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Ethics of what is happing in India? Seeds of Suicide? How many seed companies have been purchased? 2nd green revolution? What about the contamination of transgenic seed? Mexico, finding pure seed? Local corn versus US imported corn? What happens when usi

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Video Clips:  GMO #8-9

Possible Discussion  Ideas: Possible points to discuss. India forced to buy bt cotton seed at 4 times prices. No normal cotton seed available. Ethics of what is happing in India? Seeds of Suicide?  How many seed companies have been purchased? 2nd green revolution? What about the contamination of transgenic seed? Mexico, finding pure seed? Local corn versus US imported corn? What happens when using transgenic corn? Why does none transgenic grow better? When using transgenic farmers need to buy fertilizer and spray. What is the fear of Mexican scientists? What is Monsanto’s goal? The Main Point is to apply ethical theory to the issues you chose to discuss.

129 Words  1 Pages
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