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Measurement scale case study

Measurement scale case study

A measurement scale is very important in research. The scales help in coming up with an understanding about a particular subject while communicating with other people. Comparing many variables together in research requires a measurement scale in order to identify the main characters.

In this case, we will apply a nominal scale to assist in defining the various methodologies which can be implemented in the case study. The nominal scale is basically a categorization of records that are not measured nor ordered though the themes are not allocated to the distinct categorization.

The nominal scales are mostly associated with the fact that they do not contain quantitative value (GRAVETTER, & WALLNAU, 2009: pg35). Nominal scales simply present the variables which answer a ‘Yes’ or “No” question.   


Do you trust the various human resource policies of your organization? Yes, the various policies by the human resource department in the organization are trustworthy since the working on a better health care commission presents the possibility of ending the process of employee turnover.   

Do you feel that your organization has accomplished gender equality within its human resource department? Yes, the organization has accomplished in terms of gender equality as the study conducted by Nabil El-Sakka indicated that the relationship between the employees is variable. 

Are you confident of the leader-member exchange framework within the company? No, I strongly disagree with this since the relationship among the leaders is far from being good. The only confident ideology is that the employees have the advantage of better performance since the behaviors among certain employees can be handled by the human resource department in the help to have a comfortable working center.   

Has organization citizenship contributed to your diligence while working in the business? Yes, having recognition in many ways than one improves the level of business relationships. According to the P-O fit, compatibility on the basis of having a good working space is optimal.

Do you feel the company can improve its employee relation? Yes, the company can improve the employee relationship by having a leader-employee which is a focus for success. Having a leader who has established a good relationship with employees will increase the productivity of the organization.

Are comfortable with the rate of employee turnover within the company? No, the rate of employee turnover has increased exponentially and this is a drastic move that could see the business moving to the wrong direction real quick. 











El-Sakka, N. (2016): The relationship between Person-Organization Fit, burnout, and turnover     Intention among CIC academic staff.

GRAVETTER, F. J., & WALLNAU, L. B. (2009). Statistics for the behavioral sciences. Belmont, CA, Wadsworth.

Mumtaz Ali Memon1 , Rohani Salleh2 , Mohamed Noor Rosli Baharom3 and Haryaani Harun4: Person-Organization Fit and the Turnover Intervention. Department of Management and Humanities, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS Bandar Seri Iskandar, 31750 Tronoh, Perak,          Malaysia


474 Words  1 Pages
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