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UK 'utterly disingenuous' about human rights in Bahrain

UK 'utterly disingenuous' about human rights in Bahrain

British has been involved in coming up with reforms that will ensure Bahrain changes its reforms on human rights since they have been inadequate. United Kingdom has come up with an institution that will ensure the human rights in Bahrain are reformed (Wintour, 1). However human right activists in Bahrain are against British intrusion in their affairs since they suggest that Britain is only pretending to deliver those reforms. United Kingdom has two institutions in Bahrain which have brought controversies in Bahrain since the activists do not support their existence. Britain thinks that Bahrain through working together with them is heading to the right direction (Wintour, 1). Most of the activists have faced torture especially those who do not support Britain’s intervention in their country. Amnesty observes that human rights institutions in Bahrain are not trusted by the people since they are not independent and are impartial. The human rights bodies in Bahrain should ensure that their people are protected and that peace is maintained in Bahrain. Security forces should ensure they use peace instead of force and thus allow people to demonstrate peacefully.

I believe that Bahrain should ensure it protects its people without depending on Britain and its institutions. Bahrain should be a peaceful country where the government respects the rights of its citizens. The human rights bodies should ensure that people are not denied their rights such as rights to demonstrate. These human rights institutions should come up with better reforms rather than accepting reforms from Britain. The activists should not be tortured since they are fighting for their rights and rights of other people as well. The Bahrain government should therefore encourage its citizens to maintain peace without getting help from foreign countries. The government should come up with human rights reforms that will enable people get their freedom and that their rights are not violated. Therefore Bahrain should be a peaceful place where people enjoy peace and can express their ideas even through peaceful demonstrations.

Work cited

Wintour, Patrick Amnesty: UK 'utterly disingenuous' about human rights in Bahrain (2016) Retrieved from



357 Words  1 Pages
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