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Ernest Hemingway

Ernest Hemingway

Ernest Hemingway was a famous author who had experienced shocking events through his life.  These shocking matters in his life played a huge role in what he wrote about and the consequences of his story.  He had experience many problems on his childhood and this contributed to his individuality and wisdom for his future outcomes. He grew up in the northern Michigan where he was raised with a strong religion, hard task culture and though self determination.  Being raised in the northern, he was taught by his father how to hunt and fish while his mother brought him to church activities.  During the summer, his family spends much of their time in the woods of the northern Michigan (Frederic, 4). 

            The northern Michigan played a role in the writing of Hemingway as it put a thoughtful effect on the American writers of his life time.  Many of his tasks were viewed as the classic of America while some of them have been made into motion portraits. The northern Michigan helped him in his writing as it was a society very strict in disciplinarians.  He had tried so much in trying to evade from the code of manners in his society that was forced on him when he was still a young kid (Frederic, 16).   

            The person who is mainly interviewed in the documentary would be Liz and Jim who has fallen in love.  They both move to the end of the dock and makes love without the wish of Liz. She later walks home crying.  The similar situation happens with Hemingway where he has his first sexual encounter.  The story does not have the seduction of Hemingway and his was his first interview as he experiences the female psyche.  This was the event that fully attracts his whole career (Frederic, 52).   



Work cited

Svoboda, Frederic J. Hemingway: Up in Michigan Perspectives. East Lansing, Mich: Mich. State Univ. Press, 1995. Print.

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326 Words  1 Pages
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