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Some believe that juveniles should not be tried as adults, while others feel that they are responsible for the crimes that they commit and should be tried for violent offenses. For this discussion, create a written speech that you could present to your co

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Paper Instructions:

Juveniles in the Legal System
Prompt: Some believe that juveniles should not be tried as adults, while others feel that they are responsible for the crimes that they commit and should be tried for violent offenses. For this discussion, create a written speech that you could present to your community at a local gathering. In the speech, address the following questions.

Why do you think there are more juveniles in the legal system?

Do you know someone who have been arrested?

Why did they or others pursue a life of crime?

Should juveniles be tried as adults?

What suggestions can you offer in eliminating or reducing juvenile delinquency?

You will be presenting this speech to the class either in audio or video format, upon submission.

To help you prepare for this assignment, review the supplemental materials below

148 Words  1 Pages
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