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Social ethics

Social ethics


Social ethics are rules adopted and applied looking at the social perspective whereby they are created by other human beings so that they can ensure all people in the community or society live in harmony, peace and good communication. These ethics ensure that people in the community live in unity since people know what is expected of them. The ethics are followed by people and they depend on the culture and custom of a given community thus are applicable in areas with similar customs and cultures. Social ethics ensure that member of given communities live in harmony by obeying all the laid down rules and regulations. The ethics ensure that members of given communities come together and live peacefully following all the customs that have been given. The ethics apply globally since every community has its own social ethics which must be followed by all individuals. All areas have their own social ethics thus people are expected to follow these ethics in order to prevent occurrence of problems such as punishments.

Social ethics can be considered as being universal though they vary depending on the community since different communities have got different rules, customs, regulations and culture (Bertrand, 176). Since the ethics depend on the culture, they are different depending on the community but are applied universally to all communities. All communities globally have different social ethics which need to be followed thus new people follow them whenever they visit different places (Bertrand, 176). The ethics are therefore local since local communities come up with the ethics that are different from ethic followed by other communities. Therefore social ethics in this perspective can be local though they are universally followed since all communities follow the ethics globally.

There are many examples of social ethics which are universally applied in all communities globally. These ethics ensure the communities run smoothly where people respect each other and decisions made by others as well. Respect is the key theme in social ethics which ensures that all people respect others regardless of gender, age and the social class (Bertrand, 184). For instance when visiting someone you should knock the door first, greet the person and then get permission to get inside the house. This is a sign of respect or courtesy since all people should respect the privacy of others and cannot intrude when uninvited. Social ethics looking at this perspective ensure that the privacy of others is respected and that people are not disturbed especially when they need peace (Bertrand, 187). Social ethics therefore ensure people remain peaceful and respect the decisions made by others since respect is a two-way traffic. Social ethics keeps all people happy since people know what they are expected to do, how they are expected to behave, what they are supposed to wear and through this people live together happily.

Social ethics have ensured that global communities live together in peace and happy. All members of different communities are expected to obey the regulations and rules set down by the community (Bertrand, 176). This ensures people live in harmony which is the main goal of the social ethics. They are meant to keep the community together in unity, peace and harmony so that people can be proud as members of the given community. Every action in the community should be in line with the given social ethics in that area. All global communities have set different social ethics that are either different or similar with the ethics in other communities (Bertrand, 189). Individuals are asked to follow the set ethics so that a good life in the community can be maintained. Therefore social ethics as part of the ethics has ensured that different communities run smooth and normal lives. Without them, people would do whatever they want and this would in turn cause chaos in the communities since respect would be absent.

Cultural relativism can be defined as the view that all ethic, culture, customs and beliefs are obviously relative to a person within his social perspective (Kelly, Eugene, & Luis, 223). Therefore this means that whatever is considered right or wrong depends on a certain specific culture. This means that whatever can be considered right in a given community can be considered wrong in another community since morality has no universal standards. This means that nobody is entitled to judge the customs of other given communities since morality is not universally equal. Most cultural relativists think that all cultures are worth and right therefore have the same value therefore no culture is better compared to another one (Kelly, Eugene, & Luis, 223). They believe that cultural diversity is right and that no culture should be judged on the basis of right or wrong even those cultures with conflicting moral practices and beliefs. Cultural relativists believe that whatever is considered worm and right should be determined by the individual or the society.

Wrong and right should not be considered when looking at the cultures of different communities since there are no set standards that govern how social ethics should be raised in different societies (Kelly, Eugene, & Luis, 226). This means that nobody is supposed to judge another individual since what one individual think is wrong can actually be right according to another different individual. People have the freedom to perform personal judgments and judge themselves whether they are right or wrong. In addition, no society is obliged to judge another society since truth is not objective thus different cultures have different definitions of whatever is wrong and right. Cultural relativism basically sees nothing wrong or right since people are subjected to make personal judgments (Kelly, Eugene, & Luis, 226). For instance some communities practiced human sacrifices which can be considered neither wrong nor right. If the community practicing human sacrifice is comfortable then the vice is considered right and other societies are not supposed to judge or interfere with that custom.

