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The major moral issue is whether Jacque should have reviewed the previous tests done by prior engineers?

Lab Report

Ethical Issue #1

The major moral issue is whether Jacque should have reviewed the previous tests done by prior engineers?

According to the ethics code engineers in any working organization are necessitated to analyze and review the tasks of other engineers when their job requirements necessities them to acquire more information (NSPE, 2007).

Supporting Code


RP 7b – engineers are not allowed to injure another engineer’s reputation.


The best outcome may be achieved through accounting for the public interests and developing strategies to solve the radiation issues.

The worst impact may be generated through running the reputation of Ms. Noir and the prior engineers who were involved in the activities.

Ethical Issue  #2

Another moral issue is whether Jacque should forward the information that he believes that is an illegal practice to the suitable authority in the corporation for action.

Engineers are expected to provide advice to their employer when they believe that particular initiative is not effective.

Engineers are not supposed to sign documents which deal with matters that lacks, honesty and competence that are prepared under their supervision and control (NSPE, 2007).

Supporting Code

PO 1b- engineers are to be guided all activities by the highest integrity and honesty standards.

RP 2b-  services should be guided by competence

The best outcome would thus be generated through investigation of the issue in order to establish the reason behind the prior engineers and Ms. Noir conduct.

The worst effect would be generated via bad relationships due to lack of adequate investigation into the issue

Ethical Issue  #3

The other moral issue is on whether Jacque should have gained evidence through reviewing and conducting the tests on the devices before raising his doubts.

According to the code, engineers are reinvigorated to observe and work based on sustainable development principles in the aim of protecting the surrounding for the following generations (NSPE, 2007).

Supporting Code

PO 2d- engineers are expected to strive in serving the interest of the public at all times.

Favorable results can be achieved through proper examination of the issue without judgment or quick conclusions. 

The worst outcome may be developed trying to investigate personal errors of Ms. Noir as this would ruin work relationship thus resulting in reduced performance.






NSPE. (2007). Code of Ethics For Engineers. National Society of Professionals.  Pdf      

386 Words  1 Pages
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