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Culture and language are the two core thoughts of a linguistic society

            According to Perry, culture and language are the two core thoughts of a linguistic society. Culture is the working system for the linguistic community that enhances the union with humans and with nature as well as with the way of thinking that gives an outlook to the modern way of living. Language on the other hand acts like a technology that is the most powerful tool that shapes our thoughts (Perry 2016). Language is important since it helps to shape the reality around us and within us; hence it contributes towards our thinking. Language is thus an essential gift to the human beings and it is core to their experiences.

            It is amazing on how language is important in human development as stated by Perry. It is thus important to appreciate the role that language plays in the construction of the human mental lives as it will enhance us to understand the nature of humanity in general. It is true that there is a revolution in our culture and emphasis on linguistics has changed thus resulting to difficulties in learning of new languages (Perry 2016). Reasoning element in humans is influenced by language and this affects the way they experience their emotions, keep track on the numbers, their understanding and perception on the issues.

            Language shapes our brains in so many ways all through our lives. Language increases the memory of the mind thus enhancing our adjustment towards the way we perceive the world. Thus having learnt new languages strengthens our minds and broadens the manner in which we see things. The brain thus can be able to think as new language is learnt, it increases the understanding power of the brain.




Perry P. (2016). Does the Language We Speak Affect Our Perception of Reality? Retrieved from:


300 Words  1 Pages
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