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John Wayne GACY

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Criminal Profile Paper
You are to select a serial killer/criminal and explain the biological, situational and developmental factors that contributed to the criminal’s behavior. Examine their crimes and provide motive, intent, MO and Signature analysis. The paper should be 4-6 pages in length. References should be from various sources, including but not limited to textbooks, academic journals, professional journals, and web based materials (Wikipedia is not a proper source). All sources need to be properly citied, preferred APA style. You will need to email me who you will be profiling by Wednesday February 11th, 2015. . **HARDCOPY ONLY, no email submissions**

v Profile paper needs to be thorough and detailed with a comprehensive description of the subject’s background (both criminal and non- criminal).
v Seek to explain the subject criminal’s behavior utilizing techniques
and theories learned in class.
v Include information on the criminal’s M.O./Signature. Include the
offender’s motive and intent.
v Examine victimology and provide forensic victimology if victim information is availab
Adjunct    Prof    Udell    4

179 Words  1 Pages
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