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Policing and DHS

Policing and DHS

State police officer’s main duty is to maintain law and order within the jurisdiction of a certain state.  They maintain law and order through patrolling, enforcing laws, ensuring that peace is maintained. Mostly the state police are the ones with the jurisdiction over crimes in the area. They also hold primary jurisdiction over laws that pertain to the manufacture or control the sales of a substance. State police play an important role in enhancing Homeland Security.  DHS is responsible for protecting the United States from within, at the borders and outside the country, and are prepared to respond to emergencies. On behalf of DHS state police ensures that they respond to emergencies, identify illegal immigrants in their states, arrest probable suspects, and protect crime scenes (Reid, n.d).

In some cases, the state police department are forced to refer to the Department of Homeland Security and other law enforcement intelligent agencies. In investigations that involve terrorism and immigration the state police department notifies other agencies such as DHS.  The state police are expected to participate in sharing information with other law enforcement and intelligence agencies in order to prevent and detect all acts of crime and terrorism. State police officers are people who are required to meet the ethical expectations in place. officer’s off duty life, and always upholding law and rights of the country are examples of ethical practices. Maintaining off duty life requires the police officer to maintain a personal life that reflect on the integrity that comes with their position in society. To be ethical they have to adhere to the laws of the country and respect the rights of the civilians they serve (Moll, 2007). In order to maintain a good reputation, it is necessary to put into practice the ethical requirements. There is no validity to the counterargument of others who believe otherwise since to be ethical certain standards have to be set and met.



















Reid, S. (n.d).  the duties of State Police Officers. Retrieved from;

Moll, M. M. (2007, June). Improving American police ethics training: focusing on social contract theory and constitutional principles. In Forum on Public Policy: A Journal of the Oxford Round Table. Forum on Public Policy.

374 Words  1 Pages
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