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Measuring and Comparing Crime

Measuring and Comparing Crime

The availability of credible data is the central concern for the law enforcement agencies as they handling transnational crimes (Cho, 2015). However, not all sources of information are reliable because some may present false or biased information. However there are two sources which I tend to trust in providing transnational information. They are: TV news and academic books. They rarely provide rumors and incomplete information. For instance, a report of drug trafficking in the TV news is usually timely and visually evident. It gives a true account of what transpired during the incidence and everyone is able to point out any chances of biasness. Books on the other hand are reliable in giving historical accounts such as sex slavery. The data present in the books can confidently be used in implementation of the current strategies of combating transnational crimes (Cho, 2015).

As the head of the United Nations agency, I would focus on the transnational crime of human trafficking. Human trafficking has for long been left unplanned for due to lack of a data collection strategy (Cho, 2015). However, web survey is the most effective strategy that would offer the best platform on which online questionnaires are offered to the target audience. Web forms are afterwards used to keep the statistical views and responses that were given by the respondents (Cho, 2015). This strategy is very efficient because it allows automation and real-time access of data and offers a flexible design which is suitable for online data collection and dissemination. It is also cost effective since there is no interviewer hence consuming very little time (Cho, 2015).




Cho, S. (2015). Measuring Anti-Trafficking Policy-Integrating Text and Statistical Analyses. Social Science Quarterly (Wiley-Blackwell), 96(2), 656-683.


288 Words  1 Pages
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