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Agriculture is very important to the existence and survival of human beings

Questions 1

Agriculture is very important to the existence and survival of human beings. In developing countries majority of farmers face a lot of challenges. Subsistence farmers are the most hit by the effects of climate change .In order for farmers to be sustainable, they have to grow enough food that will ensure security against climate change. They also have to balance farming and taking care of the environment that will serve them in the future. Semi-arid areas in Africa have been impacted more by climate change. Subsistence farmers depended entirely on their land and sell surplus crops  (Excellent Development, 2009).

Population growth increases pressure on land and surplus land is constantly used for farming. The semi-arid farmers have to fight climate change and soil erosion. They have mitigated soil erosion by terracing their lands. Terraces have made their land flat, preserving both soil that would have been washed away by soil erosion and water. Terraces also reduce the speed of water from by an estimated 40% to 59%.Terraces are created by subsistence farmers through self-help groups. The group dig more than 10kilometers terraces. The terraces have enabled preservation of fertile soil and water and (Excellent Development, 2009).

After digging terraces, they conserve water in seasonal river bed. This done by sand dams. Sand dams are constructed from rivers themselves. Sand dams retain water during dry seasons. A sands dam is constructed along the river bed. This allows trapping of water by concentration of sand up stream of the river. Water accumulates beneath the sand and can be accessed by digging through the sand (Excellent Development, 2009).

Trees are the third step that help subsistence farmers to preserve water. Roots hold together soil and increases their water retention ability. The coverage from leaves reduces soil temperature therefore significantly reducing the evaporating rate of moisture from the soil. Trees through evapotranspiration of leaves have increased precipitation. Birds, insects and wind that come as a result of the presence of vegetation have spread vegetation to other areas that were once dry. This has greatly reduced the effects of climate change (Excellent Development, 2009)

Question 2

If I was to select a green job, I would consider being an energy efficiency analyst. An energy efficiency analyst can fit into any cooperate setting that is business, organization or a small enterprise. The occupation falls under the category of energy auditors. The main functions are to carry out an energy audit of constructions, procedures and other systems. The job also evaluates upgrades and recommends where necessary (Staff, 2013).

Generally energy audit is meant to ensure that energy is utilized efficiently and that there is no wastage. Such a career can assist in ushering and favoring green energy which is more environmental friendly and is more renewable. Also, this care is favorable because the main drivers of climate change is the energy sector. The use of fossil fuel has contributed largely to the emission of green houses to the atmosphere. Therefore this career can play a major role in ensuring climate change is reduced by a great percentage (Staff, 2013).

Energy efficiency analyst role is to determine the usefulness or feasibly of any energy saving approaches taken. The career provides useful knowledge that elaborates on some of the ways energy can be sustained through various systematic processes. Energy efficiency analyst examines new equipment and ensures that they have the specifications necessary for saving energy. If equipment do not meet the required needs, it is the work of the energy efficient analyst to recommend techniques that can be used to save energy. Therefore this career promote sustainably and reduces pressure on non-renewable sources of energy (Staff, 2013).




















Excellent Development (2009) Sustainable Farming .thisisexcellent

Retrieved from:

Retrieved from:

Staff.P. (2013).Environmental Jobs: Green Jobs in Sustainable Development.


638 Words  2 Pages
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