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Discuss your opinion of the Zimbardo experiment. Why do you believe that the men who took the role as prison guards became overtly authoritarian? Why do you believe the men who took the role of prisoners became emotionally imbalanced?

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Paper Instructions:

Discuss your opinion of the Zimbardo experiment. Why do you believe that the men who took the role as prison guards became overtly authoritarian? Why do you believe the men who took the role of prisoners became emotionally imbalanced?

Students will create a weekly reflection paper.  The paper must be 500-750 words (one to two pages in length) and follow APA format. You are free to state a well-informed personal opinion if based on the readings, personal knowledge, training, or experience. Objectively justify or defend any statements made that are not expressly supported by the text and cite any other resources using the APA style. You must incorporate related information from cited Scholarly Journals or Referenced Articles in your Reflection Paper, in addition to the course text. The textbook may not be the sole reference for the assignment. The Saint Leo Online Library is an excellent resource for scholarly journals or referenced articles.

164 Words  1 Pages
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