote a good culture which is followed by the people not only in the organization but the society as well (Szczepańska-Woszczyna, 2015). Leaders should be careful and thus come up with the best culture that will ensure the society benefit since it is the duty of the organization to ensure it provides excellent services to the society. The society loves organizations which have good leaders, employees and culture since people receive the best services in such organizations. Therefore leaders should work smart and ensure they motivate their employees so that the employees can provide excellent services to the society. The key goal of organizations is ensuring they remain successful and thus without the best culture and good leaders, success cannot be achieved (Szczepańska-Woszczyna, 2015). Leaders should ensure they come up with the best strategies that will ensure the organization remains successful. Leaders should include the employees in the process of making decisions since employees are part of the organization. Leaders should ensure they know their employees, interact with them and know their problems so that employees can feel appreciated and work towards the success of the organization. This shows that good leaders will always work towards having an effective culture that will see the society and employees happy.

Personal impacts of leadership

Outstanding and good leaders have an impact on the organization since they ensure employees work smart in promoting success to the organization (Szczepańska-Woszczyna, 2015). Good leaders know their strengths and weaknesses and work smart to ensure their weaknesses do not affect the employees. Leaders should ensure they work together will employees, understand them and even motivate as well as inspire them if they want success to be achieved. Leadership can either lead to success or cause failure in the organizations depending on the type of leaders. Leaders chosen in the organizations should be charismatic leaders who are able to work together with employees and are able to inspire employees should be recommended in every organization rather than leaders who do not consider employees well being (Szczepańska-Woszczyna, 2015). Employees are important people in the organizations therefore leaders should ensure they are treated with respect and that their rights are not violated by selfish leaders. Leaders therefore play a big role in ensuring organizations remain successful therefore organizations should look up for effective and efficient leaders who will work together with employees and come up with the best plans that will ensure organizations are successful.

Leaders should have positive attitudes so that employees can look up to them. Leaders in most cases act as role models to the employees thus leaders with poor and bad character traits the performance of employees. Positive attitude enables leaders work and understand their employees better (Szczepańska-Woszczyna, 2015). Leaders should posses good personal traits that will enable them work well and lead the organizations in a good manner. Leaders should not allow themselves to always have a say in everything rather they should allow other employees to participate in the process of making decisions that affect the organization since employees are part of the organization. Failure to do this makes employees feel unappreciated and such employees end up performing poorly therefore hindering organizations from remaining successful.


This discussion shows out clearly that leadership and culture goes hand in hand. Outstanding leaders come up with effective organizational cultures which when followed by employees ensure organizations remain successful. Employees as important shareholders in the organization need to be inspired and motivated by the leaders and if this fails the organizations too fail. Therefore effective leaders who ensure effective organizational culture is followed by employees are those leaders who work together with employees and ensure employees are included in the process of making decisions. Leaders should possess good personal traits since other employees look up to them as their role models. Leaders should ensure the employees remain motivated and inspired so that they can feel appreciated. Motivated employees are confident in that organization and will love working for the organization therefore the performance of the organization will always remain great. Leadership and culture both have an effect on the society since without good culture and good leaders organizations cannot perform and thus the society will not benefit. The society benefits from the organizations since people are able to get employment services as well as other services they would not get if there existed no good leaders as well as organizational culture. Therefore the society appreciated good leadership as well as culture since it is for the benefit of the people.


Chuang, S. F. (2013). Essential skills for leadership effectiveness in diverse workplace     development. Online Journal for Workforce Education and Development, 6(1), 5.
Nanjundeswaraswamy, T. S., & Swamy, D. R. (2014). Leadership styles. Advances In      Management, 7(2), 57.
Szczepańska-Woszczyna, K. (2015). Leadership and organizational culture as the normative        influence of top management on employee's behaviour in the innovation process.           Procedia Economics and Finance, 34, 396-402.









2040 Words  7 Pages
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