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Art That Delivers Clean Water & Power

Art That Delivers Clean Water & Power

The article discusses the various competitions sponsored by Land Art Generator Initiative (LAGI) on site specific designs, with an aim of obtaining ideas that could lead to clean power generations. The 2016 competition involved designers who can come up art installations that can generate water and clean power for Santa Monica city in California.  The setting of the contest made it possible for designers to harness different powers including wind, solar, tidal and wave which could easily be intergraded with city infrastructure (Anthropocene Magazine, 2016).  The winners of the contests included Regatta H20 by Japan’s Christopher Sjobergand Ryo Saito, Cetacea by Keegan Oneal, SeanLink, Caitlin Vanhauer, Colin Poranski from University of Oregon, The Clear Orb by South Koreans Jaesik Lim, Ahyoung Lee, Jaeyeol Kim, and Taegu Lim of Seoul, Cnidaria Halitus by individuals from Callison RTKL and Catching the Wave by Canadians Christina Vannelli, Liz Davidson, and Matthew Madigan of Hamilton in that order (Anthropocene Magazine, 2016).  The Regatta H20 utilizes wind energy, Cetacea harnesses solar, wave and wind energy, Clear Orb utilizes wave and solar energy, Cnidaria Halitus harnesses tidal energy and Catching the Wave uses the wave energy. The aim is to have power plants become central part life by embracing the role of these machines on environment while looking forward to a future where well-planned cities involve designed clean energy technology (Anthropocene Magazine, 2016).

The efforts by LAGI represents a worth course that is necessary in a period where  fresh water is becoming scarce and clean energy is an essential aspect in sustaining the environment.  The design and invention of such technologies is vital in showing how innovation, culture and   improving technology role can   lead to carbon free economies through power generations that improve environment conservation efforts. By working close with relevant cities such organizations can develop solutions for challenges faced through a combination of clean energy and fresh water generation.




Anthropocene Magazine, (2016).Art That Delivers Clean Water & Power. Retrieved from:  







Biomes .Habitat with Humanity


The article discusses the idea of biomes introduced by Frederic Clements, a botanist century ago.  He argued that plants formed communities of organic units rather than responding to the environment individually. He was later to include the animals in this notion where, with the help of Victor Shelford, asserted that animals and vegetation were part of the units. Over the years, ecologists have added environmental factors into this notion (Donovan, 2016). 

However, questions have been raised over this traditional definition of biomes since it leaves out people and cities.  Individuals like Erle Ellis have argued that human influence is being ignored, given that they have been using these aspects raising the case human ecology and all of earth’s ecology has been transformed by human activity.  An important issue is whether cities can be included on to this definition, while evidence is growing that these cities may have environmental processes, animal and plant communities that are similar. Urbanization has altered various systems so that climate and peoples ways of living are becoming similar in cities from different locations.  Similarities between these cities expand to animals and plants where those in urban centers have similar characteristics in times of size and behavior(Donovan, 2016).

An inclusion of plants and animals into communities of organic units is logical given that these organisms do not live independently but normally have a symbiotic relationship which determines their behavior and characteristics.  Animals interact in units so that those with similar characteristics stick associate closely while plants with similar features growth together in an environment. These organisms interact in an environment making it a central part of biomes, since environmental factors affects organisms. Cities fit into biomes definition if humans, animals and plants living there have similarities in behavior or characteristics.


Donovan, T., (2016).Habitat with Humanity. Retrieved from:  


646 Words  2 Pages
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