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Non Financial Performance

Non Financial Performance

The non- financial performance items in the proxy statements include the customer, operations and humans resources aspects. The issue of customers plays a crucial role while making decisions about investments including customer collaboration and customer satisfaction.  Collaboration with customers makes it possible to know and understand their needs beyond what is the normal expectation in the market. Measuring the extent to which customer satisfaction is improved can be measured using special surveys and online platforms. These tools are unique and easy in measuring the level of customer satisfaction. CEOs must also consider the concerns raised by customers because dealing with even the seemingly insignificant complaints will improve the brand.

 The improvement of global online process will go a long way in ensuring that orders are effectively fulfilled and this will streamline the entire shipping process around the globe.  An improved performance in ordering process will help in increase the maker share, since customers will be able to place their orders easily. Moreover, streamlined processes have the capability to enhance customers’ online experience.  Every CEO should understand the need for a streamlined online processing of orders if they are keen to expand market share around the globe. The CEO should strategize on how to fulfill customer needs through the online platform as a basis attracting more customers.

Improved productivity will be achieved if employees’ capabilities are enhanced, and if such capabilities are aligned with the goals of the company. The enhancement can be done through high quality training that will not only attract skilled employees but will ensure they are retained in the firm. Employee retention is possible with highly motivated employees. CEOs performance will be evaluated on the basis of employee satisfaction.

285 Words  1 Pages
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