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The human activities which include the burning of fossil fuels are altering the concentration carbon dioxide into the atmosphere

Weather and Climate

  1. The human activities which include the burning of fossil fuels are altering the concentration carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. These effects can be seen in the whole natural cycling of carbon between the land, atmosphere and the oceans (Huang, 2016). The magnitude of the issue is big considering that the rate of carbon is taken up in the land and sinks in ocean will determine the amount of carbon dioxide emissions that will remain in the atmosphere. A startling fact is that only half of carbon dioxide produced and let out into the atmosphere by such activities stays there. About 9 billion tons of carbon is emitted by human being activities per year. In addition to the quantity of carbon absorbed by land in normal circumstance, another 3 billion tones is added which is quite too much.  Disorienting the role of plants and animals in the carbon cycle has an overall effect of disrupting the life on earth (Climate Literacy, 2014).
  2. The reasons offered to explain the role of human activities in disrupting carbon cycle leave me with no doubt about the changes in climate being results of such activities.  The lack of equilibrium in the land and ocean ecosystems can only be explained as such.
  3. My individual role in reducing carbon footprint involve thinking about lifestyle decisions and that way look for ways in which I can minimize their effect on carbon cycle and thus climate impact. Taking public transport rather than driving will reduce the amount of carbon released in the air. The other way is to choose energy efficient appliances which do not use carbon fuel such as microwaves.


Climate Literacy (2014).4.2 Human Perturbations of the Carbon Cycle. Retrived from:

Huang,J.(2016).Carbon Cycle. Retrived from:  



302 Words  1 Pages
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