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The Individual And The Social Role


The Individual And The Social Role

Zimbardo set up a mock prison in Stanford to experiment how individuals are really willing to conform to change as per the roles were given. It still remains one of the most mysterious experiments to date. Nonetheless, another alternative model is Transtheoretical better known as The Stages of Change (SoC) which happens to be widely cited, individuals are sub-divided into various categories that have the perfect representation of their levels of enthusiasm and readiness. Since this happens to be reviewing some addictive behaviors and even better when it comes to achieving results, the model has unique theory capable of exclusive reports. The brighter side of this model is that of individuals having to face similar hurdles and barriers, and thus can be easy when intervening. In line with milestone representation, a group of five stages would be passed by the selected individuals basically driven by self- value and decisional steadiness. The model reviews and places individuals as per the strengths and weaknesses of comportments and the good thing are that it is in an even environment. Unlike other alternatives models SoC gives priority to the participants and the trauma is less agonizing. However, the model is more common to the practitioners themselves rather than researchers and in most cases, you will find that it focuses on a personal level of delinquent behaviors especially the addictive ones. Also, it is very simplified and well represented for instance, at the pre-contemplation stage where increased information about self and problems always occur. And, finally are the comprehensive results which you are likely to get with this model when you are deciphering the individual behavior and behavior change. The various group stages are very fundamental when it comes to experimenting and no doubt this allows switching and it could be monitored better.



















309 Words  1 Pages
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