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Addressing differences in Laws and Ethics in dissimilar Countries

International Business Issues and Ethics

Addressing differences in Laws and Ethics in dissimilar Countries

Laws and ethics in different countries differ, and this is majorly attributed to different cultural relations and traditions in different countries. As a business owner, one of the best things to do when starting a business in a different country other than the U.S., is to first and foremost understand the cultural dictates and traditions of the country (SCHAFFER, 2017). Secondly, you need to understand the social relations of the people in the country, hence complying with these regulations. In so doing, one can therefore start a business, and abiding by the dictates of the law in the country. In addition, when employing clients from the U.S. in a newly opened company in another country, it is better to brief them on the changes in the cultural dictates, thus allowing them to follow the law of the new country. Finally, the operations of the company must abide by the laws and ethics of the country, hence making it easier for the managing director to easily address the differences in laws and ethics in other countries to.

Significance of Understanding differences in Laws and Ethics in different Countries  

Understanding the laws and ethics of different countries makes it easier for a company to easily conduct business activities in different parts of the world at ease (SCHAFFER, 2017). When it comes to an individual, it allows him or her to be able to obey and work according to the dictates of the law in different countries, hence making the operations of a company to run smoothly. Moreover, understanding these differences allows most investors to work ease and to also understand the best countries to invest in.



304 Words  1 Pages
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