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What makes the United States and Canada different from each other?

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

The United States and Canada have a lot in common, particularly in terms of overlapping popular culture. As well, the United States and Canada are very close in terms of trade (especially after NAFTA), migration, and shared security concerns. However, a large part of Canadian identity revolves around what makes them different from Americans.
The purpose of this assignment is to get you thinking about what makes Canada and the United States different from each other. For this assignment you will write 2 papers. The first paper will answer the question, “What makes Canada different from the United States?” The second paper will answer the question, “What makes the United States different from Canada?” Each paper should be 2 pages single spaced with 12 point font and 1-inch margins. The title of the paper should be at the top of the page, and student and class information should be in the header of the paper. In-text sourcing (i.e., author, date) should be used, and an addition page can be used for listing your full references. As such, each paper will be 3 pages in total (2 for text, 1 for bibliography).

203 Words  1 Pages
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