Cultural relativism is not valid since there should be rights and wrongs in the society. Good should be clearly differentiated from bad so that harmony and peace can be possible in the different communities all over the globe. People should not be left to choose whatever is bad and good since all people differ but through clear set social ethics, good can be differentiated from bad therefore ensuring all people follow certain rules and regulations. Cultural relativism is mistaken since people must be guided by different ethics for harmony to exist in the communities (Kelly, Eugene, & Luis, 244). Ethics are universal thus guiding all communities against practicing vices that limit rights of people in the communities. Individuals are advised to follow the set rules and regulations since ethics has ensured that good and bad are clearly differentiated unlike cultural relativism which suggest that nothing can be considered good or bad since it depends on the judgment of the person. Giving cultural relativism a chance can risk lives of people since respect and other values in the communities cannot be followed since individuals will make their decisions without considering other people (Kelly, Eugene, & Luis, 342). Therefore cultural relativism is invalid since it promotes immorality rather than morality in and within different individuals and societies.

Different nations have different communities with each community having different beliefs, customs and cultures. Different individuals too have different beliefs but what governs life in most communities is the given ethics found in those communities (Kelly, Eugene, & Luis, 356). For instance different countries have different beliefs having different communities that have different languages. Therefore countries come up with one national language which ensures that all people in that country regardless of the cultural background are able to communicate freely using that universal and common language. For instance smiling can be interpreted as a sign of having a good mood in most countries while it is interpreted different in other countries indicating that culture is diverse and thus people learn cultures of others and respect them. When people visit different communities they are advised to learn the different cultural beliefs and customs so that they can live peacefully (Kelly, Eugene, & Luis, 365). In addition looking at someone straight in the eyes while communicating, is considered courteous in other countries while it is considered discourteous by other countries. This indicates that different countries have different cultures and beliefs though there are similar customs shared by most communities in different countries.

Different countries are observed to share different beliefs and customs. Cultural relativism has ensured that people view the culture of other people as a wrong culture while considering their own as a superior culture (Kelly, Eugene, & Luis, 223). Cultural relativism which is practiced by some countries has given rise to cases of discriminations such as racism since people do whatever pleases them. Practices such as genital mutilation, human sacrifices, apartheid and students massacres have continued happening since cultural relativism teaches that a culture is right if the society or individuals are comfortable with it. Most people have suffered since culture has not defined whatever is right and wrong, good or bad because culture relativism has ensured that communities remain free in choosing whatever is right and wrong (Kelly, Eugene, & Luis, 330). Some beliefs are not acceptable since they are morally wrong and deprive people off their rights. For instance human sacrifice leads to loss of life which is against human rights since all people are entitled to enjoy the universal freedom of life. The opinion of individuals cannot ensure that good and bad is clearly stated therefore universal ethics and universal rights have ensured that cultures do not practice vices which are morally wrong and deprive people off their freedoms (Kelly, Eugene, & Luis, 332). 


Cultural diversity is highly encouraged but morality should be ensured since some communities practice vices that cause chaos in the society rather than bringing communities together. Therefore communities should ensure they come up with social ethics that ensure all people are respected regardless of their age, gender and social status. Cultural relativism should not be encouraged in the societies since it causes more harm to the society rather than ensuring people live in harmony and respect each other. Good and bad should clearly be defined by the cultural customs of given communities rather than individuals determining whatever is right and wrong since different people vary in the way they reason.

Work cited

Bertrand Russell. A History of Western Philosophy .New York: Simon & Schuster, 1972. Print.

Kelly, Eugene, and Luis E. Navia. The Fundamental Questions: A Selection of Readings in          Philosophy. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Pub. Co, 1995. Print.






1768 Words  6 Pages
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