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Rogerian (Common Ground) argument

Write an outline for the argument you will present in your first essay.

Refer back to the reading you did regarding Rogerian (Common Ground) argument.

Your outline should clearly list the following four numbered elements:

1-- State the issue clearly and unbiasedly. 

2--State the position of one side of the argument.  List the contexts in which their position is valid. Be sure to use language that is understanding and respectful.

3--State the other side of the position, and list the contexts in which it is valid.

4--Explain how the two sides share common ground.  Then, define how each side must make concessions in order to adopt a middle ground solution.  Your thesis (which is the compromise solution to the issue) goes here.


Please remember that the essay you write from this outline will probably flow in the exact four point order listed above since that order is generally the easiest, most effective way to write a common ground argument.

However, if you are very confident in your composition skills, you may choose to structure the actual draft of the essay differently if you wish. Whatever structure is chosen, though, all four points above need to be outlined and then included in the essay since they are what make the common ground argument.

212 Words  1 Pages
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