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The social impacts of genetically engineered crops

Social impact paper (proposal)

The social impacts of genetically engineered crops


Genetically Modified crops are organisms that are scientifically made through the insertion of a gene into the crop that has been obtained from external sources such as bacteria, plants and animals. The aim of this technology has been to give human the ability to overcome intractable barriers (psychological) through having sufficient food for all humanity in the world.  As human population in the world is expanding, there has been a reasonable increase in production of food but also an increase in prices. By having crops with more favorable trait the natural ones, humanity can produce large quantities to feed everybody. The technology has attracted much attention especially from the media and there has been increased need for public to understand its psychological, social, cultural, financial and environmental effects.

Significance of the research

There is a feeling among many people in scientific community who feel that the positive impacts and safety of Genetically Modified crops have clearly been established. Other individuals feel that information on risks associated with this technology has been highlighted.  The issue of genetically Modified crops is very important because it affects all humans around the globe.  Given the increased pace with which the genetically modified crops production is advancing all the stakeholders including the farmers , policy makers and  consumers face the challenge of having one vision on the role of this technology in food supply.  Of more importance has been ethic issues result from human consumptions of foods that have been genetically been modified. There is a possibility that the introduction of new genes into plants may pose risks to human health, and other far reaching impacts, thus highlighting the need to focus on this topic. It does not help that information published in the media may be scientifically unfounded but believed by the most in the world population nevertheless.

315 Words  1 Pages
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